
Seven Misfits

"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

LifeCharger · 奇幻
16 Chs

Powers of the Group

Wrath let go of her magic, and the ivy sank back into the ground, freeing Sakar. He stood up, dusting himself off, as Wrath warned him, "Be thankful that I let you go, dirty pervert."

"I'm not a dirty pervert. I take baths every day. You could call me a clean pervert," Sakar quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Kepyun burst out laughing at Sakar's joke, finding it surprisingly funny. However, Olga and Wrath didn't find it amusing. They both looked at Sakar and said together, "IT IS NOT FUNNY!"

After the laughter died down, Sakar's mind cleared up. He remembered something important that Olga had said about them being a 'team.'

"So, you mentioned that we are going to be a team. What about it? Could you elaborate?" Sakar asked.

"So you are not informed. Also, just to make sure of it, are you the idiot who has been punished to move those?" Olga asked, trying to connect the dots.

"Calling me an idiot out of the blue..." Sakar replied, slightly taken aback by her blunt language.

"The principal described you in that way," Olga clarified.

Sakar's demeanor shifted immediately upon hearing this; a spark of fear flickered in his eyes. "If she said so, then yes," he admitted.

Olga, noticing Sakar's fear, decided not to delve deeper into the topic. Instead, she shifted the conversation to understand more about each team member's abilities. "So what is your ability? You have witnessed the power of Wrath firsthand, she is probably a druid." Wrath simply nodded in confirmation.

"This black guy can punch," Olga added, looking towards Kepyun.

Kepyun quickly corrected her casual remark, "When you put it that way, it seems insignificant."

"He one-punched the entrance door. Broke it," Olga clarified, emphasizing the significance of Kepyun's strength.

Sakar turned to Kepyun with surprise. Despite noticing his muscular build, the feat of breaking down a door seemed exceptional. Kepyun, picking up on the interest, boasted, "That is more like it. That is I, the magnificent muscle guy. Whenever you want tips to build a body like mine, consume protein, and do a workout."

"And I can control the wind to an extent; I am a wind shaman. What is your power?" Olga then asked Sakar, curious about his contribution to the team.

"I actually have two powers," Sakar began, catching Kepyun and Olga's attention. "One of them is sexar. I named it myself. It's a mix of the words sexy and radar, since it leads me to sexiness. Something in my brain tickles, and information about where to be and when rushes at me just when a sexy thing is about to occur."

Both Kepyun and Olga were taken aback by such an unusual and seemingly trivial ability, unsure of its practical use beyond perversion. However, they remained hopeful that his second ability might offer something more substantial.

"The other is that I don't get affected by heat," Sakar continued.

This revelation made Kepyun, who was visibly sweaty, and Olga, also feeling the heat, take notice. Wrath, too, observed Sakar more closely upon hearing this. Despite all the physical exertion Sakar had gone through—the moving of furniture, the confrontation with the ivy, and standing in the sun without any shade—he was notably dry. Olga pointed it out, "You are still dry."

"Yes, I don't remember sweating even once. I don't feel the heat at all. I've tried to burn myself a few times but failed. I am immune to fire," Sakar explained, his voice carrying a hint of nonchalance about his unusual condition.

"May I try it?" Olga asked, her curiosity piqued. She couldn't quite believe such an ability existed. It wasn't overwhelmingly powerful, but it was certainly unique. Pulling a lighter from her bag, she looked at him questioningly.

Sakar responded not with words but with action, extending his hand forward, unflinching and ready to demonstrate his claim. Olga, seeing his readiness and lack of hesitation, felt reassured that he wasn't bluffing, but she needed to see it for herself to truly believe it.

She flicked the lighter on and held the flame under Sakar's arm. The fire licked at his skin, but Sakar showed no sign of discomfort or pain. His expression was calm, utterly unaffected by the flame that would have elicited a quick reaction from anyone else.

Olga watched, fascinated yet somewhat disappointed. Here was a man with a miraculous ability, yet it seemed to have little practical application beyond self-preservation. "So, there is no offensive thing in your arsenal," she concluded aloud, still holding the lighter under his arm a moment longer before shutting it off.

"I can fight to some extent. I came here to be a shaman," Sakar replied, pulling his arm back.

Olga nodded, processing this information. While Sakar's immunity to fire was remarkable, it indeed offered no direct combat advantage or magical power that could be used offensively in battles or challenges they might face as a team.

Olga paused as she heard Freya, her contracted spirit, speak directly into her mind, a whisper that sent a shiver through her. "He can't be a shaman. He is soulless."

"Can a soulless thing exist?" Olga thought back, her curiosity piqued by the unsettling idea.

"There shouldn't be such a thing. This guy is more than he seems. Let's not mention it," Freya advised, urging caution and discretion.

Olga mulled over the information quietly. *'Soulless, immune to fire, and the ability to sense sexiness. What a unique guy,'* she thought, reflecting on the mysterious and unusual nature of Sakar's abilities. Despite the peculiarity of his powers, she decided to keep these thoughts to herself, as Freya suggested, not wanting to alarm the others or expose Sakar to undue scrutiny.

Meanwhile, Kepyun, ever practical, shifted his focus back to the task at hand. He hoisted one piece of furniture with ease, his muscles tensing under the load. "Show me the way. We better finish with those," he said, indicating the pile of furniture that still needed to be moved.

Wrath, tapping into her druidic powers, summoned two walking trees. These living, moving entities effortlessly picked up two pieces of furniture each, easing the workload significantly. Meanwhile, Olga utilized her control over wind to levitate another piece, and Sakar continued to load his cart, employing his usual method. Together, their combined efforts proved effective, and by the end of the day, they had completed half of the assigned task. Exhausted but satisfied with their progress, they agreed to finish the remaining work the next day.

After cleaning up, the group headed towards Mr. Cabbar to sort out their sleeping arrangements, a practical matter after such a laborious day. Sakar, who had been teleported earlier and was unfamiliar with the dormitory layout, followed along to discover where he would be staying.

Mr. Cabbar assigned Kepyun and Sakar to the same room, Wrath and Olga, on the other hand, were given different rooms.

The dorm rooms were standard, each furnished identically to provide a consistent living experience for all students. Nothing in the rooms stood out, but they offered the necessary comfort for a good night's rest—a welcome prospect after such an exhaustive day.

As night fell, each retreated to their respective quarters. The day's events had taken their toll, and they fell asleep early.