
My Bicolana Girl

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What is My Bicolana Girl

Lee la novela My Bicolana Girl escrita por el autor genoandres24 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Life As a Servant

Sometimes...you can cry until there's nothing wet in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen. And, still, it makes no difference. This is the story of a sick 19-year-old young man called Bin, who tasted despair ever since he was young. He became numb to the cruelty and unfairness of life yet he still lives, hoping that his little sister will live a life much better than his own. With not much time left to live due to his illness, Bin tries his best to gain some money for his sister before he leaves this godforsaken world. It all began with a coincidental meeting... two fates intertwined together, one was a poor and dying youngster and the other was a spoiled and childish girl. You can check my discord if you want to ask questions about the story. https://discord.gg/49aFUmN This story is only a stress relief and would only post when I'm free, the main focus would be my main story. WARNING: I'm just writing this for FUN, so whether it has some cliché moments or anything of the sort, Do not blame me for you have been warned. PS: For some special information, this story does not have much action, so if that is what you are looking for then I suggest you do not read. It has mainly slice of life/ Romance/ Comedy( a bit as I'm still a beginner in that) / Tragedy (not all of it but can be sad at times). Have a good read if you ever decide to try it out. Peace

TheCrow · Integral
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A Cure called Love

Drugs maybe able to cure our bodies, but what about the soul? One can recover from the deadliest disease, if he's a happy soul, but the damaged ones crumbles inside. There's only one cure for the broken souls, LOVE. "What's better than a warm bath---" Chen Xixi stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed a man lying on her bed, with his head on his palm. "Welcome back baby~" Jiang Sheng purred in a deep voice. "The fu*k you doing here?" Chen Xixi was so angry that she could faint. "Chill darling. I'm here to surprise you. Don't you like it?" "Yeah I loved it. Let me return the favor." Xixi pounced at Jiang Sheng and locked him in a choke hold. "How many times I have told you to get lost?" Xixi gritted her teeth while suffocating the man below her. "Let go you stupid girl. You'll leave marks on my beautiful neck" Chen Xixi wasn't able to hold him for a long time though. "Crazy woman! Are you that jealous of my appearance?." Sheng was checking in the mirror, on the opposite wall, if his neck had any marks. "Hah! Stop spouting nonsense and get your dumbass out of my room. You contaminated my bed with your germs. Ewww" "I'm trying to do my job ok? I was instructed to surprise my 'fan' who stays in this hostel room. It was by someone whom I can't refuse. Heavens must hate me that you're my fan." "Your fan? You've finally lost it. I'll gladly kiss a pig then to see your face one more time. Who told you I'm your fan?" "Your family." 'What the actual heck!' You're welcome to join this hate-love relationship journey of Chen Xixi and Jiang Sheng. Will they find together a cure called LOVE? Join my discord for a healthy exchange : https://discord.gg/vF9zNWDN

Prikkrang · Ciudad
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Great Lu's Lovely Wife

"Do you know Alpha and Omega?", He questioned her as he stared at her eyes that were staring at him with emotions. Su Mian shivered as she questioned her eyes. "Mian...It means The start and the end. So, I started this love Let me face the end.", He spoke as he hugged her and pulled her into his embrace. Mian was still struggling to process as she heard a loud bang and Lu Rang's small groan. She knew at this moment...she lost...she lost him...her world...her everything. She raised her head to stare at his eyes that only has her. "You...", Her voice shivered as she struggled to speak. "Live well...Now that I'm gone...you don't have to hate anyone anymore.", He smiled as he fell gracefully. His handsome face lost the glow it had and his body touched the ground mercilessly. "RANG...RANG.", Mian shouted as she couldn't believe he is no more. She didn't wanna believe it...No she isn't ready to let him go. "Mian...I was ordered to kill you. I SHALL COMPLETE MY MISSION...but it's a pity that the Great Lu Rang was dead in my hands to protect a person who hated him deeply. Mian before I shoot you let me tell you something...In the whole world only person who cherished you, loved you after your  parents death is the Great Lu Rang. Pity that you were blind enough to not see his love. Atleast beg him for forgiveness in the after world.", He spoke as he shot her. The bullet passed through her chest as her eyes fell on the man who's lying beside.   She shut her eyes. "I'm sorry...if only I could turn time back...I promise I will cherish you with all I've got. I promise to not hide my love. I promise to not act like I hate you...I promise to not be foolish again.", Mian shouted these words in her heart. What could she do...she's foolishly dying now and killed the only man who cared for her with all her got. A tear left her eyes as she lost consciousness.   "Mian...Mian...", A shout made her frown as she opened her eyes. Mian woke up from the deep slumber as she couldn't help but be vary. The door of her's opened as a beautiful lady walked into the room. "Are you serious right now? One hour and it's your exam...lazy fellow wake up.", Xi Lei's voice was high enough to shiver her to core. "Mom.", Mian called out. She couldn't believe the scene in front of her...it all seemed like a dream. "Brat...wake up when I speaking. You will get a nice beating once I come to you.", Xi lei spoke as she walked out of the room. Su Mian rushed to washroom to see her in the mirror. It wasn't dream...her face was clear as the sky. No scar...she looked gorgeous  how she was 5 years back...wait...Exam? Mom? Mian rushed out of washroom to see the date...June 5th,2019. Mian gasped...was she back in time? ...... Everything was fine...but a sudden realisation hit her. 'Wait...Isn't it today...?', she gasped. This was the day Lu Rang and she had their intimate moment. When she was back from exam as she heard elder speak about the wedding soon to happen. She created a huge scene and walked into her room. Lu Rang quickly followed her and locked her room door. Although he didn't mean to force her...he behaved weirdly as he forcefully took her innocence. "Arghh....aren't rebirth's done in middle or after this kind of incidents? Now if it repeats how should I respond?", Mian felt a headache as her blushing face couldn't be hidden. Mian pulled her thoughts together and walked upstairs. 'Oh dear god...why is my script so poorly written? You could have chosen the middle moment or the end moment but you had to choose preview out of nowhere...All the stories I have read are in vain...what should I do now? should I let him come on to me...or I should take the initiative...ahhh too much work to analyse.', Mian rushed to her door and closed it from behind. Welcome folks to the story of naughtiest female lead you could ever come across and her Wealthiest Husband who's level is equal to the god.

Mia_7400 · Adolescente
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My Beast Seeker System Sucks!!

Ten-year-old Kyle Ashford accidentally releases mystical beasts from an ancient grimoire known as the Eldritch Bestiary and named the Beast Seeker. He must tame the mystical beasts to save humanity from the evil witch who aims to set the mortal word in collision course with the spirit world in order to build a realm with no boundary where beasts and shadows rule. ______________________________________________________________________ Excerpt: "You, Kyle, are a Beast Seeker," the book began, its voice taking on a more serious tone. "Your mission is to capture mystical beasts and seal them back into me so they do not interfere with the physical world. You are one of many Beast Seekers chosen for this task." "Yeah, obviously," I said sarcastically. "Anything else I should have already figured out?" "Quite right, Captain Obvious," the book responded with a hint of sarcasm. "Moving on. Let's discuss the power system. In this realm, your abilities are quantified in a LitRPG fashion. You have stats such as Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and so on. These stats will increase as you complete tasks and capture beasts." "Okay, so it's like a video game?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.  "Exactly," said the book. "Well, this is becoming too cliche now isn't it?" I snickered. "Blame it on your poor life choices of playing video games instead of studying, Kyle. Eldritch's magic programs this realm to reflect the seeker's interest which in your case, video games. But instead of pixels, you're dealing with real, magical creatures that can and will try to eat you," the book said cheerfully. "Now, onto the reward system. For every beast you capture, you earn Ability Points (AP). These points can be spent on new abilities that will be added to your inventory for you to level up." ______________________________________________________________________

Phoenix_Marco · Fantasía
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