Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.
A/N: Yesterday winner was Hymaster986.
Today insert an image of Matt Murdock/Daredevil Here.
Stepping into the dining hall of the Castle my family and I usually ate in, I saw them all already seated at the table.
Enjoying breakfast.
Kristoff, Boris, the twins, Susan, Zora, and finally Lucia.
Jessica would be joining us to if she were here.
Since I think getting quality family time in is important.
The Doombots, who guarded the doors to the dining hall, closing them behind me I walked up to Susan and then gave her a quick kiss.
I then did the same for Lucia and Zora.
Before taking my seat at the head of the table.
For I am the head of this family.
"Good morning everyone." I said to them.
I then got replies back.
Except from the twins of course.
Since despite all their amazing abilities they are both still only a year old.
In fact we just celebrated their first birthday only a couple of days ago.
Franklin and Valeria having been born on April 1st.
Which might have something to do with their mischievous personalities.
I guess only time will tell.
After I finished greeting my family I got some breakfast.
Even though I don't need to eat. Given I have the self-sustenance ability. Hell, I don't even need to breathe either to live.
But after doing both those, and many other things similar to them in one lifetime it's not that easy just to stop doing them.
Plus I like breathing, and eating.
They bring me comfort and joy, and what's life if you can't enjoy the little things in it?
Once I ate a bit of food I started discussing with everyone Susan and mines upcoming trip to Monaco.
*Knock Knock*
That is until we were interrupted by a knocking on the dining hall doors.
When this happened I directed my attention to it.
"Enter." I spoke in a loud voice.
When I did the doors to the dining hall opened up and in walked two people.
The first was a 6'4" female with caramel colored skin, long black hair, and dark-colored eyes.
While the second is a 6'9" man with golden-blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
Their names being Halo and Savage.
The newest additions to the Primarchs I created in the past two years.
What with the other Primarchs being so busy, and with my plans finally starting to come to fruition, I figured we'd need a little extra help.
Thus I made these two.
Oh and as for their names I gave Halo hers since she possesses the same powers as Halo from DC comics. Meaning she can create different colored halo's or auras around her body, each of which allows her to use a unique ability associated with said halo or aura.
As for why I gave Savage his name it's because all the others I could think of for him didn't fit, and I couldn't name him Beast since that name is already taken by Dr. McCoy.
What I mean by all that is Savage has the same abilities as Animal Man from DC comics. Meaning he can draw on the abilities of animals, even extinct ones, just by thinking about them.
Making him one of the most dangerous people on Earth. Likely the entirely galaxy if he can access the morphogenic field and copy the abilities of alien animals just like Savage Man could do in the DC comics.
But unfortunately we haven't been able to test Savage to see if he possesses this aspect to his powers yet.
Since my people and I haven't had any luck getting our hands on any sort of alien animals.
So it looks like we'll have to wait until we begin engaging in Space Opera adventures to see if Savage is truly as savage as I think he is.
Also despite his name being Savage outside of serious situations he's a gentle giant. He's basically akin to Android 16 from the Dragon Ball series in that respect.
After entering the room both Savage and Halo got on one knee and bowed their heads to me. "King Doom." They said in unison.
"Greetings. You both may rise." I said to them.
So they stood back up to their feet.
"So, why have you disturbed my family time?" I asked them.
For everyone knows unless it's a matter of the utmost importance you are never to disturb my designated family time.
"We have important news my king." Halo said.
"Then tell me." I replied to her.
"Actually my king I think this might be news you should hear privately." Savage suggested.
"Very well then Savage." I replied. "Come and tell it to me then." I ordered him.
"Yes sir." Savage replied.
He then walked up to me and began whispering what he had to tell me into my ear.
Then when he finished he stepped back.
"I see." I said. "You're right. That is important news. Excellent work bringing it to my attention." I spoke.
"Of course my king." Savage spoke. "On another note we have already begun making the necessary preparations." He said.
"Victor, what is Savage talking about? What's going on?" Susan asked me.
"Oh it's nothing big my dear. I just need to go take care of some business. Which can't wait. Sorry everyone." I said.
"It's fine Victor. Just go and be king. We completely understand." Boris told me.
"Yes my love, we do." Zora said.
"That we do." Lucia spoke.
"Go Dad. We'll be fine." Kristoff said.
"You are telling me all about this when you return." Susan told me.
The twins then gurgled.
"Alright. I understand everyone. And thanks." I told them.
I then stood up from my seat and left the dining hall with Halo and Savage trailing behind me.
Hardly being able to contain my excitement.
Since I was finally about to meet Mystique in the flesh.
(3rd Person: POV)
Silently cursing herself Mystique walked down a hall.
A power suppressing collar around her neck.
Surrounded by Doombots, and even a few Spartans, on all sides.
Since the blue-skinned shape-shifter has been captured.
For trying to sneak into Latveria.
To check on her leader, Erik.
Who had come to Latveria two years ago and started acting extremely strange.
He had changed his costume, he started taking orders from someone else, and he had even started living in Latveria.
Mystique couldn't make sense of these changes that had taken place within Erik.
All she knew was that it had to do with Latveria and its king.
Who her long time lover Irene wanted to bring their "daughter" Rogue to meet.
Having beem authorized to travel to Latveria.
But Mystique stopped her before she and Rogue could make their journey.
Which was two years ago.
Though ever since then Irene had not gone a single day without trying to convince Mystique it should be a good idea for their family to travel to Latveria.
Making that another person this country had changed.
So with so many of those closest to her suddenly changing due to Latveria, Mystique wanted to check the place out.
And maybe find the answers to some of her questions.
But right after she entered the country she was caught.
Now here she is, on her way to stand before the king.
Reaching the end of the hall where a set of double doors were, two more Doombots stationed outside of it, Mystique faced forward without even flinching.
As she did the two Doombots stationed at the door opened them up, and then once they were Mystique was ushered inside.
Finding herself inside of Latveria throne room.
Looking around Mystique took in every aspect of the room.
But especially the man seated on the throne in the middle of it, wearing his armor.
Victor Werner Von Doom.
Who had his fingers interlaced and his elbows resting on the arms of his throne.
Surrounded by two people Mystique didn't know, and Erik.
Who spared her a passing glance but nothing else.
Once Mystique took in the entire room she simply began waiting for her fate to be decided.
Yet after a minute. No one made a single move.
Then another minute passed then another, and another.
Minutes continued passing with no one making a move against her.
Leaving Mystique in total confusion.
But before she could think to more in forth about the situation the throne room doors opened up again.
Then a second after they did Mystique her a very familiar voice say her name.
One that belonged to her "brother" Charles Xavier.
"And Erik?!" Xavier exclaimed.
He then couldn't help but turn his gaze to Doom.
"I know what you wish to ask Charles and I just want to say I thought it was about time to you had a little reunion." Victor replied.
Because now that Charles had arrived things could really get started.