
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 36: Recruitment Drive II

[Near Lake Baikal, Russia]

"Higher big brother, higher." A six-year old girl happily exclaimed.

After she did the man holding her did as she asked and lifted her higher into the air.

Which was easy for him to do thanks to his large frame.

As for the name of this man it is Piotr Rasputin.

[Insert Image of Piotr Rasputin/Colossus Here]

Who is only sixteen-years old.

Despite the fact his appearance does not match his age. For he truly is a big boy. His height already reaching 1.98 meters (6 feet, 6 inches).

He is the older brother of the girl in his arms. Whose name is Illyana Rasputin.

[Insert Image of Illyana Rasputin/Magik Here]

Smiles on their faces the brother and sister pair continued to play outside on the front lawn of their home.

Which was a farm.

That is until Victor, wearing his armor, with several of his Doombots accompanying him descended from the sky and began hovering in the air right in front of the Rasputin siblings.

The instant this happend Piotr out Illyana down, pushed her behind him, and got a serious expression on his face.

But before Piotr could do anything Victor raised up his left palm in his direction. "At ease young Piotr. I did not come here to fight you." He spoke in perfect Russian. "I simply came to meet with you and offer you a better life."

"What do you mean?" Piotr asked.

"I am the king of my own country, a place called Latveria. But I am also many other things as well. But let's not get into that right now. The point is a while back I happened to come across reports of a metal man defending the farmers who decided to make their homes near Lake Baikal and so intrigued by these reports I did some investigating and discovered this so-called metal man was no myth. But you young Piotr. And the moment I learned this I began making preparations so I could come here and see you. For I am opening up an institution I feel you would be the perfect fit for. One that will truly allow you to be call you can and then some." Victor explained.

"I see." Piotr replied. "It sounds marvelous. But unfortunately I will have to decline your invitation. I have too many responsibilities here." He spoke.

"If you're worried about your family and the other farmers in the area then there is no need to be. Since I also planned on asking them to accompany us to where the institution I want you to attend is located. Which is in my nation Latveria. A place I will make you all full citizens of if you agree to my offer. I will also provide all necessities such as food, clothing, and the like." Victor explained. "You won't even have to pay to attend the institution I am asking you to become a student at." He added. "So, what do you say young Piotr?"

Looking at Doom Piotr couldn't say anything.

Since what Victor had just offered him sounded too good to be true.

Thus he was conflicted.

So much so he didn't even notice he and Illyana guardians, their grandparents, exit the house and walk up to the group.

"Piotr, what is going on?" His grandmother asked.

"Yes, what is happening? Who is that strange metal man floating in the sky, with those machines?" His grandfather asked.

"Greetings I am Victor Von Doom. King of Latveria." Victor spoke. "And there is no need to be alarmed I was simply explaining the key points of the offer I just made your grandson." He explained.

Victor then told Piotr and Illyana's grandparents about the offer he just made Piotr.

Who upon hearing the specifics added in their own two cents.

"Piotr, I think you should accept the deal." His grandmother spoke.

"Yes. I too agree." His grandfather added.

"Truly grandpa and grandma? Even though we know next to nothing about this man called Victor?" He asked.

"Ah Piotr can't you see if King Victor wanted to hurt us he would've done so by now." His grandfather reasoned.

"Yes." His grandmother added. "So since he hasn't I don't think he will do us any harm. He also seems like a good man."

"Even so, if I accept his offer we will have to leave our home." Piotr said.

"Oh Piotr. That is fine. Since home is simply where all of us are." His grandmother said. Giving him a soft smile.

One which Piotr returned in kind.

Then after he did he looked at Victor. "King Victor, I have made my decision. I will take you up on your offer." He spoke.

"Excellent." Victor replied.

He and his Doombots then got to work.

They visited all the farms in the area, and with the Rasputin families help got them all to agree to head to Latveria and begin new lives there.

Once this happened Victor began the process of transferring everyone there.

Eventually finishing.

Leaving his country with new citizens.

As well as him having recruited the future Colossus and Magik to his side.



Entering his current home Richard Parker closed the door, and then began setting all the locks he had on it.

[Insert Image of Dr. Richard Parker Here]

Once that was done he began heading for his bedroom.

Only to stop in his tracks when he walked passed his living room and saw a man standing right in the middle of it. Wearing some strange kind of armor and a green cape and hood.

Seeing this man Richard instantly felt fear and prepared to run.

"Dr. Parker I only came to talk."

However the moment the man spoke Richard stopped in his tracks.


Since the man in his living room was facing away from him. So Richard began wondering how he knew he was about to run away.

"I have my ways Dr. Parker." The man spoke. A moment after that particular thought crossed Richards' mind.

'What?! That's impossible. Unless this person is somehow reading my very thoughts. But that's ludicrous.' Richard thought.

"Oh I can assure you Dr. Parker it is not as ludicrous as you think."

Hearing this Richard widened his eyes. "You can read my mind!" He exclaimed.

"I can." The man simply stated.

"That's....Who are you?" Richard found himself asking.

When he did the man turned around to face him. "My name is Victor Von Doom. Ruler of Latveria." He explained. "As well as the man who is going to save our world." Victor added. "But we can discuss that particular subject at a later day. Right now I wish to speak to you about the reason I tracked you down Dr. Parker. Simply put I want you to come and work for me."

"What? You can't be serious?" Richard replied.

"Oh I assure Dr. Parker I am quite serious." Victor retorted. "I wish to employ you. And should you agree not only will I offer you complete protection from the faction within Oscorp Industries that is after you, but I will also make so that one day you can reunite with your family. Wouldn't you like to see your son Peter again?"

"Don't even think of touching my son!" Richard exclaimed. The moment Victor mentioned Peter's name.

But it didn't phase him in the slightest.

"I am not going to Dr. Parker. I never had any intention of doing so." Victor calmly explained. "I was simply pointing out the fact I could help you be a father to your son again. Given how much of his life you've already missed due to the circumstances you've found yourself in." He spoke.

"And what could you possibly know of my circumstances?!" Richard exclaimed.

"I know that you simply wanted to use your work on cross-species genetics to help make the world a better place. But the greed of some of those at Oscorp caused them to want to pervert your work and only use it as a tool to serve themselves. But being the man you are you couldn't allow that to happen. So you sabotaged as much of your research as you could and then to keep it from falling into the wrong hands you and your wife decided to disappear. Only in the process of doing so those after you managed to catch up and due to this your wife Mary lost her life. That about some things up?" Victor said.

His words just now causing Richard to become speechless.

"Yes." He admitted. "That's exactly right." Richard said. "But how did you come to know all of this?"

"It was easy to learn for one such as Doom." Victor replied. "Now about my offer. Will you take it?"

"I...I..." Richard kept starting and stopping.

Thinking about the offer Victor had just made him.

It sounded good.

Too good to be true in fact.

But something about Victor made Richard think he could make good on his word.

Though was it a risk he was willing to take?

The last time he had made such a big decision it had cost his wife her life, him his own in a sense, and deprived his son Peter of his parents.

'Peter.' Richard thought.

Suddenly remembering the face of his little boy.

Who definitely wasn't so little any more.

And he hadn't been there to witness that growth.

But with this deal Victor had offered him he could one day have a chance to make up for all the time he had been away.

So with that, and a few other reasons in mind, Richard finally gave Victor a firmly reply.

"Alright. I accept your deal King Victor." Richard said.

"Excellent." Victor replied. "You've made the right choice Dr. Parker, I assure you." He spoke.

Victor just having secured Dr. Richard Parker to his side.

Making another recruit down.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever