
MHA Paragon

Hello boys and girls it’s your favorite eternally bored prince of hell and I hope you guys are ready because I’ve whipped up one hell of a show. For those of you who are new around here allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucifer Morningstar and in my spare time I like to reincarnate mortals into worlds of fiction. The masterpiece you will be reading is called MHA Paragon, where I take my own personal spin on the world of My Hero Academia. In Paragon, humans aren’t the only beings capable of awakening their quirks. Animals have as well, warping them into monstrous forms called Dread Beasts and completely flipping the food chain. Humanity lost their foothold over the earth and has been pushed back into heavily fortified cities called bastions. Now it’s up to the heroes you know and love to repel the Dread Beast invasion from completely wiping humanity out. But that’s not all, in this universe quirks are constantly evolving granting their users tremendous levels of power. So if this sounds appealing please join in and watch as our MC Kenji Aotoma a reincarnated mortal comes to grasp with his new reality after a lifetime to solitude and loneliness. If you cant wait for more visit my patreon for advanced chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/Black_Paladyn

Black_Paladyn · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Lathering his hands with shampoo Kenji ran his fingers through Toga's hair as she leaned back in the tub, her eyes closed and a blissful look on her face. Letting out a pleasant sigh Toga let herself float away as Kenji's gentle tender touch ran over her body. 

Anyone looking at the scene would have never guessed that less than ten minutes ago Kenji had reduced Toga to a quivering mess and stained her with his essence. Opening her eyes Toga glanced up at Kenji smiling as she caught the look of concentration in his eyes. 

Feeling her stare, Kenji returned her gaze with a smirk, "Something wrong?" 

Toga shook her head slightly causing a ripple to pass through the water, "Am I dreaming?" 

"No," Kenji responded immediately as he tilted Toga's head back to rinse her hair off, "Or at least I hope it isn't, I don't want it to end." 

Toga let out a pleased hum as she closed her eyes and let Kenji take care of her, though she couldn't tell which side of him she liked better. The domineering man who made her entire body a pleasure center, or the sweet doting lover that whispered sweet nothings into her ear. 

'Luckily for me…I can have both.' 


Kenji took a quiet step back as he placed a naked Toga into his bed who had fallen asleep sometime between drying her off and applying a soothing cream to her raw backside. Kenji was surprised to find he found taking care of Toga almost as enjoyable as breaking her down to begin with. 

'I guess it also helps when I get literal brownie points for doing so.' Kenji thought as he mentally opened the slew of notifications waiting for him ever since he had started playing with Toga. 

[For engaging in following sexual activities you have gained: 3550 Eros Points]

Domination Humiliation Pet Play Master/Servant Play Forced Fellation BDSM Asphyxiation Facial/SwallowingBukkake

[Himiko Toga has reached the maximum bond level making her eligible to be claimed. Would you like to mark Himiko Toga Y/N]

[You have marked Himiko Toga as you First Companion]

[You may now view her status page]

[Himiko Toga may now use system generated items]

[For claiming your first companion you have gained: 5000 EP] 

Kenji couldn't help but grin as he eagerly opened his system wondering what to spend his points on. 


Name: Kenji Aotoma

Race: Human 

Quirk: Vessel of the Abyss

Eros Points: 8650



[500 EP] Strength: FF

[500 EP] Durability: FF

[100 EP] Vitality: F

[1000 EP] Agility: FFF

[500 EP] Perception: FF

[100 EP] Intelligence: F


Himiko Toga

[Loot Box]

Common: 1000 EP

Uncommon: 2500 EP

Rare: 5,000 EP

Epic: 25,0000 EP

Mythic: 100,000 EP


Lucifers Blessing


Heroes Exam

Staring at the screen Kenji reached up and scratched his chin in thought, 'I need to decide how I want to specialize myself going forward. Even though it's weak right now, eventually my quirk will be the ultimate defense so upgrading durability does make any sense as Ideadly in the future no attack will ever reach my body. 

With that said, what I lack the most is dps, my quirk might evolve to solve the issue later down the line but not being able to finish a fight efficiently and quickly really hurt me in the exam. That leaves me two options. 

Invest heavily in strength for raw power, or spin the wheel on a loot box and hope for something good.' 

After debating interally for a minute Kenji decided on a course of action, 'Fuck it I'll spend five thousand on the rare lootbox and save the rest for stat upgrades.'

[Would you like to buy a Rare Loot Box for 5000 EP: Y/N]

Confirminging the transaction before he could psyche himself out, Kenji squinted his eyes as a bright flash of light nearly blinded him. As the sudden flash dimed Kenji looked to see a hovering white cube in the air in front of him. The box then unfolded, falling away to reveal a perfect triangular crystal made out of a clear quartz. 

After grabbing the crystal the glowing box dissolved into countless fragments that disappeared as they fell to the floor like snowflakes. Looking away from the spectacle Kenji glanced at the crystal in his hands promoting a screen to appear. 

[Knowledge Crystal: Martial Path of the Four Transcendent Beasts] 

Uses: 1/1

Quality: Rare

Effect: By placing the crystal on one's forehead the information inside will be mentally transmitted to the user creating a complete template that can be reviewed at will. 

Kenji's eyebrows shot up as he read the information provided to him and he eagerly tapped the crystal to his forehead. Almost immediately the crystal dissolved into a stream of light that entered Kenji's forehead before settling into his mind with a bone piercing cold. Shaking his head to dislodge the creeping frost spreading across his brain Kenji winced but it didn't stop him from opening the mental scroll in his mind. After what seemed like an eternity Kenji ran out of material to read and closed out of the scroll with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

Initially Kenji thought the crystal would function like a skill book from most rpgs instantly granting him the knowledge needed to use the offered power. Instead the knowledge crystal had essentially downloaded a PDF directly into Kenji's mind. But even then Kenji couldn't help but feel as if he had lucked out with his pull. 

The Martial Path of the Four Transcendent Beasts detailed a complete fighting style broken up into four forms each dedicated to a different mythical beast from eastern mythology. The different forms also possessed different strengths, either focusing on power, defense, mobility, or stealth.

'This is exactly what I needed,' Kenji thought with glee as he stood up and moved to the living room clearing the space of furniture and obstacles eager to get started.

I hope you enjoyed this release of MHA Paragon.

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