
Third Evolution, part 1/2

Miss glade opened her eyes after her unconscious debuff finally expired. Everything around her was dark and damp, with only dim light coming from up. There was nothing around her except cold stone walls going at least four floors upwards.

'Am I in a hole?'

"The sinner has awakened!" suddenly, a muffled voice came from upwards. There was a person leaning over the edge, showing only their head covered by a black hood with a mask over their face.

"Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!" Another voice joined, reciting in a monotone voice.

"Sinner! Sinner!" Then another voice joined, creating a chorus of monotone voices.

'What the hell is going on?'

"Get me out of here! Right now!"

"The sinner has no right to speak!" the man muffled by an iron mask grabbed a bucket, emptying its content over the edge.

A stinky liquid rained down the hole, splashing all over Glade. The disgusting stench entered her nose and mouth.

"You are sick! Let me out of here!"