
My Title is Feral Demon

In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

yohananmikhael · Fantasy
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50 Chs

21 Revenge for Destroying My Home [2]

As Victor continued his relentless pursuit, the haunting cries of the chicks echoed through the nighttime in the Rotting Land. Stirred from its slumber, the flying monster frantically checked its nest, only to be horrified by the absence of its offspring. Little did it expect the devastation that awaited it below.

Without wasting another moment, Victor leapt to the other nest, his sword securely fastened to his waist, ready to reach for the monster's head. However, fate seemed to play against him as the creature took flight, causing him to fall back onto the nest. Unfazed by the setback, he locked eyes with the enraged monster, finding satisfaction in the fury that burned in its gaze. Despite the odds stacked against him, a thrill surged through his veins, and a mischievous smile adorned his face.

As the monster lunged at him with its deadly beak, Victor's nimble movements allowed him to evade the attack and swiftly return to the nest of the helpless chicks. With ease and agility, he descended the tree, leaping from branch to branch until his feet touched the ground.

The monster, still seething with anger, prepared to strike again, but Victor stood his ground, his grip on the hilt of his sword unwavering. With impeccable timing, he parried the creature's next attack, meeting its rage with a calm determination.

Seizing the opportunity to taunt the enraged monster further, Victor goaded it into chasing him. As it mindlessly pursued him, he displayed an array of emotions on his face, baiting the creature to the peak of its fury.

"That's for the damage to my home. I know monsters like you may give up momentarily, but I'm sure you'll return after some consideration," Victor called out, his voice dripping with a mixture of triumph and provocation.

In the midst of their high-stakes game of cat and mouse, his eyes caught sight of the chicks he had dropped earlier.

As the wild idea surfaced in Victor's mind, the monster's furious screeches echoed through the air, resonating with an indescribable intensity.

With lightning speed, Victor dashed around the thrashing body of the enraged creature, strategically positioning himself near the nest of the chicks. With a bold disregard for the danger surrounding him, he seized one of the defenseless chicks by the neck, holding it aloft as if taunting the monster.

"You want to see your kid safe, don't you? How about this?" Victor taunted, a sinister laugh escaping his lips before he flung the chick high into the sky with all his strength.

The monster's eyes widened in horror, and another heart-wrenching screech pierced the air. In an instant, it followed the chick's trajectory and swooped down to catch it before it could reach the ground, relief washing over the creature.

Meanwhile, Victor had disappeared from its line of sight, leaving the monster bewildered as it searched frantically in every direction, unable to find any trace of its tormentor.


Returning to its injured children, the monster observed their wounds and the toll of Victor's cruelty. While some still clung to life, others lay motionless. The anguished cries of its offspring fueled the monster's rage, its thoughts consumed by the one responsible for this devastation.

With a sudden jolt, the monster felt a presence on its neck, causing it to rear back in surprise. Unable to ascertain what it was, the creature's terror grew as it heard Victor's chuckling voice from behind. Much to its dismay, Victor had mounted its neck, his amusement evident as he remained firmly in place despite the monster's attempts to dislodge him.


The monster unleashed another enraged screech and attempted to shake Victor off, but each effort proved futile. Ignoring the branches obstructing its path, the monster launched itself into the sky, its massive wings propelling them upward. Yet, no matter how hard it tried, Victor maintained his position, savoring the thrill of his daring mount on the monster's neck.

The winds continued to buffet Victor's face as they soared through the sky. Despite the monster's desperate attempts to shake him off, it could only manage minimal movements to maintain its balance in flight.

With a grin of determination, Victor saw the perfect moment to strike. Seizing the opportunity, he thrust his sword deep into the monster's vulnerable neck.

"So long..." Victor's words dripped with cruel satisfaction as he watched blood gush from the wound. The monster's vision blurred, and its strength waned as its body started to plummet.

Unfazed, Victor had anticipated the fall and maneuvered them to collide with the branches and leaves, cushioning the impact. As they landed, he found himself near the location of the monster's chicks. The lifeless bodies of the chicks lay scattered beside their fallen mother, and the nest, once perched high above, now lay in ruins.

Victor took a deep breath, glancing at the dying monster with contentment. "That's what you get," he uttered, relishing the sight of its demise. "Now, this is really becoming a messed-up exercise routine for me."

Descending from the monster's body, he brushed off the feathers that clung to him.

[Successfully killed a level 25 Mother Bird]

Despite being a level 25 monster, the experience points yielded by its demise were insignificant, considering its lower level compared to Victor's own.

"But at least, I got to put down a neighbor. I never thought I could have lived with a monster as my neighbor," he mused, a satisfied grin tugging at his lips.

As he observed the blood continuing to flow from the monster's severed neck after he retrieved his sword, a sound caught his attention from behind. Slowly turning around, he noticed the nest where the monster had slept earlier, quivering as if something lay hidden beneath it.

Approaching cautiously, Victor lifted the large nest, revealing the source of the cry—a small tiger cub.