
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · 漫画同人
109 Chs

Not A Chapter

Hey readers. As you can see this is not a chapter but a short notice.

Just this weekend I had someone in my family pass away. As such I won't be posting new chapters until likely the end of the month. I hope you understand.

Have a good day.