
Lost Luna

Contemporary Romance
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What is Lost Luna

Lee la novela Lost Luna escrita por el autor debbieintrigue publicada en WebNovel. " You can't protect her, no one can " " There's only one way to stop this apocalypse, the child must die " Yuro, chief of the dreul clan is one of the most respected in the entire clan, his subject...


" You can't protect her, no one can " " There's only one way to stop this apocalypse, the child must die " Yuro, chief of the dreul clan is one of the most respected in the entire clan, his subjects follow him blindly, and so does his children, his eldest son, a true definition of a man, is the pride of his father, bethroted to Lyla a charming Luna of an equally respected family, she is a fierce, a warrior, but a deadly dagger in battle, their marriage would form an alliance that would secure the safety of both their clans, however nothing goes right when yuro develops a sudden hatred for his twin sister Maple, despite being a girl, maple had always over shadowed him in almost virtually everything, skill, wit and heart, and as his father soon starts to discover, it is clear that he won't be a wise idea to give him the title of chief, his rage would never let him lead wisely, and so before his eyes, destiny choses his sister. Lost in hate and pure anger towards her, he hatches a ploy, after Lyla manipultes him against her, and they both come together with a plan to kill Maple.

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IN LOVE WITH TWO BROTHERS Beginning Stella was coming out of the kitchen when Diane slide in front of her and she fell down with the plate of food in her hand . She started crying again, though this isn't the first time Diane is doing this, and right now she feel maltreated just like other days. "What's your problem are you blind??"Diane yelled standing up, she looked at Cynthia who was sitting on the couch and they started laughing. "What have I done... Diane what did I do wrong to deserve this?"Stella said hiccupping as she cried. "You don't know what you did, You hell bitch"Diane yelled and slapped her , Stella hold her cheeks quickly as tears rolled down her cheeks. Their mom rushed out immediately. "What is going on here?"she said and Diane bursted into tears immediately, "Mum Stella slapped me and still threw insult at me, "she said and her mom's eyes widened. "Stella how dare you, after slapping and insulting my daughter you still have the guts to fake a cry, it won't work this time, your tricks won't work this time around I must punish you I assure"Mrs Anita said and hold Stella's hand who was crying Heavily. Diane stucked out her tongue as she laughed silently at her back until Mrs Anita took Stella into the room Soon screams and bangs are heard as Stella started screaming while Mrs Anita hit her. "You are always after Stella what did she do to you?"Cynthia said staring at Diane who walked to the couch. "Yes I hate her so much I swear because she is not my blood and I just hate her with passion!"She replied and sit down before holding her hair . Just what you read here, yeah it's what you think.... Stella is a maid here,she is 21 years old, Mrs Anita brought her to the house when she was 7 and by then Diane was Just 4 years old. The main reason Mrs Anita brought her home is to take care of Diane, because by then Cynthia was 5 . Now Diane grew up to hate Stella so much, with no reason, Stella was the one who took care of her like taking her to school, play with her whenever Mrs Anita isn't at home. But everything had a turn around when The two sisters grew up. Cynthia don't have time for all that right now , but she also gets at Stella In her on ways. Now what happens when Stella finished her High school and no way for going into the Higher institution. But she finally met The two brothers? What will be her faith? Can someone guess what will happen? don't miss.

HumbleDoctor · Adolescente
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A great book, I must confess. 😊 I just hope I don't get too lost in this book's world. 🤤 A must read for err'one that loves good books which I guess is everyone! ❤️


An amazing book, top notch, keeps you at the edge of your seat, a real mood changer, i will encourage each and every one of you, werewolf fans out there to give it a try, most certain that you won't regret it😁😁😁😁😁😌😌😌😌


A werewolf story that I believe everyone should read, adventure packed, fun-filled, so many mysteries waiting to be unravelled. It's a thrilling book for everyone


This was intriguing, it made me keep reading. The grammatical errors weren't as bad as some I've seen on here. Also there were several repeated sentences. Besides this, well written and can't wait for the rest to be posted.


I loved the book so much and the characters are so relatable, who would have thought werewolves were so similar to humans 😊😊😂. keep up the good work author.


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