
Seven Misfits

"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

LifeCharger · 奇幻
16 Chs


As Sakar lay on his bed, his mind wandered back to the curious timing of his arrival at school, a week earlier than necessary. The thought that the orphanage ladies might have orchestrated this as a prank irked him, but he felt helpless to respond. With no real means to retaliate and feeling outmatched by the evident powers of his fellow students, a sense of inadequacy washed over him. He knew he needed to find a way to bolster his own strengths.

Caught in these reflections, sleep eventually claimed him, and once again, he found himself transported to the fantastical realm of his dreams—a place where he was king of a kingdom composed entirely of disembodied, dancing sexy legs. Here, he felt in control, far from the vulnerabilities of his waking life.

Sitting on his throne made of legs, he looked out over his dream domain with a contented smile. It struck him that such a special place deserved a proper name, something that captured its essence perfectly. Ideas floated through his mind: 'Sexylegia', 'Sexylegland', 'Sexylegistan'... After a moment of contemplation, he settled on **"Sexylegland"**. Proud of his choice, he internally complimented his own creativity, musing, *'I have an incredible naming sense!'* Even in dreams, Sakar's ego found little room for humility.

As he indulged in the delights of his self-made paradise, oblivious to the outside world, the first light of dawn was already creeping across the horizon in the real world. The day was beginning anew, ready to bring with it the challenges and opportunities that awaited him at the academy, challenges that would require more than just dreamy escapades in 'Sexylegland' to overcome.


In her dorm room, Olga settled into a reflective mood, contemplating her new environment and the challenges that lay ahead. Unlike her home in the Water City, where her reputation was established and safeguarded by her connection to the powerful water elemental Silvia, here she was just another student. Her past accolades and the protection she once enjoyed wouldn't carry weight in this new setting. It was a sobering thought, one that reminded her of the necessity to carve out a new place for herself among her peers.

Determined to make a strong start and earn the respect of her fellow students on her own merits, Olga decided to hone her skills. Before bed, she practiced her shamanic gestures, the movements precise and deliberate. Each gesture was an invocation, a way to channel and harness the elemental powers she had learned to command. This practice wasn't just about mastery of her abilities but was also a meditative process, helping her to focus and settle her thoughts ahead of the challenges to come.

As she moved smoothly from one gesture to the next, Olga felt a growing confidence. She was ready to prove herself, ready to show that she could thrive even without the protective shadow of Silvia. This determination, coupled with her skills as a shaman, would be her tools to navigate the complex social and academic landscape of the academy. She went to sleep with a sense of purpose, mentally prepared for whatever the next day would bring.


Kepyun watched Sakar sleep, noting the unusually blissful expression on his roommate's face. It was a look of pure contentment, the kind of serene happiness that made Kepyun wonder what could possibly be going on in Sakar's dreams. "Maybe he's dreaming he's as muscular as me," Kepyun mused with a chuckle, finding amusement in the thought.

Not one to sit idle for long, especially after witnessing Sakar's peaceful slumber, Kepyun felt a surge of energy. Inspired and somewhat restless, he decided it was the perfect time to enhance his skills. Leaving the dorm room quietly to not disturb Sakar's dream, he found a quiet spot outside where he could train without interruptions.

Standing in the cool, early morning air, Kepyun began his training regimen. He started punching the air with focused precision, each movement sharp and forceful. The exercise wasn't just physical for Kepyun; it was a form of meditation, a way to connect with his own strength and refine his technique.

As he threw punch after punch, Kepyun lost himself in the rhythm of his movements, each strike cutting through the air with increasing speed and power. In these moments, with only his breath and the force of his punches for company, Kepyun felt truly at peace.


When Sakar awoke the next morning, the realities of his financial situation weighed heavily on his mind. Determined to find a solution, he made his way to Miss Sorella's office to discuss the possibility of securing a paying job. Given his lack of funds, he hoped the principal could offer him some form of employment on campus.

Upon his arrival, Miss Sorella listened to Sakar's request with a pragmatic air. After a moment of consideration, she decided to assign him a task that was directly related to a recent activity he and his group had been involved in. They had transported furniture to a new building on campus but had only managed to place the items outside the entrance. Initially, Miss Sorella had intended for the students to move the furniture inside as part of their orientation or as a team-building exercise. However, recognizing Sakar's need for employment, she opted to give him the responsibility of organizing and setting up the interior of the building.

Grateful for the opportunity, Sakar accepted the job without hesitation. He began working immediately, energized by the prospect of earning some money and also proving his worth. The task involved more than just physical labor; it required a thoughtful arrangement of the furniture to suit the intended use of each room within the building.

As he moved desks into classrooms, arranged office furniture, and set up common areas, Sakar felt a sense of accomplishment. Each piece of furniture placed correctly brought him closer to completing the task, and each room set up under his direction helped to establish his place within the school community.

Through this work, Sakar not only hoped to alleviate his immediate financial troubles but also to make a positive impression on Miss Sorella and his peers. It was a chance to show that despite his sometimes frivolous demeanor, he was capable of taking on responsibility and succeeding at more practical challenges.

The anticipation for the school year had been building, and as the opening day approached, Sakar, Olga, and Kepyun found themselves filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity about the new students who would be joining them. Sakar, having completed his task of setting up the new building, was particularly relieved and satisfied with the money he had earned, which eased his financial worries.

On the morning of the school's opening, the trio positioned themselves near the entrance gate, eager to witness the arrival of the new students. To their surprise, the first batch of arrivals didn't use the main gate at all. Instead, they saw students scaling the walls—some using sheer physical strength, while others employed earth shamanic powers to assist them. This unconventional method of entry puzzled them, especially since a few students did attempt to use the door, only to find no response.

As more time passed, it became apparent that no one was being allowed to enter through conventional means. This piqued their curiosity, prompting Kepyun to approach one of the students climbing in. "Why is everyone entering the campus through the wall but not the door?" he asked.

The student paused before answering, "Because this is a school especially fond of the skill of problem-solving. This year's test seems to be the way to enter the school. How can't you know since you are already inside?" The student's response implied that the peculiar entry method was a test set by the school, a challenge meant to assess new students' ingenuity and resolve.

Kepyun, somewhat amused and proud, responded, "I forced my way in through the door." The student gave him a look of disbelief and walked away, leaving the trio to digest this new information.

This revelation led Olga to wonder about Sakar's entry into the school. "How did you enter the campus?" she asked, turning to him with a curious gaze.

Sakar, caught off guard by the question, paused and thought about his first day. "I don't know, one day, I was inside." His answer was vague and seemed to bypass the logical paths of memory, suggesting a less straightforward arrival.

The discussion about their various modes of entry highlighted the unique nature of the school and its emphasis on creativity and resourcefulness. Despite the oddity of the situation, they decided not to dwell too much on it.

Olga then shifted the focus to the immediate future, "Anyway, for the next three months, everyone is on their own."

Kepyun, ever practical, suggested, "We should attend the entrance ceremony."

"Let's go then," Sakar agreed, leading the way as they moved towards the gathering area for the ceremony, ready to officially start their school year and embrace whatever challenges and adventures awaited them.