
My Title is Feral Demon

In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

yohananmikhael · Fantasy
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50 Chs

32 Destruction [3]

"Call me crazy, you can say that. But this is really impossible."

"Yeah, it is impossible since I was still weak at that time. But, that doesn't mean that I don't have any capabilities to get back my memories, right? When you forgot that most people awaken when they reach a tenth of their age, you forgot to catch how I wasn't still an awaken. But, sorry to break those thoughts, I already awakened but not as simple as you could think."

Relinquishing his grip on Jim's head, Victor straightened himself, his posture regaining its poise as he withdrew from the intimate connection. His attention remained unwavering, directed at the grotesque tableau that Jim had become—an embodiment of the consequences of unchecked ambition and malevolent pursuits.

His hands now elegantly tucked behind his back, Victor's stance underwent a transformation. The poised extension of his arms and the studied placement of his fingers conveyed an air of studied detachment, akin to a scholar engaging with enigmatic and otherworldly phenomena. Within the atmosphere that cocooned them, a sense of reverence descended, casting a hushed veil over the aftermath.

"How... how did you know everything? How can you not be worried about telling everything to me? Are you not scared that I will deliver this to the kingdom?" Jim's words tumbled out in a state of hysteria. "Don't you have any pride?"

A curious sensation twisted in Victor's stomach as Jim's words invoked a memory from Kluma. There was an instance when he found himself encircled by a multitude of assassins. Similar to Jim's current actions, he had been interrogated in that high-pressure situation. But he had answered every query, resembling a skittish cat; however, Victor was anything but afraid. During that moment, when one of the assassins inquired how he could respond so candidly, devoid of pride, he had simply laughed.

"Of course, I also have pride, which drove me to this point. But, why would I be worried when you are in my hands?" Victor uttered with a monotone delivery. "But before that, let me ask you one thing. Who were the people that took part in killing my parents? That blinding light eight years ago was just a cover to kill my parents and the stage of the apocalyptic event. Tell me Head Scientist Jim, who planned everything, and who were the people that were part of it?"

Jim maintained his silence, employing the guise of tranquility as Victor bore a lethal glare. Just as Victor was on the verge of inquiring again, he halted, perceiving that Jim was making a mockery of himself.

"I'll have those pursuers. They will give me the answers, I suppose."

Understanding that the facility's collapse would rouse inquiries among the organization's affiliates, anyone privy to his existence would undoubtedly pursue him. They would inevitably deduce his involvement; after all, they were no fools.

[Violent Blade]

In the final instant of his past life's stats activation, he cleaved Jim's body into disparate fragments, simultaneously spitting in contempt at the dismembered remains.

'Farewell... you've been a great help,' he ruminated as Kuting proceeded to devour Jim's remains.

"You already ate everyone else? Wow... you are really a big eater, Kuting," Victor remarked, his hand gently caressing Kuting's orange fur.

'Now, what should I do? I still want to take revenge and this won't calm down. My blood is still boiling thinking about them. But, with my current status, this won't help. I still got a few months to reach my previous stats, but the more I think about it, the more I get impatient. That would take a long time...'

After a few minutes, Victor and Kuting departed from the decimated facility, retracing their path to their abode. They resided there for several days, contemplating their next course of action. As Victor deliberated, he found himself driven to encourage Kuting to depart from the Rotting Land.

'Now is the time to engage with society and familiarize myself with my battlefield.'

A multitude of considerations beckoned for Victor's attention, each one a thread in the intricate tapestry of his ambitions. While his vengeful yearnings lay temporarily subdued, he understood the necessity of harnessing the resources already at his disposal. Among the essential tasks that beckoned was the unraveling of the intricate web connecting the elements that influenced his ascension.

His prowess on the battlefield, a tool that he aimed to hone, promised to yield bountiful advantages. Yet, a subtle awareness pricked at him—an awareness of gaps in his understanding, voids that could impede his progress. It was here that he recognized the imperative of one elemental principle: socialization.

Venturing beyond his usual bounds, he set foot in a neighboring city, propelled by curiosity to explore the unfamiliar. Without a predetermined agenda, his observations flowed like a river, adapting to the landscape of an ordinary city that stretched before him.

Structures, crafted from remnants that hinted at a bygone human civilization, dotted the cityscape. Local lore whispered of an apocalypse that had swept through these lands, leaving behind these fragments as reminders of times past. A shroud of uncertainty enveloped the truth, leaving unanswered questions about the nature of that cataclysm. Were these structures, once inhabited, now abandoned husks, their materials left to waste away as generations moved on? The juxtaposition between the remnants and the vibrant pulse of activity within the city posed riddles begging to be deciphered.

In stark contrast to the tales of desolation, the city bustled with life. A tapestry woven from markets, establishments, the omnipresence of governance, and the ebb and flow of its inhabitants unfurled before Victor's eyes. In the backdrop of Kluma's Murim environment, the scene was reminiscent of a conventional city, yet divergent in numerous ways.

Even a cursory glance was enough to unveil disparities between the two worlds—disparities that began with the very foundations upon which these societies were built. Victor's observations of Kluma had been blind to the existence of laboratories, rendering them an alien concept. Here, however, they were an intrinsic part of the urban fabric. The divergence extended to residential areas and marketplaces as well, each distinct in its design and function.

Aesthetic minimalism intertwined with advancing technology to infuse the urban landscape with a veneer of modernity. Yet, an enigmatic aura clung to the surroundings, an essence akin to a sanitized slum. Amidst the amalgamation of discarded fragments and contemporary innovation, an inexplicable dichotomy persisted—a blend of the futuristic and the forsaken. A peculiar dichotomy indeed, one that embraced Victor as he ventured into this enigma of a cityscape, poised on the precipice of revelations yet to be unveiled.

Following this, Victor returned to the Rotting Land, venturing deeper with Kuting to enhance their might. He dedicated himself to honing foundational skills, while also vigilantly tracking his progress. Rudimentary physical training yielded no further benefits to his stats, having reached its apex by level 10. Beyond these fundamentals, every other skill demanded a substantial investment of time.

Kuting had reached the zenith of his physical growth potential, yet his strength was on a continuous upward trajectory. He and his master shared an uncanny resemblance in this aspect.

For several days, Victor focused on maintaining his physical fitness. His objective was to emerge from the Rotting Land equipped to confront any S-rank awaken. While permanent access wasn't a necessity, his current statistics were undeniably advantageous.

His progress far outpaced that of an average individual. However, he remained cautious not to succumb to greed and overtraining. Squandering potential opportunities and prematurely alerting adversaries weren't viable choices. Despite his confidence, he wasn't reckless enough to inadvertently prompt the kingdom's readiness for his onslaught.

The prospect of facing not just the kingdom but also other nations loomed large if he were to launch an attack. Contending with the entire world posed a monumental challenge, considering his past demise during a confrontation against a considerable number of foes. Prudence was not unfamiliar territory for him.

Hence, to simplify matters, his approach should revolve around catching his adversaries off guard, seizing the opportunity when they least expected it.