
Hell- Wedding [edited]

/ ti ti ti ti ti- ti ti ting ting- ting ting ting ti ti ti ti ti- ti ti ting ting- ting ting ting/ [chapter for date 26]


The lift door opened- as the melody stopped with it.

"Ah- stuck to the costume- we are gonna change that-" Bruce nodded His identity was not exactly a secret among them- given Lucifer knew him and back home all of the justice league and even some villains were privy of the fact that he was Batman.

Fire engulfed him- changing his Bat attire into a formal one. (insert- Robert pattinson suit image from the batman)

"Bruce Wayne is-was Batman!" Except Lucifer, and his brother everyone else was surprised.

"Well aren't you a surprise! let me introduce you to others" He turns to thee workers "rest of you demon- lot- get back to work." The demons gruffed and continued decorating.

"Well you have already met Rory Morningstar- my daughter from the future. She has those glistening demon blade wings- they could certainly be charming and dangerous- quite a good combo." Bruce walked with Lucifer.

"This is my brother Amenadiel- but you know him- he is the new god and pastor for- this whole wedding thing- You don't even want to know how they enticed me to be a part of- this- quite an irony- the devil being tied up in a holy bond."


"Amenadiel" they both acknowledged each other and Lucifer continued.

"This is Linda- my therapist and the wife of my brother here- she is also the mother of my nephew- expect that she is sleeping. Expected- with all the sleep she had been robbed by the said nephew- really children- hideous little creatures, terrible, taxing burdens."

*Ahem* He turns.

"And this is my lovely bride to be- Chloe. Chloe- this is-"

"Yes I know- Mr. Wayne- apologies for um... well Lucifer antics- he had told me of his adventures with you in the nights and demons." She glares at Lucifer "And thanks for coming-"

"I am honored to attend this event as the Best man of the groom" Bruce rummages the bag he had bought along with him.

"There was no need to-"

*Fire razes*

"Bloody hell- and there I was panicking for the last few years where the Flaming Sword had vanished off." Lucifer was surprised as Bruce gets the Flaming sword- the one that had the ability to cut anything out of existence out of his gift bag.

"This is for you." He passes the sword to Chloe- Amenadiel stands surprised on the podium.

"You had given the flaming sword to a mortal?" He asks Lucifer.

"I did not had a bloody clue it was with him." Lucifer defends himself- he turns to Bruce "It did not work as expected in your new home- did it?" Bruce replies in a small nod.


"I did not bother find it after there was no case of people disappearing and not coming to hell "

"I always had the sword with me- after the whole Lucifer misplacing it among humans and angel wars."

"Your lack of trust in me perplexes me Bruce."

"I trust you, just not enough for you to have this in your hands- this is better with her now and-" Bruce rummages around his bag once more- to get a class bottle out of it- and another. "This is for the groom"

"Is that?"

"Cire Perdue - Grimaldi 1802- last of its kind after you broke one of the original four." Lucifer takes the liquor and kisses the glass bottle.

"I am actually hurt that you hid this beauty from me!"

"AND YOU ARE NOT ANGRY THAT HE HAD THE FLAMING SWORD WITH HIM?" He turns back at Amenadiel. "Ah its not a big deal- the sword is in safe hands now anyways."

Amenadiel continued his complaining as the wedding was oved forward.

"Lucifer" Bruce threw the blood vial to Morningstar- he caught it. and then another.

"I am dying"

"Well- I just have the right place in hell for you"

"I want to remove the demon influence from the blood in the left vial" Lucifer opened the vial- and quickly closed it. "That is some ill smiling Mary right there- not even hangover are those hateful"

"Where did you get this?"

"Back new home."

"Well let me see if Maze can do something- I do not want to touch this unless absolutely necessary- now leave that and all work outside- I need my best man inside with me."



"Welcome everyone. My brother Lucifer and friend Chloe have chosen you, those special and important to them, to witness and celebrate the beginning of their life together. Today, as we create this marriage, we also create a new bond and new sense of family - one that will undoubtedly include all who are present here today."

"Love should have no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if your love and needs must *Ahem* *Ahem* "-have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody-" *Ahem* *Ahem* "- to the night." *Ahem* "Okay Okay- I see what you are doing here Lucy." Amenadiel turns.

"Do you Chloe Decker, take Samael, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?" Lucifer looked at Amenadiel with a strange expression. "I did not name you Samael." Amenadiel counters.

"I take Lucifer Morningstar, I do." Lucifer smiled- finally having someone who loved him for who he was- the imperfect devil- but it was the imperfection that bonded him with Chloe- she made him vulnerable- he wanted to be vulnerable around her.

"Do you, Samael, take-"

"I whole heartedly do." He kisses her. "I love you Detective" "I know" They smile at each other. Amenadiel puts his hand up to complain- "You may kiss the bride- which you are doing already- seriously-" but Linda takes him off the podium- knowing the two love birds were not listening.

Bruce did not do much in the whole thing standing beside Lucifer during the whole ordeal- but his contribution in just attending was found to be fulfilling in Lucifer's account. Going back, Lucifer offered him to stay, which he declined. Rory gifted him with one of her Wing-shard knowing Batman liked to be resourceful.

They snapped photos- Rory, Trixie and Bruce, Lucifer Chloe, Trixie and Rory, Lucifer Chloe, Rory, Trixie, Amenadiel, Linda and Amenadiel's son, and many more.

The last one with everyone was given to Bruce as a hard copy.




Lucifer got him back up from hell "Here you are- back to Vegas."


"I thought Batman does not Thank people- or ask for forgiveness for that matter."

"He does when it is overdue." He smiles.

"Well I will be back in about" Lucifer checks his watch "A month- with this blood. I am sure I could get Maze hooked into this- otherwise in the worst case I would look into this personally- given its nasty nature." He pockets the vial "I still have that personalized room in hell booked for you."

"I will take you for that offer on a later date."

"Well- thats it. I am going... on honeymoon period- however long it may last." Lucifer expands his wings "The chipped tip of the flaming sword did not go unnoticed, Bruce."

Morningstar leaves for hell.




[Aim-1 Million overall views or top 10 power ranking in next week (between 24/06/2023 to 2/07/2023

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