
My Title is Feral Demon

In a world of awakened abilities and dark secrets, Victor Hunt, an orphaned child, had his whole childhood as an experimental test subject. Trapped in a sinister facility, he is robbed of his parents and innocence, subjected to unimaginable horrors. But Victor's life takes an inexplicable twist when, in the final moments of his ordeal, he is transmigrated to a new existence. His first breath in this strange world marks the beginning of his second life, and he must navigate a realm unlike any he's ever known. Armed with the memories of his tortured past, he seeks to live differently this time, determined to break the cycle of suffering. In the last moment of his second life, a shocking turn of events occurs, and Victor is transmigrated again, this time back to his original life on Earth. With memories of his second life as a weapon, he hungers for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with newfound abilities and burdened by the weight of three lifetimes, Victor Hunt must navigate the treacherous paths of both his past and present. He strives to harness the prime powers from his second life, desperate to fulfill his hope of vengeance. In a world where time and identity are fluid, Victor's journey becomes a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery, revenge, and redemption --- Old Title: Third Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Earth

yohananmikhael · Fantasy
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50 Chs

49 Another Wanted Poster

Elsa, the leader of the three knights assigned to investigate and cooperate with local authorities in the city of Akaosanuri, halted her walk as she noticed a familiar face on a poster. This was an unusual occasion; the city wasn't comfortable with knights patrolling its streets, fearing they would disrupt businesses and establishments. Therefore, they rarely conducted such patrols. This particular outing was the first since the subjugation of the zombies, and Elsa was unaware of the current news or public sentiment.

A fallen poster on the ground caught her attention. Picking it up, she was baffled to see a different poster with Victor's face prominently displayed. The bounty amount on this poster was significantly higher than the rewards offered for the knights around the earldom.

"What is this?" Elsa wondered aloud.

Alphonse and Edward, her companions, were equally intrigued. They joined her to examine the poster, sharing her confusion.

"Who posted this?" Edward inquired.

Alphonse, clearly agitated, grabbed an innocent passerby and confronted them with the poster. Elsa reprimanded him for his rudeness, but he paid no heed.

"Who posted this poster?"

"I-I don't know."

"Useless!" Alphonse shoved the person aside and returned to Elsa, sighing in frustration.

Alphonse stood stiffly and, after exchanging a smirk with Edward, addressed Elsa with an apology. "I apologize, leader. I couldn't obtain any information about the creator of the poster. Please grant me more time to find an answer."

Elsa shook her head and waved off the request. "No need. I've already learned about the poster's creator. It appears that it's not just the kingdom that's searching for this kid; other groups are interested in him too. What could be their reasons?"

Edward cleared his throat and confidently offered his analysis. "They might have discovered the kid's true identity, leader. Their intentions toward him could align with ours, which would explain why they've placed a larger bounty on his head."

Alphonse, silently hissing and grinding his teeth, had the same thought but was slower to voice it. The competition between the two knights was far from over; it wouldn't end easily.

"That's a plausible explanation," Elsa acknowledged. She crumpled the wanted poster and placed it in her pouch, attached to her waist. "Let's head back. Our squad leader needs to know about this development. With so many parties interested in the kid, it could impede our investigation. If he becomes aware of the heightened pursuit, he might try to escape to another territory."

Escaping to another territory or region was a logical move for any wanted individual, particularly someone who had become well-known. The numerous posters, often posted on bulletin boards, created mess and litter when removed. To prevent such issues, laws limited the number of printed or drawn posters, even in the case of fugitives.

Elsa's group returned to their room within the baron's estate, the residence of the city lord of Akaosanuri. After summarizing what she needed to report to their squad leader, Elsa activated a rectangular black device displaying holographic images and contact information. The device rang for a few moments before being answered.

On the holographic display, their squad leader's face appeared, and a sense of respect immediately washed over the trio.

"Sir, we have found some posters from a potentially different organization seeking Test Subject Hunt."

"Hmm... we've also uncovered something here in Zuraizkao, and it appears to be linked to the Black Clove Mercenary Company. They seem to possess information about the target's identity, so I'm planning to contact the mercenary president."

"Sir, may I share my thoughts?"

"Please go ahead." Elsa nodded and took a deep breath before continuing.

"Engaging in conflict with another organization to locate Test Subject Hunt could escalate the risks of our mission. To minimize potential problems, I suggest that we approach this mercenary company to learn about their objectives and possibly collaborate in the search for Test Subject Hunt. Time is of the essence; the longer we wait, the greater the chances he has to escape to another territory and adopt disguises, making our search more challenging. If necessary, we can seek assistance from the capital should we lose track of him in this earldom."

On the other end, their squad leader's solemn expression nodded in agreement, pleased to hear a member sharing his perspective.

"Well done, Elsa. That aligns with my thinking as well. Since we share this strategy with other groups in the remaining two cities within the earldom, we'll contact the Black Clove Mercenary Company to coordinate our efforts. However, should our attempts fail, we'll have no choice but to disregard state laws and eliminate the Black Clove Mercenary Company should they attempt to interfere with the knights."

"Yes, sir. I believe that's the best course of action."

"Alright. Is there anything else you need to report?"

"That's all, sir."

As the call ended, the holographic communication device's image disappeared, and sighs of relief escaped from the trio.

"This is stressful. I'd prefer a straightforward fight to all this investigation," Elsa remarked.

"You share the same sentiment, leader?" Alphonse inquired.

"Stop asking the obvious, Alphonse," Edward chided. "We're knights; our duty is to enforce the laws and protect the citizens, not cater to their annoying sentiments as if they hold sway over the kingdom."

Elsa sighed. "Enough of that, you two. This is just temporary. Since we have leads regarding Test Subject Hunt from the refugees, we won't proceed to Zuraizkao. Our job here is finished."

"Are you certain, leader?" the two brothers asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. So stop complaining. Complaining is my prerogative."