
Seven Misfits

"Seven Misfits" is an adventure about Sakar and six others who can't commit the sins they're trying to commit. They all have special powers and meet at Chicken Head Academy, where they start to learn more about themselves and their abilities. Sakar doesn't like magic because of his past but has to learn it now. He wants to work with spirits, but spirits don't want to. They all have to deal with their own problems and the big changes happening in their world. This book is full of magic, strange forests, and old legends.

LifeCharger · 奇幻
16 Chs

Misunderstood Intentions

"Let me check the door," one of the women suggested, rising from her seat.

Miss Sorella immediately halted her with a firm gesture, "This is my home, I should greet visitors myself." She had a strong hunch about who it might be. Her instincts told her it was Sakar at the door.

Descending from the rooftop terrace to the main entrance of her apartment, Miss Sorella moved with purpose. As she opened the door, Sakar was just beginning to speak, but she quickly silenced him by placing her hand over his mouth. With her index finger pressed against her lips in a hushing motion, she signaled for absolute silence.

Sakar, puzzled, complied without understanding the full situation. Miss Sorella swiftly pulled him inside and ushered him into a spare room. "Be silent until I come to retrieve you," she whispered urgently. "The ladies from the orphanage are upstairs."

With these instructions, she left Sakar alone in the room, closing the door quietly behind her as she returned to handle the gathering upstairs.

Sakar quickly grasped the urgency of the situation and nodded his understanding. While all of this was happening, he couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate Miss Sorella's appearance, thinking to himself, *'What a stunning beauty.'*

After ensuring Sakar was out of sight, Miss Sorella closed the door behind her and returned to the rooftop terrace where the other women were waiting with curiosity.

"Who was it?" one of the ladies asked immediately as Miss Sorella reappeared.

"Ahh, my landlord," Miss Sorella improvised smoothly. "It was time to pay the rent."

"How much rent do you pay for this apartment?" another woman inquired, trying to gauge the value of such a prime spot.

"Do you want to rent, too?" Miss Sorella deflected with a light chuckle.

"It must be too expensive for my income," the woman sighed.

"Don't know how much you make, but this apartment is considered expensive since it is right at the center of the city," Miss Sorella explained, adding a bit of practicality to the conversation.

"Let me serve you girls some tea if you like. Let me be a good host." Miss Sorella then offered, hoping to diffuse any lingering tension and redirect the conversation.

The women looked at each other and nodded, the offer of tea seeming to ease the atmosphere a bit. They settled back, allowing Miss Sorella to play the gracious hostess, while she kept one ear tuned for any sound from the room where Sakar was hidden.

As Sakar lay on the bed, he noticed the room had a delightful scent, likely because it was Miss Sorella's own bedroom. Curiosity getting the better of him amidst his boredom, he decided to explore the drawers of the nightstand.

Opening the first drawer, he found an array of cosmetics and perfumes. He picked up each bottle, sniffing the fragrances, intrigued by the variety and quality. Moving on, he pulled open the second drawer, which revealed a collection of sexy lingerie. The urge to pocket a piece crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it, not wanting to jeopardize his relationship with the one person who could help him navigate his current predicament.

With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Sakar opened the third drawer. Inside, he found an assortment of long, thick, and soft objects, each different in shape and size. It took him a moment, but he soon realized these were sex toys, specifically imitations of the male reproductive organ. The realization struck him oddly, mixing astonishment with a strange sense of defeat. Here lay a side of Miss Sorella he had never imagined, let alone expected to encounter so directly.

Despite his initial shock, Sakar's curiosity didn't wane. He pulled one of the items from the drawer, examining it closely, unable to resist comparing its size and form to his own. It was a moment of personal reckoning, a bizarre blend of humor and humility as he stood there, item in hand, in the quiet privacy of the room.

As Sakar stood there, contemplating the implications of such devices, musing, "I wish these things are expensive or something, we would be useless when these things are around," he was suddenly caught off guard. The door swung open abruptly.

Miss Sorella stood in the doorway, her expression shifting instantly from neutral to shocked as she took in the scene before her—Sakar, comparing his anatomy with an artificial counterpart from her drawer. For a brief second, both of them froze, caught in a tableau of embarrassment and surprise.

Realizing the awkwardness of the situation, Miss Sorella quickly composed herself. Without stepping further into the room, she placed a cup of tea on the ground by the door, a gesture of courtesy mingled with a clear signal that she was not going to discuss what she had just witnessed. Then, as swiftly as she had appeared, she closed the door, leaving Sakar alone with his thoughts and the still warm cup of tea beside him.

Sakar stood there for a moment longer, processing the quick exchange and the silent message left with the tea. He knew he had crossed a boundary, albeit unintentionally, and Miss Sorella's reaction was as professional as it was mortifying. Feeling a mix of relief and residual shock, he set down the item and prepared to sip the tea, contemplating the complexities of human decorum and the unexpected turns his day had taken.

Miss Sorella returned to the rooftop terrace, her mind racing from the scene she had just witnessed in her bedroom. Despite her wide array of life experiences and the unusual situations her position often brought her into, nothing had quite prepared her for finding Sakar in such a compromising position. As she served the tea, she reflected inwardly, acknowledging that Sakar had managed to surprise even her, a rarity that could almost be considered an achievement on its own.

The women on the terrace welcomed the tea, their conversations momentarily pausing as they sipped the aromatic brew. Compliments on the delicious tea filled the air, smoothing over the remnants of earlier tension. They discussed the flavors and the calming effect of the herbal infusion, grateful for the respite it provided.

Once their cups were empty, and the atmosphere seemed sufficiently lightened, the women prepared to leave. Their moods appeared lifted, and the earlier fervor of their discussions had settled into a quiet resolve. They thanked Miss Sorella for her hospitality, then departed from the apartment one by one, leaving her to her thoughts and the quiet hum of an empty home. The incident with Sakar was bizarre and unsettling, yet it was just another story to add to the tapestry of her complex life.

Sakar, still reeling from the earlier encounter and misunderstanding the entire situation, made an even more perplexing decision. After finishing his tea, he opted not to dress but instead stripped off his remaining clothes. Fueled by his own misconstrued interpretation of Miss Sorella's actions - her lack of immediate rebuke or physical chastisement he convinced himself that her returning to serve tea to her guests and her general avoidance of conflict were signals of hidden intentions.

In a bold and misguided move, he dabbed on some of the perfume he had found in her drawer earlier, choosing one he thought was particularly appealing. Believing he was preparing for an intimate moment, he arranged himself on the bed in what he assumed was a seductive pose, waiting for Miss Sorella to return.

As he lay there, his thoughts twisted by his assumptions, he failed to consider the true professional and respectful boundaries Miss Sorella had maintained. His actions were a gamble based on an entirely false premise, setting the stage for a potentially embarrassing or confusing confrontation.

Miss Sorella's footsteps echoed softly as she approached the room where Sakar was waiting. His heart raced with anticipation, imagining what his first intimate encounter with such a stunning woman might entail. He was caught up in his fantasies, oblivious to the potential misinterpretations of his actions.

Unlike her hurried entrance earlier, Miss Sorella paused at the door this time, knocking politely as if to remind herself and Sakar of the boundaries that should exist between them. It was a subtle signal of her professionalism and respect for her own space, even in such an unexpected scenario.

"Come in!" Sakar called out, his voice filled with misguided confidence.

Miss Sorella opened the door slowly, and the scene that greeted her was far from what she had expected or could have ever anticipated. Sakar lay there in a pose he deemed seductive, completely naked, surrounded by the disarray of her personal items-her sex toys scattered about and her perfume lingering in the air, now associated with this bizarre tableau.

For a moment, she stood frozen, taking in the full extent of the situation: the pose, his nakedness, and the palpable naivety and stupidity of his actions. Her initial reaction was a complex mix of disbelief, embarrassment, and a need to address the situation with the seriousness it deserved. The professionalism she always upheld was now put to a strenuous test, as she had to navigate this delicate and highly inappropriate misunderstanding.

As Miss Sorella surveyed her room, her demeanor remained composed and utterly professional despite the surreal scenario before her. She moved with a deliberate grace, saying nothing as she bent down to pick up the largest of her personal toys from the floor.

"Sakar, this item in my hand," she began, her voice calm yet firm, "if you want it to stay in my hand, you have ten seconds to put your clothes back on. Believe me, if it isn't in my hand, it will end up in a place you definitely don't want it to be."

"What place?" Sakar asked, his tone a mix of confusion and a dawning sense of alarm.

Miss Sorella then sat down on the bed, the chaos around her seeming not to affect her poise. She smiled at Sakar, a smile that was disarmingly cute yet carried an unmistakable warning. "The place where things exit your body," she clarified gently yet clearly.

Sakar gulped, suddenly aware of the gravity of the situation and the misinterpretation of her earlier actions. The playful, flirty scenario he had imagined was nowhere close to the reality of this stern warning. He scrambled to find his clothes, his earlier confidence evaporating as he hurried to rectify his mistake under Miss Sorella's watchful and commanding presence.



Miss Sorella counted out loud, her voice steady and devoid of any amusement. Sakar, spurred into action by the real threat of an uncomfortable punishment, sprang from the bed and began frantically pulling on his clothes.



"I am done! Look!" Sakar exclaimed, standing fully clothed once again, his voice a mix of relief and panic.

She glanced over and noted that Sakar had indeed managed to dress himself completely. "You are really fast. But you will still be punished," she stated firmly, the object still held in her hand.

"Please not that thing," Sakar pleaded, pointing to the item she still clutched.

She looked down at it and then placed it back in the drawer slowly. "Is it not to your taste?" she asked, a hint of irony in her voice.

"I AM A MAN!" Sakar protested loudly.

"So?" she responded nonchalantly.

"WHAT? SO? I AM A MAN, THERE IS NO NEED FOR EXTRA REASON!" Sakar's voice rose in frustration.

"Really? Are you sure? You can use them if you want," she teased, testing his reactions.

"I DON'T WANT!" Sakar asserted, clearly flustered.

"OK, relax. The punishment won't involve these things. But if you fancied them, I can give you one of them as a gift," she offered with a slight smirk, enjoying the harmless tease.

"I SAID THAT THERE IS NO SUCH THING!" Sakar nearly shouted, his embarrassment peaking.

"Anyway, there is this new building on the campus that has recently finished. The furniture and the other stuff have not been moved yet. Your punishment is to move them inside," Miss Sorella finally declared, outlining a more traditional, albeit strenuous, form of penance.

Relieved yet still rattled, Sakar nodded, accepting his task. It was a daunting punishment but far preferable to the alternative scenarios that had flashed through his mind moments earlier.

Miss Sorella nodded approvingly at Sakar's willingness to take on the daunting task. "OK. This sounds like training," Sakar remarked, trying to frame the challenge positively.

"The building has one hundred rooms and you will be alone. And you have a time of three days," she explained, laying out the full extent of his punishment.

"This is impossible; I will need helpers," Sakar protested, the reality of the task dawning on him.

"Normally, I would give you helpers, but this is the punishment for what you did to the ladies in the orphanage. They would be much harsher if you were given to them, am I wrong?" Miss Sorella countered, reminding him of the severity of his actions.

"That is the spirit! Now, to the other punishment for getting naked in my bed," Miss Sorella continued, her tone shifting slightly.

"What? Wasn't that included already?" Sakar was confused, thinking all his punishments were bundled into the moving task.

"Why would it be? Come here and lay down on my legs. I will spank you," she instructed, setting clear boundaries for this particular reprimand.

Sakar, misunderstanding the nature of the punishment and letting his misplaced enthusiasm show, replied with a grin, "Gladly!" He was actually looking forward to the experience, mistakenly seeing it as a form of attention from Miss Sorella.

He laid down across her legs, waiting eagerly for what he thought would be a light, playful punishment. However, as the first spank landed, his smile vanished, replaced by shock and agony. "WHAAAAAAAAT? NOOOOO!" he screamed out, the pain far beyond what he had anticipated.

"This pain is unnatural," he thought to himself, barely able to process the sensation before the second spank followed. "STOOOOOOOOP!!! IT HURTS STOP!" he yelled, trying to get up, but something seemed to hold him firmly in place.

As he struggled and shouted, the third spank came down even harder. This final strike overwhelmed him completely, and he fainted right there on Miss Sorella's legs-the very object of his misguided admiration.

I hope you like what you read so far. :) Waiting for comments to improve myself.

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