
Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

作者: AnonymUser
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  • 534 章
  • 4.6
    77 評分
  • NO.200+

------------------------------------------------- MC: I am a dragon? Cool! Also, MC: Wait, most of the dragons died after centuries of being hunted for their expensive materials, and when beings called players descended with their powerful systems and immortality, they hunted down rest of them ... and I am the last one... I am fucked!!! ------------------------------------------------- Join our MC, a former player on his journey not to become a legendary rank item, in a world of the game that he used to play. ------------------------------- Release schedule: 1 chapter each day Bonus chapter goals: 500, 800, 1111 ----------------------------------------- Official discord: https://discord.gg/pWfgFHwvh4

9 標籤


Check out my other book as well Lunar:Secret Guardians ******************* "Grey, elemental affinity, zero" The Elder announced the result loudly On hearing this, it was like a bolt of lightning struck Grey, he stood there dumbfounded and just stared at the Elder. Shocked voices could be heard from the people and there was some which were also filled with scorn. Grey stood dazed amidst all the noises without any reactions. One word was constantly reverberating in his head, 'How?'. 'Why, why did this happen to me?' Grey asked himself over and over again **************** Unbeknownst to Grey, something greater lies in wait in his body.... *************** Check out the book, leave a review after reading, and also your powerstones. Hope you enjoy this, and Thanks for reading ^_^ P.S: When I started this book I had zero writing experience, so the first chapters aren't that great, although, my writing quality has improved over time. Also, English isn't my first language, so there are some instances where my choice of words are not good enough for what I'm trying to portray. A heads up, the book will be using a medieval setting. My world building is not the best, but it gets better over time, so bear with me on the early chapters! P.S: Cover art not mine I just edited it. If you're the owner and want me to take it down you can notify me. Other novel: Lunar:Secret Guardians Check it out as well! Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gs68a4ZzaN

Springs_Halo · 奇幻
1685 Chs


It is said that you shouldn't meet your heroes. Gehaldirah, a high elf of royal bloodline didn't have to meet the realm lord of High Heaven before he became disillusioned. His admiration for the paragon of the high elf race turned into hatred when he got some damning knowledge about why demons kept attacking his home and looting the sacred tree of life. His hatred for the realm lord turned to self-hatred for his weakness and mediocrity. Gehaldirah had a moment of introspection. He isn't at the bottom of the ladder in this strength-based hierarchy. He is a king of law, but that apparently isn't enough to guarantee your fate. His strength is also mediocre because it was granted to him because of his bloodline. He determined he had to change himself. He has to become better. He concocted a plan that is one part genius and one part greed. His plan for reincarnation led him to the trial of heaven that occurs every origin cycle. He needed Origin essence so he participated in the trial. He got more than he wanted from the trial. His plan for reincarnation would be a success after some adjustments. But now he has a different aim. He won't aim for just the realm lord. The realm lord has control of the High Heaven Realm. That isn't enough for Geraldirah anymore. He became greedier. He has his sight set on the movers and shakers of the Void Universe. Only the power to subvert the will of World Gods will do. The plan to create LEGION, the ultimate organism was then hatched. If one person cannot achieve something, what about a multitude of them? His journey will not be easy. He will have to overcome Celestials and their Celestial Supreme, Gods and their GodKings, Demon kings and their Demon gods. The Void Universe is full of obstacles that will like nothing more than to put an end to his path. It is not that they hate him. They will oppose him simply because the era of conquest is coming. There are no friends in the era of conquest. It is everyone for themselves. And he will use everything and everyone for the advancement of Legion. AUTHOR: I cannot promise that you will like it. I can only promise that the book is original and unique. It is something new. The MC is neutral evil. He is willing to sacrifice everyone for his goals. He is smart and the antagonists in the book are cunning. Discord: https://discord.gg/b3xeynDZQe Power Stones Goals: 1400PS - 1 Extra Chapter. 2000PS - 2 Extra Chapters. 3000PS - 3 Extra Chapters. 5000PS - 4 Extra Chapters. Golden Tickets Goals: 100 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter. 200 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapters. 300 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapters. 400 Golden Tickets - 4 Extra Chapters. 500 Golden Tickets - 5 Extra Chapters.

DMadLord · 奇幻
1796 Chs


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Totally unbiased review. Please trust me! What, why do you think that I am an author? Is it written next to my name? Well, that is just a glitch, don't trust it I am totally independent person saying that this book is amazing!


If you drop this i will find you and leak your ip and adress and send hitmans to your home and kidnapp you and torture you with baby sounds.


like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like


it started good, but is to soon for relax, if i learn aything reading the pancakewitch novel is that start good dosen't mean stay good, remeber of make powerfull enough just to pass the immediate danger with a bit of trouble, if everithyng goes too smooth get boring, don't give too many powers becouse if theres much get confuse and easy of make plot-holes Now


A a fellow dragon novel writer i wholeheartedly recommend this novel, it mixes a lot of fun elements from MMORPG novels into Isekai and monster reincarnation ones. Don't be intimidated if the mc is not THAT impressive at the beginning, the growth is constant and as of the latest chapters, he's already really OP. Also I have noticed the author's gradual improvement on his writing quality, good job.




The story is completely fine I just didn’t like the way things played out in some chapter in the late thirties. It may be completely fine for some readers, and it may get better just a few chapters later. What happened just left my brain to disappointed to stay interested in the story. Once again this story may be great, and I’m just being petty over little things. Keep up the great work aurthor as I may come back and continue reading just a few days from now. For now though ✌️


Fking trashcan story and trashcan author makes himself sound smart with a huge thought process behind every decision of the MC, but it’s stupid arguments that still end up coming to the wrong conclusion, super forced plots making MC do increasingly dumber things making his future more difficult, consistent errors in grammar that the author has acknowledged in comments but said he won’t fix because he likes them. Errors in what exactly the subspecies of dragons are OR the stupidity of players and NOCs alike to say “this is a Wyrm” (which has no legs or wings) while staring directly at a dragon with 4 legs and 2 wings.


the aspect ratio of the novel: 60% fights described in excruciating details and every single level up and mobs 35% fillers, very boring, Mostly the MC fighting mobs or expermanting 5% story ( I am being generous ) and the novel is so devoid of dialogue that I missed it honestly I think the authors should take a break and plan the story rather then fill it with fillers( the author said so ) he keeps introducing interesting characters without utilising them or saving them for the future And describing in details every mob fight is frustrating 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😡😡😡


Okay so as of me writing my review, there’s currently only 13 chapters. So it’s still in it’s early stages, but so far everything is going great. The only real thing that the author might want to work on is their grammar, it’s not bad to the point were you can’t understand what’s going on. But it would help the flow of the story. Like I said nothing really big, just one tiny thing that the author could work on. But other then it’s a great read. And now it’s to the good parts of the story. Which the first being the pacing. Which so far isn’t to fast, but neither is it to slow. Second would be that the mc isn’t overpowered but is neither weak either. Which the first major battle being a great demonstration to what I mean (goblin chief). Thirdly there’s the background, which while it may not be anything new, it’s so far doing a great job on expanding the world building bit by bit. Like I said it’s still a new novel as of me writing my review, but so far it’s great. So keep up the great work author :)




best non-humanoid mc book ever. Truly gold


I read the novel until ch40 and dang its so cliche. The story has no originality that it feels like it was just made from the authors mind using other books as reference without truly having a plan for the final ending of the book.


But have you abandoned him? It's a good novel and I like it a lot


Very good. I like that the MC doesn't just transform into a human at some point and just spends all his time with Humans like many stories with monster Mc's do.


It’s really a great book and I love that the author let people vote on the direction some evolutions took. And he usually reply’s fast to comments and fixes mistakes when they are pointed out. 👌 👌 👌


Absolutely amazing! Please don't make him humanize; I have had enough of those already as the story just turns into a normal Litrpg without any of its non-human elements.


Absolutely great book. 👌 Love it, best system themed dragon book I’ve read.


is he gonna be inside the game forever, or is this some kind of a new world that functions the same as the game?


One of the greatest novels on this site. The character design leaves something to be desired though, as it doesen't seem like the MC has a clear personality. All in all though, great novel.



Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating