
Lost Luna

" You can't protect her, no one can " " There's only one way to stop this apocalypse, the child must die " Yuro, chief of the dreul clan is one of the most respected in the entire clan, his subjects follow him blindly, and so does his children, his eldest son, a true definition of a man, is the pride of his father, bethroted to Lyla a charming Luna of an equally respected family, she is a fierce, a warrior, but a deadly dagger in battle, their marriage would form an alliance that would secure the safety of both their clans, however nothing goes right when yuro develops a sudden hatred for his twin sister Maple, despite being a girl, maple had always over shadowed him in almost virtually everything, skill, wit and heart, and as his father soon starts to discover, it is clear that he won't be a wise idea to give him the title of chief, his rage would never let him lead wisely, and so before his eyes, destiny choses his sister. Lost in hate and pure anger towards her, he hatches a ploy, after Lyla manipultes him against her, and they both come together with a plan to kill Maple.

debbieintrigue · Ciudad
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15 Chs


As soon as I uttered those words, Theo's eyes widened in disbelief, he took a careful look at me, and then he did something I hadn't expected, he smiled and turned to leave.

Like I would let him leave so easily, I picked up a branch and threw it at him, but he caught it before it even hit him, and worse was that he didn't even have to turn around to catch it.

" A branch ? " he said and then turned around, " seriously ? what are you planning to do, give me a migraine ? " he said, giving me a questioning look.

" There's plenty more where that came from " I warned him, he of all people knew I never gave in easily whenever I had set my mind to do something, and right now, that was winning this fight .

" It's not a brawl Maple, I'm not your enemy, " Theo said after noticing the serious demeanor I had crafted on my face.

" You're right, it isn't a brawl, but that's even more reason why I should take it seriously, my opponent would never hold back on me, you taught me that, just as they wouldn't, you shouldn't either, ready when you are " I finished off my speech, hoping to have convinced Theo to continue the fight. It worked, because he threw the branch to a corner and turned to me.

" And what do I get in return if i win ? " he asked slyly.

" Don't be too confident, the fight hasn't even started yet " I said.

" But then we both know how it will turn out in the end " he replied, with that annoying grin of his.

" Fine, if you win, I'll grant you anything you ask for , " I said, before even thinking about the words, " but if I win, you will have to do anything I say ", I didn't even think it through before babbling as usual.

He didn't say anything at first, but from the way he grinned moments after, I knew he liked the deal.

" Fair enough " he said, and just then I launched at him.

I should've waited for him to attack, but I was far too eager to prove myself, that I attacked first, I threw a few blows, and a couple more, he just blocked and ducked when I threw the punches, I had a feeling he was holding back on me, and I let him have it all, finally I managed to land a punch on his face, and I saw blood trickle down his lips, a feeling of pride and guilt swept over me at the same time, but i shook it off quickly.

He wiped the blood off his lips with the back of his hand, and seemed to stare at it for a moment, I couldn't tell if he was angry or hurt, and he definitely wasn't showing anything, but then a smile curved on his face, and I couldn't boast about how that made me feel.

" Impressive, perhaps I underestimated you, " he said looking at me with those piercing emerald green eyes of his.

" I guess you're not as invisible as you thought you were " I responded, but he chuckled softly.

" I never said I was invisible Maple, you only assumed that because of the number of times I repeatedly beat you " he responded, taunting me to the core.

I resented not having been a mature wolf then, I would have torn him to pieces.

" Don't hold anything back, and I'll try not to bruise you " I said preparing myself for his attack.

" I'll try not to " was his response, and as soon as he said this he launched at me, I tried as much as possible not to let my stance fall, I knew I boasted earlier, but now I wished I had taken that rest when he offered it, I knew if I let myself fail now he would probably never make me forget about it, and there was no way I was going to let that happen.

My hair was loose now and part of it fell across my face, but that didn't stop me, I wanted to kick him but instead he held my leg and pushed me back, I tried to maintain my balance but something behind my left feet kept me from doing so, in no time my hands reached for the kinds of support every falling person hoped to find but inevitably never found, and then I felt my body fall helplessly, I anticipated the impact and prepared myself for it as my body would eventually hit the ground, I closed my eyes in anticipation, ' this was going to hurt. '

Just when I thought I would flinch in pain, a pair of hands gripped my waist, and I sensed a shadow towering over me.

Beating me in combat was one thing, but saving me from falling? that was something else entirely, embarrassment the likes I could not bear.

Finally opening my eyes, I found a pair of piercing ocean blue eyes staring back at mine, they held so much concern just by the way they looked at me, as if I was a fragile tea pot that would break if it hits the ground.

I barely recognized the figure that towered over me, holding me with a firm grip from hitting the ground.

At first I thought it was Theo, I don't even know why I thought he would save me from falling, when he was the one who made me fall in the first place.

Goku however was no stranger, he had been one of my closest friends back when we were children, he always had my back then, and even now he still had my back, even though this time it was more literal than before, but he had gone away to prepare with the other young wolves for the turning rituals, Goku may have been my close friend, but he was a few years older than I was, and now he had returned as a full fledged wolf.

" Maple ? are you alright " Goku asked, seeing as I wasn't saying anything.

" Goku ? " the words finally came out, though almost the same as a whisper, disbelief flooding my tone as he helped me to my feet, I wanted to be angry at him, to ask him why he had without saying goodbye, but that could wait, " Goku ! it's really you, you're back " I was so happy to see him after such a long time, I didn't hesitate to throw my arms around him in a hug.

" I am " he smiled.

" You look... " I allowed my eyes wash over his body, as his abs and chest muscles hugged tightly to the black shirt he wore, his face looked more chiseled, and there was just so much manliness to him now than there ever was before.

" Different ? " he said, finishing my sentence.

" Yes " I replied, not even trying to hold my excitement.

" Well you look different too Maple, you're a grown woman now " he said smiling.

" When did you get here ? " I asked

" A few hours ago, I asked after you and your father said I would find you here "

" Ahem ! "

I had been so excited, I almost forgot about Theo.

" Goku, this is Theo, " I said as he walked up to us.

" Hello Theo " Goku said, holding out his hand to Theo for a handshake.

" Nice to meet you " Theo replied, taking his hand, " hope your journey back wasn't too stressful ? "

" It was, but ... "

I didn't give Goku the chance to complete his sentence before pulling him away.

" But... as your best friend, I get to know all about the details first, before.. anyone else, " I said, making a face at Theo, who couldn't help but roll his eyes.

" Alright, alright, I promise to give you all the exclusive details before anyone else .

" Good, so we have an agreement " I said as we walked back home.

I was happy Goku had returned home, it had been so long since we had seen each other, but little did I know that my happiness would be short-lived, it was going to fade away faster than I had ever expected, as fast as it had come.