
Lost Luna

" You can't protect her, no one can " " There's only one way to stop this apocalypse, the child must die " Yuro, chief of the dreul clan is one of the most respected in the entire clan, his subjects follow him blindly, and so does his children, his eldest son, a true definition of a man, is the pride of his father, bethroted to Lyla a charming Luna of an equally respected family, she is a fierce, a warrior, but a deadly dagger in battle, their marriage would form an alliance that would secure the safety of both their clans, however nothing goes right when yuro develops a sudden hatred for his twin sister Maple, despite being a girl, maple had always over shadowed him in almost virtually everything, skill, wit and heart, and as his father soon starts to discover, it is clear that he won't be a wise idea to give him the title of chief, his rage would never let him lead wisely, and so before his eyes, destiny choses his sister. Lost in hate and pure anger towards her, he hatches a ploy, after Lyla manipultes him against her, and they both come together with a plan to kill Maple.

debbieintrigue · Ciudad
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15 Chs


I had been focused on finding Goku ever since he ran after Loden, but I couldn't find him anywhere, it was as if he had suddenly disappeared, vanished into thin air. But maybe I was over exaggerating.

As if that wasn't enough I noticed a couple of boys staring at me, these ones weren't familiar, but they had probably gone for the rituals with Goku and the others, I could tell from the way they bared their chest and exposed their hard abs, they were up to no good, but I had other priorities, however, all that was history the moment I felt someone grab my hand.

I turned around only to find one of the boys from earlier, he had a satisfied grin on his face, one I was about to slap off.

" Hello, " he said calmly.

What confidence! I thought to myself, I didn't respond, instead I looked at him questioningly, but he continued talking anyway.

" The name's Dorn, " he said, again I didn't reply, but looked down at his hand still holding mine, he immediately got the message and pulled away, " sorry " he said, taking his hand off mine, how I wanted to slap him across the face, but instead I just turned to leave.

" Hey, hey, hold on, why are you in such a hurry to leave, " he said grabbing my hand again, and then took two steps forward, he locked eyes with mine " I'd really like to get to know you better " he said with a grin, that was it, i was all out of patience, I pulled my hand away from his forcefully, and glared at him, you'd think he'd get the message.

" You're feisty... I like that " he said, grinning even wider, he reached for my hair and draped a finger through it, " anything else you'd like to show me ? " he asked .

Not just anything, I was going to show him plenty, I immediately grabbed his hand away from my hair, and pushed him away, he staggered back, I could see the other wolves he sat with earlier getting excited, they cheered him on not to succumb to a girl, then I looked back at him, he had that same disgusting grin on his face.

" You're strong, " he said, and came even closer to me, " makes me want to know what other things you're capable of ", this time he ran his eyes up and down my body, but before he locked eyes with me again, I landed a slap on his face that made him look elsewhere.

I heard the others flinch, some shouted mockingly, and all the while I just watched him, his jaw clenched, I saw his tongue move against the skin of his mouth, right before he spat on the grass, I was just getting started.

He had chewed off more than he could swallow, I was ready to take on anyone, at least that was what I thought, until it happened.

The strangest thing I had ever seen, as soon as he turned to look at me, I noticed a golden glint in his eyes, not that I cared, but his eyes had been brown a minute ago, but now they were a frightening hazel color, could this be one of the stages of the turning ? was he about to turn and rip me to shreds ? these questions raced within my mind as I just stood there temporarily paralyzed, maybe the reverse was the case, maybe I was the one who had bitten off more than I could swallow.