
Mob in a fantasy novel

Sorin, a seemingly ordinary teenager, finds himself thrust into a new world after an unexpected death. Given a second chance at life, he seizes the opportunity to break free from his mundane existence. Sorin, armed with his scheming and cunning mind, faces off against otherworldly monsters, beasts, and demons in the dark world of Arcanists. Sorin's unyielding determination knows no bounds, and he's willing to employ any ruthless tactic to shape his fate and seize his destiny! Follow his journey through a vast world of danger and mystery as Sorin pursues an unrestrained life, unmatched and with no equal! --------------- A/n A very big world where power is the law! If you like novels where ruthless MC gets stronger and schemes against his enemies, this novel is for you! MC is in a novel world and knows the future, however I will note that the plot won't revolve around my MC face-slapping the protagonist nor steal his women... Well, only if he benefits out of it. Please come into this novel expecting a vast and unique world!

Revireuu · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Origin

It was the next day as the last lecture on Mana Beasts was coming to a close. It was a lecture that gave various information on how to deal with different Mana Beasts.

Sorin had been extremely uninterested in this topic. He had probably developed a deeper understanding than most through reading the novel. He knew many different creatures, entities and their power systems.

Just like Arcanists, Mana Beasts have their own ranks. In this world, humans and other races have always been at odds with eachother. 

Humans, as a race, had always been dominant due to their intelligence and adaptability. Mana Beasts had also been dominant as a result of their formidable strength. However, their initial intelligence were always lacklustre. 

That is until they awaken their beast core, where their intelligence would also awaken. This however, is very rare. A Mana Beast with intelligence was akin to an Arcanist that also had a powerful body.

Mana Beasts comes in a myriad of forms, encompassing diverse shapes and sizes, each harboring unique and dangerous bloodline abilities.

Regular Mana Beasts predominantly rely on the natural passage of time and their inherent gifts, leveraging their powerful bodies to confront Arcanists.

An intelligent Mana Beast however, harnessed their beast core to its fullest potential.

This type of Mana Beast developed the ability to train and think, making them much more formidable. Intelligent Mana Beasts had been the founder of body cultivation.

An intelligent Mana Beast after reaching a certain level, would have the ability to gain a human form.

In the Arcane World, a captivating lore exists, known as "The Origin." This ancient belief weaves a story through the ages, shaping the essence of our world and the beings who inhabit it.

In the dawn of creation, as our world teemed with life, diverse races and lifeforms emerged, each bestowed with unique and mysterious gifts. Among these creations were humans and Mana Beasts.

Mana Beasts were entrusted with the raw power of the physical world, while humans were bestowed with the enigmatic brilliance of intelligence.

Humans had been favoured by the world, the gift of intelligence being far more profound than we can truly grasp.

This extraordinary gift reflected the deep connection between living beings and the essence of this world. But this favor came with a price, making humans physically vulnerable in a world filled with powerful and dangerous creatures. 

As time marches on, the grand plan of existence unfolds, revealing the hidden intentions of the world. The Founding Belief suggests that humans, with their remarkable form that's designed for growth and intelligence, are destined to become the most advanced of all races.

In this belief, it is said that the world itself intended humans to act as a bridge between the physical and the magical, serving as caretakers of the world's life force, known as mana.

This created a fundamental law. It dictated that for regular Mana Beasts, breaking through their limitations after a certain level was impossible. They needed both intelligence and the suitable form.

These two elements formed an essential prerequisite for their advancement.

The human body in this world possesses a depth of significance that transcends ordinary understanding.

Yet, in the depths of the past, the coexistence between Mana Beasts and humans had once occurred, giving birth to the existence of demi-humans and various magical races.

As the last lecture of the day came to an end, Krau turned to Sorin with a sense of relief. "Finally, the last lecture of the day is over," he commented, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Sorin nodded in agreement, a faint smile on his face. "it's been quite the day."

Krau's face lit up with anticipation. "You know, Sorin, I was thinking of heading to the main cafeteria to get something to eat. It's a good way to unwind after a day of lectures. How about joining me?"

Sorin considered the invitation for a moment. "I appreciate the offer, Krau, but I prefer to eat in peace. The main cafeteria can be quite noisy, and I find it somewhat annoying."

Krau didn't give up that easily. "I understand, Sorin, but there's a new treat they've introduced today, something extraordinary. I heard from my seniors that it's a dessert that's not to be missed. What do you say? A chance to enjoy something special might make the cafeteria more bearable."

Sorin's interest was piqued by the mention of the exceptional dessert. He finally relented. "Alright, just this once. But it better be worth it."

As Krau persuaded him with the promise of an exceptional dessert, Sorin couldn't help but have a wry thought. 'I feel as if I'm getting manipulated. Is my fondness for sweet things that obvious...?' he pondered.

Yet, the allure of the new treat had won him over, and he was now eager to explore what made it so extraordinary.

Throughout these weeks of mastering his spell formula, he hadn't missed out any lectures on combat. 

In the combat lectures, Sorin and Krau had been sparring partners. With Krau's battle experience, he had won the majority of the battles. 

Initially however, Sorin had won the first 6 matches in a row, due to his unexpected physical capabilities and his wits. This had caused Krau to be extremely surprised.

But, Krau had shown his adaptability and experience and quickly adapted. Now, the matches always ended in his victory, however Sorin didn't complain. It was merely a loss and he was gaining valuable experience out of it.

Despite Krau being terrible at explaining moves, at the very least, his animal like instincts and the way he optimises his movements didn't go unnoticed by Sorin.

With Sorin's body that had been greatly improved by the treasure, Sorin improved by leaps and bounds. His muscle memory was extraordinary, and he also began developing sharp instincts of his own.

Sorin's remarkable talent for close combat had an unexpected impact on Krau. Despite Krau's extroverted nature, he found himself drawn closer to Sorin, who was quite the opposite.

Sorin, although capable of acting like an extrovert when needed, remained introverted at heart. His adaptability allowed him to navigate social situations, but his true nature favored silence and solitude.

Their unique connection was forged through combat and mutual respect, bridging the gap between their contrasting personalities.


Arriving at the main cafeteria, Sorin and Krau entered the bustling hub of activity. The cafeteria looked clean and flawless with many tables and students seated or standing in groups.

Sorin could notice some familiar faces. He saw Alice, Vivian and Leo.

Students of all ages and backgrounds filled the room, their clothes adorned with emblems that represented their years within the academy. Conversations hummed with excitement and curiosity, punctuated by laughter and animated discussions.

Sorin, having already been here twice, had navigated to the queue where students waited to receive their food.

Sorin and Krau joined the orderly queue of students awaiting their turn to select their meals. 

As they inched forward, Sorin couldn't help but observe the diverse array of dishes on display, each a culinary masterpiece crafted with meticulous detail.

This world may be more underdeveloped than modern earth, however there existed much more different and unique delicacies.

In this enchanting world, a variety of magical fruits and dishes existed, offering not only exquisite flavors but also the promise of heightened attributes. 

Not only did it taste heavenly, some could even enhance or boost your abilities. Though, it's very minimal.

However, this Academy didn't have such delicacies that boosted your attributes such as your cognitive abilities. It only tasted very good, which was enough for most students.

But, the more expensive dishes could somewhat soothe and ease your mind.

Sorin was going to ask Vivian about the badge after he finishes his dessert. Vivian was sitting by herself on the table, being avoided by everyone, which looked rather depressing.

Though, there were other individuals that were in a similar situation to Vivian.

However, Sorin didn't fail to notice that Vivian had been taking quick glances at him then quickly averting her eyes. Despite her being in quite the terrible state yesterday, she seems to have recovered. 

The effectiveness of magical medicine seemed to be significantly greater compared to that of modern Earth.

Vivian seems to have many thoughts going through her mind.

Sorin found it rather amusing. 'It's often the quietest of individuals that have the loudest of thoughts.'

After Sorin and Krau had selected their dishes, they had swiftly gave the old man their arcane crystals. Sorin had spent around 6 low grade crystals which was rather expensive.

The dessert that had piqued Sorin's curiosity, described as "extraordinary," came at a surprising cost. It had consumed quite a lot of arcane crystals compared to the other dishes.

As Krau and Sorin found an empty seat, they began eating their meal.

Sorin had solely arrived for dessert so he hadn't purchased anything else.

Sorin was quite expectant of the dessert. It had costed him quite a lot of arcane crystals, however, Sorin didn't exactly care.

So what if he was wasting arcane crystals just to satisfy his desires. This was how he would live his life in this new world, doing whatever that intrigues or benefits him.

Sorin looked at the dessert named the Eldertwist Delight, created from various rare ingredients.

The Eldertwist Delight is a delicious pastry with a filling of sweet and tangy elderberries. It's covered in a magical glaze that shimmers like moonlight and dusted with crystalline sugar. It was served with moonberry ice cream. It had combined a range of ingredients that hadn't existed in his previous world.

Sorin was rather surprised by this, he hadn't expected it to look so... extravagant?

However, it definitely looked appetising.

While Sorin savored his dessert, Krau initiated a conversation. "Have you noticed the steady rise in arcane crystal extortion lately?" he inquired. "It's rather astonishing that the Academy appears unfazed. Back at the beginning of our academic year, they used to punish such behavior when it crossed a line. Now, it feels as though they've turned a blind eye to it. I've even heard that they tolerate physical violence, as long as it isn't too extreme."

"I haven't really noticed, I've mainly been focusing on mastering my spells." Sorin replied, feigning Ignorance.

"Well, see those senior students over there? They all have such gloomy expressions as they are prime targets to extortion. Their low affinity had made them utterly defenceless in the arena." Krau spoke.

"Must be tough. Perhaps these are the changes the headmistress was talking about? Quite harsh if you ask me." Sorin said.

In the arena, disputes reached their ultimate resolution. Both parties would come to an agreement, backed by the Academy. The victor dictated the rules the opponent had to abide by, forming the cornerstone of this system.

With extortion, this gave the strong a means to get more resources. The victim however, could challenge them to a battle in the arena where they would create an agreement. It would generally be along the lines of, "Give all my crystals back or give me all your arcane crystals."

Challenges can't be rejected unless you've already fought. This would allow you 2 weeks of protection to challenges.

There can be different agreements for a challenge, and once both parties agree, the battle begins following those terms. If you issued the challenge and win, the agreed-upon terms are enforced.

This system served the purpose of resolving disputes while providing a means for students to improve their skills. Nevertheless, it clearly disadvantaged those who were less powerful or people with low affinities.

This was because this kind of system meant if you extorted someone weaker than you, they really can't do anything about it. So what if they issue out a challenge, they would just be humiliated once again.

Though, if someone of a higher year extorted someone of a lower year, there would definitely be punishments. It didn't follow the Academy's philosophy of nurturing talented individuals. Though, there were many loopholes to this.

As Sorin savored his dessert and conversed with Krau, a few individuals at a nearby table discreetly directed their gazes towards them.

"Hey, Naya, isn't that the kid you told us about? The one who came to the rescue like a knight in shining armor, saving that damsel in distress you had been targeting?" The person chuckled.

Naya, somewhat embarrassed, replied, "Yeah, that's the one. The little hero who decided to play savior."

"Haha, unbelievable! Getting fooled by a first-year? Surveillance? This Academy has no such thing." The man laughed heartily, clearly amused by the story she had told him.

Naya smiled uncomfortably, feeling somewhat annoyed by this third year.

She had been completely tricked by a first year which made her extremely embarrassed.

She had wanted to pay that first year back, however she couldn't find him anywhere in the Academy. The Academy was simply too big.

"So, what's your plan now?" the third-year asked with a cruel grin, already expecting an answer.

Naya, sporting a devilish grin, rose to her feet, with the third-year and her friends eagerly following suit. "We ought to teach our junior a lesson in respect, don't you think?"

Unaware of the impending conflict, Sorin wore a contented expression as he immersed himself in his dessert.