
My Title is Feral Demon

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What is My Title is Feral Demon

Read ‘My Title is Feral Demon’ Online for Free, written by the author yohananmikhael, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experim...


In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

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