
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · Movies
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39 Chs


Hello everyone sorry to not have posted a new chapter yet, but I felt it was time to update the novel entirely.

Some slight TMI ahead:

So, I started writing during a rough patch of my life, I didn't have a job, my studies were not doing well, and more problems, usually health-related, just kept on piling up, etc.

So, I decided that I would either do something creative with my time or do something I would probably come to regret.

And so with only a character template and knowing I wanted it to be based on a Marvel world I full sent it!

That is why there was almost no rhyme or reason to the story at least in the beginning.

Why there was almost no build-up to something else, no world-building, and thoughts or actually thought-out plans by the MC to do something in his universe other than very general "for the greater good" type plans.

I also didn't have much writing experience (and I still don't) but with so much time I have a few ideas I wanted to try out, aside from just fixing the giant walls of texts in most chapters.

End of TMI:

So to recap:

- I will be rewriting or editing most chapters.

- Will fix giant walls of text.

- Will have actual brainstorming sessions, active planning, and applying of plans done by the MC.

- Will have space between one active scene and another.

- And more...

- Edited or rewritten chapters will have [Revised] added to the chapter title

- I might have to erase chapters from a certain point onwards because I will be adding entire chapters on things, and building up events, which will inevitably change some outcomes, and thus leave the coming chapters obsolete.

- I will also be describing more characters better like Odin and Reed when they first showed up, so the MC's stance on them can be better understood by all.

SADLY!!! This also means that most if not all in-paragraph comments will be erased(crying in a corner) because that is apparently how updating works in Webnovel. SUPER SAD BOI HOURS!!!

Seriously reading and replying to the comments was probably one of my favorite pastimes.

Well I think that was it, I hope you will still read and enjoy the story, as I have been envisioning as of late, and do let me know about your thoughts on the already [Revised] chapters which should be chapters 1 and 2.