
Seven Misfits

"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

LifeCharger · 奇幻
16 Chs

The Punishment

Sakar, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the magnitude of his task, asked Mr. Cabbar, "Is there any cart that I can use?"

Mr. Cabbar gestured towards a small shack nearby and replied, "There is one there. Use it."

Hoping for a bit more assistance, Sakar asked hopelessly, "Can you help me?"

"I heard that you got that as a punishment. I can't help," Mr. Cabbar responded firmly, making it clear that Sakar was on his own.

Resigned to his fate, Sakar walked over to the shack and retrieved the cart. With a heavy heart, he rolled it back to where the furniture was piled up, ready to be moved. There was a lot to transport, and he started with the heaviest item he could manage alone—a desk. He loaded it onto the cart, his muscles straining under the weight, and began the slow journey towards the new building on the far edge of the campus. The task was daunting, but Sakar knew there was no choice but to press on, one piece of furniture at a time.


Kepyun's imposing figure stood out as he navigated the streets of the city. At eighteen, he already had the physique of an adult bodybuilder—broad arms, a robust chest, and powerful legs, all contributing to his towering presence. His deep, night-sky black skin contrasted strikingly with his amber eyes, drawing curious glances from passersby.

Having recently arrived in the city, Kepyun was here to enroll at Chicken Head Academy, but first, he wanted to familiarize himself with his new surroundings. He explored the area, looking for places where he could maintain his rigorous fitness regimen. Gyms and parks equipped with workout tools caught his interest, and he mentally noted each location, planning his daily routines.

During his exploration, Kepyun stumbled upon the same herb stall that Sakar had visited. The array of herbs, each with its unique properties and uses, intrigued him, and he paused to examine them more closely. His interest in physical strength naturally drew him towards any items that could enhance his training or recovery, marking the beginning of his own unique journey in the city and soon, at the academy.

Kepyun, intrigued by the high price of a particular herb, questioned the stall owner. "Hey, why is this one more expensive and with a ridiculous difference?"

"This one is used by shamans for communication with their contracted spirits. But that is not the main reason for its price," the stall owner explained, piquing Kepyun's interest even further.

"What is the main reason?" Kepyun pressed, his curiosity unsatisfied by the vague response.

"Ahhhh, the new generation knows little..." the stall owner began, his tone a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"Come on, does it enlarge and harden muscles? Only that would make sense for that price," Kepyun speculated, his mind always on the lookout for anything that could enhance his physical training.

The stall owner paused, momentarily confused by Kepyun's guess. 'Enlarging and hardening muscle? Is this some coded speaking?' he wondered silently. Deciding to go along with what seemed like a misunderstanding, he responded, "Yes, it does."

"Really? I don't have enough money right now. But I will buy one when I can. See you later." Kepyun was already planning his return, convinced he'd found something valuable for his training.

'He was big but I thought he was young. Even a youngling may have problems it seems,' the stall owner mused to himself as Kepyun walked away, reflecting on the young man's interest in body-enhancing products.

Continuing his exploration of the city, Kepyun visited various food stalls, his focus on those offering meat-rich dishes. His obsession with protein was evident in his choices, sampling different offerings to sustain his muscular physique. His journey through the city was not just a quest for physical training spots but also a culinary adventure, indulging in his high-protein diet.


Olga wasn't just a beautiful girl; she was ethereal, resembling a goddess carved in the image of beauty itself. Her unique appearance set her apart from conventional standards. As an albino, her hair, eyelashes, and skin were all a striking, pure white, which contrasted vividly with her red eyes—a signature trait of albinism.

Now eighteen years old and exploring the city, Olga drew attention wherever she went. Despite her youth, she turned heads effortlessly; men and sometimes women couldn't help but admire her as she passed by. Her presence was captivating, making her stand out in any crowd and marking her as someone truly remarkable in both appearance and demeanor.

Olga's choice of attire, particularly in the sweltering heat, was both bold and defiant. She opted for a chic black hat instead of the more protective umbrella, complementing it with a short black dress that showcased her unique features. Her albinism made sunlight particularly dangerous for her, with skin specialists constantly advising her to cover up to shield herself from harmful rays.

However, Olga chose a different path. Back in the Water City, Silvia, a water elemental, moved by Olga's situation and commanded her servants to commission a special ointment. This ointment was crafted by skilled alchemists specifically to protect albino skin from the sun's damaging effects, allowing Olga the freedom to dress as she pleased without the risk.

Thanks to this innovative solution, Olga was able to indulge in wearing revealing clothes without the usual repercussions, supplied regularly with the protective ointment.

As Olga meandered through the bustling marketplace, her gaze landed on the same herb stall that had attracted Kepyun and Sakar before her. Curiosity piqued by the staggering price tag on a particular herb, she approached the stall owner to inquire, "Why is this one ridiculously more expensive?"

The stall owner, momentarily taken aback by Olga's striking appearance, paused, his thoughts briefly wandering to unrealistic fantasies. However, he quickly snapped back to reality, realizing the impropriety of his fleeting daydream about such a young girl.

Yet, his irritation was mounting. This was the third time today he'd been asked the same question about the spirit herb—a product whose value and purpose were well-known to almost everyone in the city. The coincidence of three people, all unaware of something so common, arriving one after the other was enough to fray his nerves.

"But how do you not know this?" the stall owner responded, his tone a mix of disbelief and frustration. "It's basic knowledge here. Are all of you new to the city or something?"

Olga, unfazed by his tone, waited patiently for an explanation, her interest undiminished by his brief show of annoyance. This encounter, like those before her, underscored the unusual day unfolding for the stall owner, filled with unexpected visitors and repeated questions.

The stall owner, slightly taken aback by Olga's assertive manner, nodded and began preparing her order of white spring and summer bringer leaves, known for their beauty-enhancing properties. "Young lady, you don't really need those leaves," he remarked, attempting a compliment.

"Don't flatter me, just prepare them," Olga responded sharply, not in the mood for small talk.

"Aren't you rude for a young lady?" the man retorted, his tone tinged with irritation.

"I just ask you to do your job, swindler!" Olga shot back, her patience waning.

"I am not a swindler!" he defended himself, offended by the accusation.

"You are selling this one herb for an unreasonable price so you are," Olga insisted, not backing down.

"It has one more use which I don't want to disclose to a young lady such as you," the stall owner said, hoping to end the argument.

"Tell it, and I will consider changing my attitude," Olga challenged, curious about the secretive use.

"OK, you asked for it. It enhances a man's sexual power," he finally disclosed, reluctantly.

Olga paused for a moment, processing the information. Then, with a mix of disgust and anger, she said, "You are not a swindler but a pervert. How can you share that dirty information with me? Are you hitting on me? On an eighteen-year-old girl... Dirty old pervert."

The stall owner was left speechless by her reaction, regretting his decision to reveal the additional use of the herb. Olga's accusation hung heavily in the air, marking a contentious and uncomfortable exchange that underscored the complexities of their interaction.

The stall owner's face turned a deep shade of red, embarrassment washing over him as he quickly glanced around to see if anyone else had overheard Olga's loud accusations. Realizing the potential damage to his reputation, he hastened to appease her. He quickly packaged the herbs she originally requested and handed them to her in a small bag. "Take these as a gift and stop speaking, will you?" he pleaded, hoping to silence her escalating complaints.

Olga paused, considering his offer. After a brief moment, she responded coolly, "My silence is worth more."

Exhaling deeply in frustration, the man added a few more herbs to the bag, hoping to satisfy her demands. Olga's expression remained unimpressed, prompting him to add even more. Finally, when she showed a hint of a smile, he felt a reluctant relief.

'Oh, she is finally smiling. What a beautiful smile,' he thought, his earlier annoyance momentarily forgotten in the light of her pleased reaction.

"Thanks, old man. I will come to your stall if I need herbs again. Good service, good customer satisfaction. See you!" Olga cheerfully called out as she walked away from the stall, leaving the vendor both relieved and a little in stock.

Content with her successful negotiation, Olga then treated herself to an ice cream, using the money she had saved. Her spirits lifted, she enjoyed her treat as she continued her exploration of the city, her earlier irritation forgotten in the sweet satisfaction of both the bargain and the dessert.