
My Title is Feral Demon

In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

yohananmikhael · Fantasy
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50 Chs

34 Determined Murderer [2]

While the contingent of knights meticulously surveyed the premises, extending well past their designated timeframe, the squadron's captain extracted a communication device from his pocket. This rectangular apparatus, approximately the dimensions of a phone, functioned akin to a radio in its operation.

Engaging the device, he initiated communication with the capital, systematically detailing the entirety of their observations. Subsequently, directives materialized—locate the Test Subject Hunt, now identified by his genuine name, Victor Hunt. He was to be designated a criminal for his pivotal role in the tragic decimation of a facility under the kingdom's ownership.

Following an attentive overview of the mission parameters, the captain's nod affirmed his comprehension, and he stowed the communication device back into his pocket. Swiftly gathering his squadron, he orchestrated readiness for their impending assignment.

"Our task mandates the distribution of his visage on posters throughout the Zamizia Earldom. Consequently, we shall segment the squad into four triads. Each triad shall venture to one of the earldom's principal cities. Komiko, Larry, and I shall journey to the capital city, Zuraizkao. The remaining members shall collaborate in devising the group formations. The goal remains resolute: disseminate the wanted posters. Ensure to engage the city lords regarding their production, emphasizing the urgency of the matter."

"Understood, sir," echoed the unanimous response as they dispersed to fulfill their respective roles.

A trio of knights, encompassing two males and one female named Elsa, embarked toward the city of Akaosanuri. Elsa, assuming leadership within the triad, epitomized a skilled swordsman, her lengthy black hair extending beyond her helmet. The armor enveloping her form was tailored to perfection, adeptly accommodating combat needs. Her boots, distinct from her peers', boasted golden adornments symbolizing her elevated status.

After enduring a taxing day of travel with minimal reprieve, the knights ultimately arrived at their destination. As noble knights, they garnered hospitality and reverence throughout the city, despite their subordinate ranks. While the conventional association linked knights with servitude to the king, their allegiance could extend to other nobles. Notably, knights from the capital held the zenith of prestige due to their royal recognition. Nevertheless, even knights affiliated with mid-ranking nobles garnered reverence for their allegiance to the king.

Elsa's heart-shaped visage emphasized her v-shaped jawline and slender, slightly pouty lips. Her almond-shaped brown eyes bore a boldness, bordering on incisiveness capable of penetrating the soul. Standing at 160 cm, she slightly exceeded the average height for her age group.

Leading the procession, the twin knights, Alphonse and Edward, advanced. Alphonse possessed a marginally more robust physique than his sibling, his countenance carrying a somewhat imposing air. In contrast, Edward exhibited a serene demeanor, sharing physical features with his brother, albeit with less severity. Both men stood at 165 cm, slightly surpassing Elsa but falling short of the average male stature.

In unison, the trio of knights arrived at the domicile of the city's lord, the abode of a baronet. Though baronets occupied the same echelon of nobility as knights, distinctions in recognition and treatment prevailed. While a baronet bore a rank akin to knights within the nobility hierarchy, the baronet's lineage possessed a noble title and governed a modest expanse of land. Presumably, the baronet's estate mirrored those of affluent commoners, with the sole deviation being their illustrious family name.

Baronet Akaosanuri extended his greetings to the knights, accompanied by a respectful bow. "Welcome to our modest abode. I hope that we can cater to your necessities, esteemed Sir Knights."

However, Elsa wasted no time on pleasantries, employing an authoritative albeit detached tone. "Formalities are unnecessary. Our visit is not of a social nature, but rather to fulfill a mission."

She proceeded to elucidate the mission's intent, urging the baronet to conserve his resources. Elsa presented a vague depiction of Victor, now declared a criminal, avoiding any needless agitation. "This malefactor is a perilous entity, responsible not only for the assassination of the kingdom's researchers but also the obliteration of a facility containing pivotal data vital to the nation's advancement. We require his countenance to be acknowledged within the city's populace by day's end or tomorrow."

Despite harboring confusion concerning the criminal's nature, the baronet abstained from delving into further inquiries.

The subsequent day, aided by the baronet's servants, the knights embarked on the printing of numerous posters featuring Victor's visage. These posters were then liberally displayed throughout the city, an endeavor spanning the entirety of the day. Concurrently, they ensured the dissemination of posters to nearby villages, thereby broadening the recognition of the image. Eventually, someone within the vicinity recognized Victor's countenance.

"Wow… so Victor was a murderer. No wonder he looks scary and his attitude was slightly different from that of a normal person," Lina whispered to herself as she scrutinized the poster provided by a fellow villager. She pondered what impelled Victor toward committing such atrocious acts. Despite the poster's revelations, Lina bore no personal grievances against Victor, as his actions had not caused her harm.

Dedicating herself to her alchemical endeavors, Lina immersed herself in her labor, embarking upon an exploration of a pill formula she had unearthed within one of her volumes. This formula asserted its capacity to augment human potentials devoid of the prerequisite for awakening, its components conveniently accessible. Procuring the necessary constituents from the marketplace, she commenced the formulation of the pill within the confines of her modest laboratory.

Nevertheless, Lina grappled with a formidable dilemma concerning the selection of an appropriate test subject. She acknowledged the necessity of personally sampling the pill prior to ascertaining its efficacy. After prolonged contemplation, she resolved that the village guards could serve as viable candidates for this experimental venture. Observing the guards' presence within the village and recognizing their vigor and agility, Lina fostered hopes that the pill could further heighten their capabilities, potentially enhancing their efficiency in their appointed roles.

Subsequent days flowed by, culminating in Lina's triumphant creation of the pill. She awaited an opportune moment to present the concoction to the guards, her anticipation set upon realizing the anticipated effects.