
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 31: Expanding Latveria

Two hours.

That's how long it took me to extract all the knowledge I found relevant from Struckers mind.

From the location of other HYDRA bases, to the true identities of other prominent figures in HYDRA, to even information I didn't even know I wanted.

I claimed it all.

Then once I was finished with the man I immediately took him to hell and handed him over to Mephisto, as the first of my three sacrifices, as part of our deal to get my mother's soul back.

Since based on what I saw while in Struckers' mind there was no greater punishment I could inflict on him than handing him over to Mephisto.

Because fuck.

That man had committed so many atrocities, so many taboos, in the name of HYDRA and his own self-serving goals and interests, that I was at a loss for words on how describe the disgust I felt upon seeing it in his mind.

After I was done I felt like I needed to bleach my brain.

No. Actually I felt I needed to give myself a lobotomy.

That's how horrid Struckers' mind was.

But it wasn't all bad.

Since now that I've gone through Struckers' head at least I have some idea of what it will be like when I go through the minds of the other leaders of HYDRA in the future. If necessary.

That is if I don't rip their guts out, and make them watch as I do it.

Because again, fuck.

Alone at my desk in my personal lab I simply sat in silence, and allowed myself a few moments to process what had just transpired.

Then once five minutes had passed I stood up and put it out of my mind.

For dwelling on such a matter for too long is unbecoming of a man such as myself.

Besides, there is still much work that needs to be done.

So with that in mind I opened up a portal and walked through it.

Heading to my next destination, to take care of the next matter on my very long to do list.


Once through the portal I closed it.

I then focused my attention on what was in front of me.

Which is a two-story cabin with several of my Doombots guarding it.

The moment I appeared they turned their attention to me. But upon seeing me, their creator and master, they simply went back to what they were doing.

As they did I walked past them and entered through the front door of the cabin.

The inside of it having every modern convenience you can think of, and then some. Because even though this cabin in one of several safehouses I've established in Latveria to house certain "guests" that doesn't mean it needs to be uncomfortable.

No, rather I want the "guests" who stay in these safehouses to be comfortable.

Since depending on certain factors it may be the last bit of comfort they will ever get.

Like the person I have stashed at this safehouse.

Sitting in one of the chairs positioned in front of the flat screen television, the person in question turned their head in my direction.

It being one Alois Denz.

A legendary Sokovian general, and political leader. Who is one of the only people who had their heads on straight in that whole damn place. He was a man who could've united his country. Which is exactly the reason why Novoty placed him as a political prisoner in a deep-dark hole the first chance he got.

A place general Denz remained for three decades.

That is until I had my Doombots rescue and extract him during the start of the Sokovian invasion.

Why you ask?


I wish for him to work towards making my goals a reality. I wish for him to serve Doom.

Upon seeing me Denz used the remote to turn off the television.

As he did I walked over to the chair situated opposite of his and sat in it.

"General Denz." I began. "Looks like you are doing much better than the last time I saw you." I spoke.

Since when I did Denz was mostly skin and bones. He had various wounds on his body, and he smelled worse than horseshit. Though given where he spent his days for the past 30 years that didn't surprise.

Now though he looks absolutely healthy.

I also know that he is, given all the surveillance equipment and passive scanners that are installed inside of the cabin.

"I am." He replied. "All thanks to the treatment you provided me with." He said. "But I know you didn't simply come here to check-up on my well-being. So let's cut the small talk and get down to business shall we?"

"Sure." I replied. Finding myself liking Denzs' attitude. "Put simply by the end of this month your home country of Sokovia will no longer exist." I revealed. "General Novoty and his loyalists followers, and highest ranking officials are all dead. I know you know what that means. As for why I am telling you this it's because I want your assistance in helping your people through the transition from being Sokovian to becoming Latverian. Since it has already been decided Sokovia will become a part of Latveria."

"You fucker!" Denz shouted at me. A look of pure anger and rage on his face.

Which I expected, given what I just informed him about in regards to his homeland. If I was in his shoes I would likely be having the same reaction.

The difference between Denz and I is that I would have the power to do something about a potential annexation of my home country. While he does not.

"You save me only for you to tell me you are doing away with my homeland and taking it for yourself!"

"Yes." I easily replied. "Because if I didn't Sokovia would eventually face annexation anyway. Only likely not simply by one state, and instead multiple. Making its lands even worse than they already are. At least doing things my way your people will survive and gain better lives than they have right now."

"But at the cost of our freedom and independence." Denz retorted.

"Sorry to say general, but Sokovia and its people lost that a long time ago." I stated. "War, after war, its resources being stripped by outsiders like large private conglomerates, dictators like Novoty, and let's not forget the inference of foreign powers, most prominently from the west. Honestly I find it miraculous Sokovia has existed for as long as it has. Though your nations time is now over. It is now a part of Latveria. But just because your state is gone doesn't mean you have nothing left to fight for, to protect. I speak of the people general Denz. Yes, the people. Which is why you started fighting in the first place. So I ask you this, join me and continue fighting for the people that made you what you are today. What say you?"

While I spoke Denz was still naturally angry and upset. But slowly he began calming down, and then got a curious expression on his face.

Using my telepathy I could tell he was thinking about my offer. But he was also greatly conflicted. Given his loyalty to Sokovia. So I did him a favor and tweaked his thinking a bit.

Now I didn't brainwash him like with Zemo just to be clear. Instead I made him just a bit more open to my suggestion.

After ten minutes of silence Denz gave me his answer.

"King Victor I've come a decision. I'll do it. I'll join and assist you." Denz said.

"Excellent." I replied.

Smiling underneath my mask.

For once again everything is going my way


[April 23rd, 2007]

(3rd Person: POV)

So with Alois Denz now firmly on his side Doom focused his attention on completing the annexation of Sokovia.

A goal he accomplished within two weeks. Just as he wanted.

Naturally after he did this he then announced the annexation plan to both his people and the Sokovians.

The former of whom were mostly happy, while the latter were outraged.

At least until Colonel Zemo and general Denz came forward and fully supported Victor's idea.

Faced with this many in Sokovia began turning to his side.

Leaving on the most extreme opponents to the annexation proposal.

Who were swiftly eliminated by Victor the first chance he got.

Thus Dr. Doom changed the world once again in a short time.

Turning Sokovia in a greater part of Latveria.

Having taken the first step in expanding his kingdom.

The first of many.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever