
Seven Misfits

作者: LifeCharger
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  • 16 章
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  • NO.200+

What is Seven Misfits

Read Seven Misfits novel written by the author LifeCharger on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, covering action, adventure, comedy, magic, mystery. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

10 標籤

Remnants of Uzushio (Naruto Fanfic)

====DISCLAIMER==== THIS NOVEL IS NOT MINE!! I only uploaded it here as I wanted to read it using webnovel as the platform. If you want to read the original then pls go to fanfiction.net and search "Remnants of Uzushio" by Loco Mortis All credits goes to the author!! =============== Summary: Naruto is the son of an Uzumaki couple who had escaped the destruction of Uzushio. He dreams of restoring the Uzumaki clan to its former glory. Being trained from a young age, Naruto isn't that far off form achieving his dream. After traveling the elemental nations with his remaining family, Naruto decides to take a short vacation and experience the festival held every year in Konoha on the day of the Kyuubi's defeat. Little did Naruto know...that his vacation of his would be anything but relaxing. A/N: Hello everybody! This is my very first story on this site :) Hopefully it lives up to everybody's expectations. The pairing (because every story needs some romance :P) is Naruto and Kasumi,who is the daughter of Kushina and Minato in this AU. Naruto and Kasumi are very distant cousins in this story, so there isn't much to argue about in regards to incest. Naruto will also have a different personality than his canon counter-part. He will be more calm and collected. But don't worry, he'll still have certain traits of the old Naruto. He still loves to mess with people, except not through pranks. This Naruto just loves to make people irritated. His love of ramen is also there, it's just not as extreme as some other stories make it out to be. Kasumi, on the other hand, will have the majority of Naruto's canon personality. There are just a few bits of Kushina's personality thrown in, primarily her temper. There are other things I could mention, but I feel it would give part of the story away. Anyway, this story will follow the canon story line for the first part. Part 2 is where I will pick up the pace, so to speak. Anyway, without further adieu!

Evelena21 · 漫画同人
5 Chs

prototype chapter for fan fiction about Spider-Man

a prototype of a world where spider-man was extremely popular with ladies but often they broke up because the heroines thought headstrong that Peter was not good enough thus him seeking always to find a stable relationship with someone since he and MJ broke up definitively with her leaving new york and never seeing her again. following a series of events, the sinister six can trap spiderman for a long time, and octavious is able to swap with Peter for a period of time and when Peter comes back in control and goes out does he discover that the sinister six ruined his heroic accomplishments and made him sentenced for multiple murderers. after attempting contact with other superheroes for a long time while on the run his fellow "friend" she-hulk comes to him trying to bring him to jail. all of this break Peter definitively as he flees and goes to the sinister six to receive their confession to prove his innocence, when he gets into a fight with them doctor octopus injects him some serum that makes him loose slowly control his body so he cannot move his injected arm anymore, in the last-ditch he tries one last time to contact everyone to help him while he swings toward the Baxter building and try to make an antidote. but upon arriving he doesn't find help but the fantastic four ready to apprehend him, somehow he escapes while traveling in the sewers but gets blown out as the semen find him and try to do the same as everyone else, capture him. Peter runs his wounds getting worse as the infected arm completely limps, so he runs to the Santorum for a solution, but inside finds no one. helpless and surrounded Peter skimmers through the books and finds a spell that will not only hide his location from everyone but also make it impossible for the telepaths to find him. even though he doesn't have much knowledge Peter succeeds and looks instantly for a way to get teleported away as the Santorum has no sling ring inside but at that moment the window of the Santorum blows up revealing the avengers ready to capture Peter. but upon looking they don't find him and alert the others, while Peter alongside the cloak of levitation speeds through the sewers completely invisible to Jean gray rises to find Peters's mind and locate him. after half a day Peter is on the roof of his house finishing the spell to bring him to one of his alternate hideouts as the heroes knew already about the one in his late angle and aunt basement, but upon finishing the spell he finds himself surrounded, and ignoring all the so-called heroes and their words about him having to surrender he activates the spell, but in the middle of leaving he gets shot by Hawkeye, fortunately, he feels nothing as it was the side where he lost control over the body and feels detached from himself entirely. thus Peter succeeds in escaping and planning for a comeback but not before saying to all the heroes that betrayed him «I will fuck you all up one day, and then make sure to make you feel miserable and desperate»

Alex_Jolobnitcaia · 漫画同人
1 Chs


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I will go and rate my own book 5 stars because I want to do so. :) I just like my own creation. If you have any other thoughts, please also rate it.


I think story has full potential to be a fascinating adventurous world. It has got me already. ⚡️⚡️



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating