
Only I Am a Necromancer

Author: Jijumjang
Completed · 3.3M Views
  • 519 Chs
  • 4.4
    614 ratings
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What is Only I Am a Necromancer

Read ‘Only I Am a Necromancer’ Online for Free, written by the author Jijumjang, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: It was just one of those ordinary college class sessions when all of a sudden, texts and quest cards started popping up ...


It was just one of those ordinary college class sessions when all of a sudden, texts and quest cards started popping up in the air. While everybody is flustered by the strange situation, all the lights go dark and the lecture room is engulfed in pitch darkness. Panicked, everybody is afraid of reaching out and taking the quest cards, but not the main character, Seong-woo: He instinctively realizes that he has to pick a card to survive, and he chooses to become a necromancer. Soon after, a tutorial quest appears, and the entire school turns chaotic. Suddenly, goblins pop out everywhere and start slaughtering people. Survivors find it hard to adjust themselves to all the sudden changes, but Seong-woo overpowers one of the goblins by using his necromancy skill and starts to complete the quest given to him. Seong-woo continues to grow his power and so does a number of his followers. He is surrounded by the forces of death that vow loyalty to him, as well as talented followers and trustful colleagues, but he is challenged by numerous villains in addition to a system that threatens to degenerate all of humanity. In a world that is facing a change that it has never experienced before, a necromancer destroys everything with his committed forces!

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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I will vote for this just for the fact that it is about a necromancer and I hope that you will too. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ♪~(´ε` )(^3^♪₍₍◞( •௰• )◟₎₎


we need more Korean novels, this ^$;$6$&$* of webnovel already destroyed Gravity Tales, fucking all of us up, at least give us korean webnovels, Chinese one are always too nationalist and racist, always when there's a foreigner in Chinese novels its there to make cun of him, instead on Korean novels like Overgeared there's people from all over the world all collaborating, also in Chinese novels they lack a lot of common sense, like starting an electric car and it sounds like a combustion car, reading those kind of things makes you feel like slapping them to death, electric cars it doesnt make sound, its the same as turning on your phone, thats it, or in "The City Of Terror", the author is super racist against foreigners, saying all foreign women over 30 are fat and have "big pores" on the skin, so please, give us Korean novels. where we dont have to endure so much bull****.


I hope this does not turn too cliché because the cover just looks BAD THE FUCK ASS. I will change my review once I read enough of it. 🔥🔥


This novel is so, SO childish... all the situations / conversations seem imagined by a teenager who writes what he thinks is cool + there seems to be a great desire to embarrass certain characters... I would bet the author is a teenager and those antagonists are "inspired" by people he hates in real life.


Dunno where all these glowing reviews come from, but this novel is honestly kinda bad by its own "merit"; and translation puts the final nail in the coffin (pun intended). - there are times when it is borderline unreadable, with borked grammar and straight up chunks of text missing. - a lot of things are never mentioned, then suddenly pop up in such a way where you are somehow expected to know them prior. - particular things just keep randomly transforming, like the item's rank can be stated as "general", then "common" two paragraphs later, and on the next page it switches to lettering and becomes "D" rank. - a >>NECROMANCER<< outright hates his own summons (undead in general really) and treats them like shit, as they do all the work while he passively stands and does nothing; which is made infinitely worse since the summons somehow possess sweet puppydog childlike personalities instead of simply being mindless puppets. - the supposed recently discharged "special forces military officer" protagonist has below-average stats and is struggling (physically AND mentally) with a single lvl.1 gobbo that is the size of a kindergartener. - I'm honestly aren't against thick plot armor if it is played for laughs or is at least used sparingly, but it's pretty apparent that this is a self-insert with how the universe bends over backwards and showers protagonist with goodies and lucky encounters every two pages while he becries how cruel and unfair the world is. There's no explanation. He's not a regressor, not a time traveller, doesn't possess a lucky aura artefact and isn't sleeping with a goddess. It just is what it is. Every two pages. What even. - the living sidekicks of MC are just... Yeah... Let's just say that you are in for a treat with those. - <a dozen more complaints of the petty kind, that I'm too lazy to type in>


This novel was finally picked, so I decided to give it a chance and read it. I now understand why no editor wanted to pick this up. The grammar is horrendous. Whichever group or person translated these 60 trial chapters, please don't use them anymore. The wording is too janky, The dialogue makes it seem like 5 year olds are talking, every other paragraph has a poorly structured run on sentence. I know most of the webnovel community doesn't care much for proper grammar and wording or else vampire system wouldn't have been at the top of the rankings for the past half year, but come on guys; This is unbearable to read.


How is nobody talking about how bad this translation is? So many awkward out of place sentences, short sentences that make little sense in the context, and a hell of a lot of awkward phrasing like "Sungwoo screamed sharply, but he decided to challenge the monster rather than flee because he recalled the bloody man who was stabbed by the monster on its back."


I want more Necromancer books, so this gets my votes.


I will give every one of this events novel 1 point because you announce an event but you dont even bother to conclude it what is wrong with webnovel


I don't know why this novel is still not selected. it has most followers, reviews,high rating. but it staying here without picking up. I don't understand what is criteria for selection???


After 2 months this novel is still on trial holy Mother of God. Save this novel from trial zone, a good novel like this isn't suppose to be stuck in trial read.


This is one of the korean novel thingy 3 months ago which never happened. This is my favorite in this trial read. This korean novel is good and I have been waiting for it since the korean novel event was released. Im happy that it's back.


so its been a whole week with no update, for a translation that had only been going on for several weeks. The translator just suddenly chose to stop updating and from what i can see he is currently piling chapters for privelege bonus, which from what i caught on was supposed to not impact the normal release rate, not to mention the low quality of the translation itself. made me wonder wheres the integrity of this translator, such a waste of good novel.


I'm just going to warn enyone reading this that I've slept for less than 3 hours on average for a whole week. This review will be incoherent and not grammatically correct. Character design: Extremely childish mc, everything falls into his lap and everyone else is either designated followers or idiotic villains. The rest is just an expendable peanut gallery, which will get killed off over and over again. Worse than that, to have the mc monopolize all the exp and boss fights, the universe adds whatever bs reasoning necessary. All of his choices are always correct. Everyone who chooses other paths die. His fighting is "flawess and epitome of being efficient". Why this is the case is not explained at all - it must be attributed to the mc being awesome. He himself is "overwhelmingly smart" (and does "much smart very brain" moves). He also is edgelordy to the extreme. World background: Well, we know that he starts out in a school. The school itself is located in a city, which also contains some woods and a gym. This is literally the only description we've gotten so far. There are no mentions of any details. Heck, all we know of the characters is that the girl wears a red tracksuit - that's it. Translation quality: I cannot actually claim with 100% certainty that the translation is bad. The original text could perhaps be of blame too? However, the quality is nonetheless still poor. We also get these minor errors that make little sense. The mc's sidekick uses throwing daggers as his weapon. After three hours since the "game" (or whatever this is) starts, he gets progressively better at throwing these daggers. Here, we get the description that the sidekick is improving his skill day-by-day. Which makes little sense, considering how it's still the first fricking day. Nevertheless, the text is indeed readable. It's just very flawed. Story development: So far I've just seen clichés (but implemented in the poorest manner possible). It's like the author tried to take Sovereign of Judment and mix it with an arbitrary Korean Necromancer story. In the end we get this awful mixture, built upon bad clichés. It's not hard to predict how the story will proceed. Judgement: Honestly, if you have nothing else to read it is alright. It's not the worst story. It is however, very childish and plotarmored. Don't expect much from it and your expectations won't shatter.


I want to choose this but I am wary of it. Reading the synopsis makes me feel like this is like only I level up but with omniscient reader's point mixed in. Hopefully it doesn't end up being a pale reminder of the two.


Finally selected!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Hey well I think this will be good but I might be wrong but what if I’m not wrong and it’s 🔥then you will regret not reading it earlier and feel bad for judging based on the cover and other things when you haven’t seen or read the story


This novel is a VERY solid mid-tier novel. I, personally love necromancers and whether it's gaming or stories, will always be one of the first to pick it solely due to it being such an interesting way to explore any world a necromancer is in. Only I am a Necromancer's good points is that it has a solid sense of direction. You can sense that the author knows how he wants his story to end up and you can feel relatively comfortable reading it without finding any confusing plot points at time of writing this. Another point would be that there is enough character interactions to make the world feel lively and full without even taking into account the constant fighting. Here are my issues with this novel. Characters Motivation: We have absolutely zero idea what is motivating the MC and his compatriots. Besides the linear reasoning of, "Saving humanity and as many people as I can", we have no sense of deeper motivation. We don't know what he wants or what pushes him to carry out his goals. There's no sense of details to the characters. Character Design: The villains and notable characters are extremely stereotypical. They all fall under categories of, "The White Knight who wants to save everyone", "The Mad Scientists", "Mysterious figure who towers above everyone - somehow - and no one is sure if they're a foe or friend", "The comic relief sidekick", "The badass female sidekick who kicks everybody's ass", etc. The characters are definitely one dimensional. They all feel like something I've read tens of thousands of time. People are good just for the sake of being good. People are evil just for the sake of being evil. There's no distinction or anything unique about the characters or their personalities in any way, shape or form. Plot: This is probably my biggest gripe with the novel. The pacing is terrible. If you're someone who rarely reads books or is new to this kind of world and writing style then perhaps you won't see an issue but, quite honestly, this has one of the worst pacings I've seen in a novel. SO many really awesome things happen in this novel in regards to plot points. The issue is, there's ZERO build-up. It just randomly occurs and happens casually. There's nothing to get you anticipating or left on the edge of your seat. One second he's in trouble, the next second he's turned it around by an awesome unexpected development/power-up that happens so casually, you're just left feeling the exact same way you did a few seconds prior.


normally i wouldve recomended this book since its a korean novel as all the korean novels ive read are all good, for example necromancer at seol station, omnicient reader, overgeared etc. but this, this is bullshit. author cant write for shit while translator barely knows what he is doing, ive started reading this shit of a story with high energy only to be sucked dry by bad translations and bad story background. if you guys stick to this good for you but i wouldnt since it will tire your brain trying to understand it. ive read paragraph comments just to hope to see anyone explain shit.


great story hopefully its able to be translated further. ___________________________________________________________________________________


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