
Seven Misfits

"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

LifeCharger · 奇幻
16 Chs

Meeting of the Teachers

In the subdued light of Miss Sorella's office, the atmosphere was tense as she addressed the three teachers she deemed the academy's strongest. Mr. Hakki, Mr. Yuri, and Mrs. Tank listened intently, aware of the gravity of the discussion.

"You three will each be teaching a primary subject," Miss Sorella began, her tone serious. "I'm unsure which class Sakar might choose, given his aversion to magic, which is prevalent across our nation."

Her gaze settled on Mr. Hakki. "You may not be aware, but unlike the other teachers, I am a succubus. Our kind can sense souls just as shaman spirits do."

The teachers exchanged puzzled looks, absorbing this revelation.

"This might seem irrelevant, but it's crucial for understanding Sakar's unique condition—he appears to be soulless."

Mr. Yuri interjected, his voice tinged with disbelief, "But only inanimate objects lack souls. How is that possible?"

"The truth is, I don't have all the answers. Whether he's human or not, all sentient beings typically have souls. It's baffling, and it likely means he'll never succeed as a shaman, though he's free to try."

Miss Sorella continued, her expression grave. "Additionally, he's immune to heat, possibly cold too, though I haven't tested that yet."

Mr. Hakki, seasoned and worldly, added his thoughts. "In all my travels, I've encountered beings with resistance to elements, but never total immunity."

"The peculiarities don't stop there," Miss Sorella said, lowering her voice even further. "What I'm about to disclose must remain confidential, not to be shared with even our fellow teachers."

The trio nodded in agreement, their curiosity piqued.

"Sakar was born under the star of goal and wish—a celestial influence so rare and potent that it's scarcely more than a legend."

The room fell silent, each teacher processing the implications of such a destiny. Mr. Hakki, always thoughtful, finally spoke. "I've known of others blessed by the stars, but the star of goal and wish is exceedingly rare. If word gets out about his power, it could put him in grave danger. How did you deduce this was his star?"

Miss Sorella sighed, a mix of concern and fascination in her eyes. "He refers to his ability as 'sexar,' claiming it alerts him to imminent moments of sexiness. No conventional power would be so specific. It must be the star guiding him, manifesting his innermost desires in this peculiar form."

The teachers absorbed this information, each feeling a mix of awe and fear for Sakar's future.

Mr. Hakki's concern was evident in his voice, "Even those suspected of having that blessing are often killed. It's too dangerous."

Miss Sorella nodded gravely, "I'm aware. But we won't follow that path. Instead, we're going to train him as best we can."

Mr. Hakki, still uneasy, asked, "Will I be the one to teach him?"

"That depends on Sakar. He'll choose his teacher. Given his interests, he might opt for Mr. Yuri since he aspires to be a shaman. But he'll need to come to terms with his unique situation first."

With a firm tone, Miss Sorella concluded, "The meeting is dismissed. You may leave."

As the three teachers exited, the bustling energy of new students filled the air outside the principal building. They were chattering excitedly, a disorganized mass in the courtyard. Mrs. Tank, observing the chaos, felt her irritation rise. She strode toward them, authority radiating from her.


Mrs. Tank's imposing figure commanded immediate respect as she stood before the students. Her bronze skin and muscular physique underscored her reputation as one of the city's finest warriors. Kepyun admired her strength and presence, already deciding she was the teacher for him.

Once the chatter ceased and a disciplined line formed, Mr. Yuri moved to the forefront to address the new students.

"Each of you will choose a class now. We'll demonstrate the three main classes our school offers to help you decide," he announced, his voice carrying across the now silent crowd.

With a practiced gesture, Mr. Yuri lifted his hands, causing the earth beneath them to rise dramatically, demonstrating his mastery over the elemental forces.

Not to be outdone, Mrs. Tank stepped forward, her physical prowess on full display as she forcefully returned the earth to its original position with a resounding thud that echoed through the assembly.

Mr. Hakki took his turn next. The students had already witnessed his confrontation with Kepyun and Sakar but experiencing his power directly was something else entirely. His hair remained its unnatural black as he mimicked the motions he used against Kepyun. Instantly, a palpable weight descended upon every student, growing heavier by the second. One by one, they buckled under the pressure, with Kepyun being the last to drop to his knees. With a final flourish, Mr. Hakki released them from his grasp, stepping back to join his colleagues.

Mr. Yuri resumed, "You all will choose one class. Mrs. Tank will teach the fighter class, I will handle the shaman class, and Mr. Hakki will teach the magic class."

He gestured towards the assembled lines. "We need three lines now, one for each class. Please move to the line of the teacher you wish to learn from."

As the students sorted themselves into lines, the disparity between the classes became strikingly evident. Mr. Yuri's and Mrs. Tank's lines swelled with eager students, while Mr. Hakki found himself without a single student, a situation that, while expected, cast a slight pall over the otherwise vibrant proceedings. The community's deep-seated aversion to magic was to blame, and it showed in their hesitant faces.

Sakar and Kepyun had made their choices clear; Sakar joined the shaman class under Mr. Yuri, while Kepyun, true to his nature and interests, stood firmly in the fighter class led by Mrs. Tank. Olga, after a moment of contemplation, raised her hand to ask a question that seemed to be on several minds.

"You may speak," Mr. Yuri prompted.

"Can we choose two classes? Or can we change it later?" Olga's voice was clear and her question pointed.

"You can change classes, but the main classes are scheduled concurrently, so you can't attend more than one at the same time," Mr. Yuri explained patiently.

Satisfied with the answer, Olga joined Sakar in the shaman line, her decision firm.

One by one, the students stepped forward to write their names on the enrollment list. As the last name was scribbled onto the paper, the quiet absence of any student choosing Mr. Hakki's class underscored the prevailing local biases against magic.

Mr. Yuri addressed the students once more, signaling the transition to the next phase of their orientation. "After this, you can choose your elective classes as you see fit. We offer a variety of options, including mathematics, swimming, and flower arrangement. Remember, you are required to enroll in at least two elective classes."

With that, the three teachers departed, leaving the students to discuss among themselves the unexpected opportunities and the daunting challenges that lay ahead. Their conversations buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation about what their choices would mean for their future at the academy.