
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

City of Gold


"…I-It's true" Ian was looking dumbfounded at the ancient, golden city before us.

"City of gold!" I exclaimed as I quickly made my way inside 'Let's get this done with'.

"You can guys go look around the place, I'll come and find when I'm finished!" I said to everyone, then I proceeded to approach one of the shiny buildings and placed down the huge barrel that I was carrying.

'Here we go!' I placed my hand on the wall and released fire from my palm. After a few seconds later, the gold started melting and pouring down on the ground, I quickly grabbed the barrel and started filling it with it.

I kept repeating the same thing until, the barrel was completely full.

After I finished, there was still a ton of gold waiting to be taken "I should've brought something bigger" I scratched my head in frustration as I carried the golden barrel on my back again and made my way to the rest of the crew.

"Captain, you finished!" Yamamoto said, as he approached me.

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah, I went to explore alone…By the way captain, I find something weird in one of the houses" he said while leading the way.

"Yamamoto…I know this is all of a sudden…"


"You never told me how you ended up in Nishi Land working under the Isami Family, you said you didn't have any parent" I was curious to know his back story, it was weird to see a kid work for a gang, something most have happen to him.

"I…" He facial expressions changed, he looked sad while walking with his head down.

"You don't have too if you feel uncomfortable"

"No, I trust you captain. Even though I haven't been sailing with you for a long time, I feel a strong bond with you guys" He stop for a moment before he continued "When I was a kid, the children in my town were all kidnaped one day including me…"

"It was the world government, they said they were going to train us to become soldier" he said then added "But…One day they found out something strange about my body"

'I think I know where this is going' I thought, as I listened to him carefully.

"They said my body is much stronger and heals much faster than normal" he said while looking at his hands "So, one day I woke up and I found myself wrapped in ch-chaines…"

'That's fucked up…' I looked at him in petty, there was nothing I could do at this moment.

"Then they k-kept…k-kept…" He couldn't finish his sentence as tears started to pour down.

"You don't have to say the details" I said to him while I patted his head. He wiped his tears after that and continued.

"One day they tried to transport all the test subject to another lab, but the ship was suddenly attacked on the way, and we somehow managed to escape. I kept trying to survive sailing from place to place by sneaking into random ships until I found myself in Nishi Land…The Isami Family discovered my power and said that they would give me a place to live there if I work for them"

"What about your devil fruit power?"

"I can't remember, I might have eaten it somewhere by mistake"

"What about know? What do you want to do?" I asked him. He went silence thinking about it for a moment before he gave me an answer.

"I want to go back to my hometown and see my parent…If they are still alive" he said with a sad face.

"You know…If you ever need something you could always come to me, I'll help you" I said in a genuine tone "You could consider me like a big brother, or something like that" He looked at me in surprised when I said that before he turned the other way and tried to hide his smile.

"T-Then…" He stopped and turned back to me while clenching his fists "Please train me so I could be as strong as you!" He said with a determined look.

'Not bad!' I thought as I observed him with smile "I like your spirit…Do you think you can handle it? I won't go easy on you"

"Yes! I will do anything you say to get stronger!"

"Good! Then the training will start as soon as we leave Sky Island!"

After we finished our conversation, Yamamoto led me to a house that contains a Poneglyph. It was the one that has the message to find the second Shandorian Poneglyph, located in the Golden Belfry.

We met up with rest of the crew after that and climbed Giant Jack, the giant beanstalk in the center of the Upper Yard.

[Shandorian Golden Belfry],

"Amazing!" Ian approached the bell.

"It's shiny" Diana commented.

"What's that?" Calvin pointed at the blue Poneglyph, then proceeded to approach it "There is something written in it, but I can't understand what it is"

"It must be some kind of artifact" Ken said.

"It's a Poneglyph" I said, everyone turned their attention to me when I said that.


"They contain information about history" I stated.

"History you mean…" Calvin looked at me with a serious expression.

"Yes, before the world government exist" Calvin proceeded to light a cigarette before he spoke to me again.

"To think such a thing exist…I only heard that the government forbids researching about it" he said then added "But what are they trying to hide?"

"Do you want to know?" I asked him.

"I'm just curious, you seem to know a lot about it"

"Yeah, tell us more, you grabbed my interest" Diana said while eagerly waiting for me to spit more information.

"I don't know that much either, like I said it contains information about history. 900 years ago, there was a Great Kingdom that ruled the world before it was destroyed by the twenty kingdoms" Everyone looked shock at the information that I casually told them.

"A Great a Kingdom…this the first time I hear something like that" Calvin said.

"No shit, you would be dead by know if you did. Anyway the 100 years that follows, is what is called the void century, it's a long gap in history that was erased by the world government"

"Man, my head hurts!" Ian looked confused at the information that I was presenting.

"If that's the case, then something very important must have happened in those hundred years, that the word government doesn't want people to know about" Calvin assumed, as he observed the Poneglyph in interest "What I can't understand is why the world government hasn't destroyed them if that's the case?"

"These things are indestructible" I stated.

"Really? Let's see if it can take a punch" Ian said while cracking his knuckles and proceeded to approach it.

"You'll only hurt your hand"

Ian didn't listen to me and proceeded to throw a barrage of punches at the Poneglyph.

"See, I told they are indestructible"

"I'll use shockwaves then" He proceeded to punch it again while emitting a shock wave from his knuckle. But as expected it didn't even leave a scratch "Damn it!" Ian cursed then he backed a way.

"Anyway, the more important thing is, there is another type of Poneglyph"

"Another type?"

"*Smile*…Yes, they are called Road Poneglyph and they are red, they are the ones that we are aiming for" I said, then I took a few steps forward "There is four of them scattered across the New World, if you could find and decipher them…you will be able to find the last island"

"WHAAAT!!!" x4

"The last Island you mean…" Calvin was also surprised at my statement.

"Yes, the island where the One Piece is!" I said loudly, everyone looked at me in shock "You will also learn the history of the world"

"Decipher them you said, does that mean you can read them?" Calvin asked me.

"Of course not, but there are people who can"

'Ohara incident must have already happened during this year, since I've been in this world for three years now' I would have much liked to go to Ohara and bring with me someone who can decipher the ancient script, but I didn't have any time to do that, plus I need to cross the calm belt if I want to go to West Blue, and there is no way I could make it their in one piece with my current strength.

"But captain isn't that going to be easy? we just have to find these Poneglyph and we will be able to find the One Piece" Yamamoto said.

"Do you think I'm the only one who knows about this?"

"Other great pirates will also want to get their hands on it" Calvin stated "That means will have to crush the strongest people in the world so we could gather them" he said, then cracked a smile after that "I'm looking forward to that"


"Hahaha, strong people you said, count me in. I don't care about that void century or whatever just let me fight!" Ian said with a creepy smile, while clenching his fists.

"The journey is going to be long and rough, so prepare yourself from now. You should know that the first part of the grand line is called paradise for a reason" I said then added "Everything you went through until now does not even compare to want's coming"

"Anyway, let's stop here, we talked to much" I said before I added "And make sure to not share any of this with anyone…It's an order" I said in a serious tone of voice.

"You got that!" Calvin said before he turned to the others "You heard him…Specially you two" He pointed to Ian and Yamamoto.

"Yeah, yeah I get it" Ian said.

"Don't worry captain I'll pretend that I never heard anything!" He said with a smile.

'This kid, sometimes he acts mature and sometimes he acts childish… I really can't read him'

"Alright, let's get back!"

After we finished talking, we made our way back to Angel Island and without wasting any time I once again asked a random guard about the way to Birka Island, he was taken aback a bit, but he said I should talk to Gan Fall.

He proceeded to take me to his place.

"Birka you said…" He looked at me seriously before he spoke once again "I don't know how an outsider like you know about it but…Can I ask you the reason that you want to go there?"

"I don't have a particular reason really, just curious that's all" I lied with a straight face.

"If that's your reason then…" He got up and left before he came back a few minutes later with something in his hand "Here" he handed me something.

"This is an Eternal Pose"

"If you sail with you ship on the Sea Clouds in the direction of the needle, you will eventually arrive there" he said.

"Isn't Eternal Poses expensive? I'll pay for it"

"No need, just take it and go. It will just stay here unused anyway"

"If you say so, Thanks" I thanked him and left.

8 hours later,

After hours of sailing in the Sea Clouds, we were a finally able to see an Island appearing from a distance.

"Boss! We have arrived!" Ken informed me.

A few minutes later we finally reach the island, we stopped the ship nearby and we disembarked. The place didn't look that much different from Angel Island.

Just as we started walking towards the town, we saw a group of people approaching us and amongst them a familiar face that I know.

When I saw him, I immediately took out my sword and ran towards him.

"Captain what are you doing?!" Ken screamed at me, but I proceeded to jump high in the air and swinging my sword downward.

(Third Person POV),

A group of six people were approaching the new visitors. They all had wings facing downwards and an intimidating figure.

"There are some people approaching"

"They must be from the Blue Sea"

"Huh? What's wrong with that guy?" A huge muscular man, standing in almost four meters tall, he has a short black hair, a prominent jet black and scruffy beard that extends upwards to the sides of his jaw. He wears a black robe, a pair of gold earrings, black gloves and a rather large red bead necklace.

He also has a wide smile on his face while walking and carrying a huge pillar on his shoulder.

"He is coming your direction, Urouge!"


Ashen was flying towards him at high speed with his sword drawn, when he was coming down he swung his fire coated sword downward before he shouted "Finally found you!...Urouge!"

Urouge quickly brought his huge pillar and intersected the attack, but he got pushed back easily.

"Bastard! Who are you? state your name?" One of the six people shouted at Ashen while aiming his weapon at him. The other ones also proceeded to draw their weapons.

"That smile never fades away, even after taking a beating, right?" Ashen started releasing flames from his body to create a fire wall around them while covering his sword with fire at the same time "Let me see what you're made of…'Mad Monk' Urouge".