
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 35: Recruitment Drive I

After calling Lucia and asking her to come down to my lab I went and retrieved one of the vials of my SSS from the laboratory fridge I had placed it in.

I then prepped it to inject into Lucia.

Just as I finished she opened the door to my lab and stepped inside.

"Victor, I'm here." She spoke.

"Yes. I can see. Please, come in." I replied.

So she closed the door and walked deeper into my lab.

Her eyes looking over everything as she walked up to me.

Which is to be expected, since she's never been in here before.

No one other than me and my Doombots have.

I was serious when I said that before.

Because one wrong move in dealing with some of the stuff I have stashed in here could result in all of Latveria getting blown up. I kid you not.

That's why this place is my sanctuary.

Eventually Lucia reached me.

When she did I held up the syringe that held the SS serum I was going to give her.

Noticing it Lucia gave me a curious look. "Victor, what exactly going on here? And what is in that vial?"

"I'm glad you asked." I replied. "To answer your first question, I have called you down here to bestow upon you superhuman powers. Given the loyalty you've shown not only Latveria but me. As well as the way you've excelled in your duties." I explained. "As for your second question, what is in this vial is what you give you those superhuman abilities I mentioned. Which is my own version of the legendary Super Soldier Serum. Now then let me ask you a question. Do you want the powers?"

"I do." Lucia instantly replied. "And thank for this Victor. Thank you for this so much. I promise, the trust you have placed in me is something I shall never betray." She spoke. "Both professionallly and privately." She added. Before coming closer and laying a kiss upon my lips.

One which I eagerly reciprocated.

Though I broke it off after a few seconds.

Because if Lucia and I continued then we would end up doing more than kissing.

All night long at that.

Which I am not opposed to in the slightest, but first there is business to be handled.

Then we can focus on pleasure.

"Glad to hear it." I spoke. "Now then, time for your injection."

"Right." Lucia replied. "But wait, how did you even re-create the Super Soldier Serum in the first place? I thought its secrets were lost when Captain America died."

"Yes and no." I instantly replied. "The secrets of Dr. Abraham Eskrine version of the Super Soldier Serum were lost when Captain America died." I spoke.

Lying through my teeth.

Even though Steve isn't dead and is currently just taking a very long nap.

But I can't reveal that yet nor do anything about it until my powerbase is just a little more secure. However once it is I wouldn't mind going to wake up the old man.

"But as you well know Lucia humans are greedy creatures. We crave power, and since the Super Soldier Serum gave it there was no way it was simply going to be allowed to die. Ever since World War II ended there have been numerous attempts, not only by the United States, to re-create the Serum. One of which was even successful. And thanks to that success the serum is now in our hands." I spoke.

"Wait, someone actually managed to create another Super Soldier?" Lucia asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Unfortunately due to prejudice and several other factors this Super Soldiers story was erased from history."

I then told Lucia the cliff notes version of the life of Isiah Bradley.

Who had a disgusted look on her face by the time I was finished.

"I know. And believe me I share your outrage. But right now we are in no position to really do anything about it. However I can see that you want to. So all I ask is that you wait a bit, and once things are in place you can have at the matter without any restraint. Okay?"

"All right." Lucia said.

"Good." I spoke. "Now enough talk. Time for your shot." I said.

When I did Lucia rolled up her sleeve.

After she did so I found a vein, sterilized the injection sight, and then injected her with my SS serum.

When the syringe was empty I removed the needle from within her arm.

The small wound instantly healing.

Not surprising me.

Since I boosted the healing factor aspect within my SS serum to the level within my personal Extremis Serum.

Because after all, who doesn't love a good healing factor? It can get you out of a lot of shit.

Just ask Wolverine and X-23.

Though to make sure the healing factor of my SS serum was working as intended I extended one of the pincers on my fingers and scratched Lucia.

Her wound closing within seconds after I did.

"Okay. Looks like the healing factor aspect is working as intended." I spoke.

Ignoring the flat look Lucia was giving me.

"Now let's move on." I spoke. "Hit me." I said.

Then without any hesitation Lucia threw a punch at my face.

A punch I decided not to dodge.

Since I was testing to make sure the Serum worked as intended.

So taking the blow to the face I felt the increased strength behind it.

As Lucia pulled back I nodded.

"Okay. Your strength has definitely increased." I spoke. "Now then, let's see what you can really do." I spoke.

Lucia and I then ended up in a sparring match.

Where I pushed her to the limits of her new abilities. Finding how my SS serum had enhanced her exactly as I intended to on individuals.

Once I discovered this Lucia and I decided to shift our sparring to the bedroom.

Where we ended up breaking the bedframe.

Making me make a note to myself.

To replace all bedframes in Latveria with Adamantium the moment I acquire it.


[June 22nd, 2007]

[Miami, Florida]

Entering her apartment Dr. Maya Hansen used her free hand to stifle a yawn.

[Insert Image of Maya Hansen Here]

After doing so she closed the door to her apartment and locked it.

She then began heading towards her bedroom.

But right as she passed her living room a light inside of it came on. Stopping Maya in her tracks, and causing her to get a fearful expression on her face.

However before she could do anything she suddenly found herself levitated into her living room and placed on its couch.

Along with her daughter.

Ruri Hansen.

(A/N: Yeah I know the MCU now has their own version of Ruri Williams. But until she gets more screen time I'm making my own version)

As mother and daughter found themselves stunned by what just happened to them, they also found themselves looking at a man. Who was seated in the chair in front of them, opposite of the couch.

A man both Ruri and Maya recognized.

Since they had seen him on television.

It was Victor Von Doom.

"You're Victor Von Doom." Maya spoke.

"That's my name Dr. Hansen. Don't wear it out." Victor replied. "Anyway, excuse me for intruding into you and your daughters home like this but there is an urgent matter I needed to speak with you about that simply couldn't wait." He explained.

Victor then opened a small portal and pulled a file through it before closing it.

Seeing this Maya was shocked, while Ruri had stars in her eyes.

"Wow Mr. Doom how did you do that?" Ruri asked.

"Magic." Doom relied. Doing jazz hands.

"Cool." Ruri exclaimed.

"Ruri, Mr. Doom is obviously joking. Since magic doesn't exist." Maya spoke.

"No Dr. Hansen it does." Victor immediately spoke. "But we can talk more about that later. Right now I would like to focus on the matter at hand." He said.

Victor then looked at Ruri. "Miss Ruri do you mind giving me and your mom s few moments alone?" He asked her.

"Sure thing." Ruri replied.

She then got up and headed to her room.

After she did Victor returned his gaze to Maya. "What a good daughter you have there Dr. Hansen." He spoke.

"I know." Maya replied. "So, what matter was so urgent you needed to discuss with me that you broke into my home?!" She exclaimed. Anger in her voice.

Which Victor completely understood.

Given his actions at the moment.

But he simply didn't care.

"Why the safety of you and your daughter." Victor said.

He then used his telekinesis to float the file in his hand over to Maya, and placed it in her lap. "That will explain everything."

Looking down at the file on her lap, and then back at Victor, for several seconds Maya finally focused on the file.

Picking it up she opened it.

Getting a shocked and horrified expression on her face the moment after she did.

Since what was inside the folder Victor gave her detailed crimes her boss, and friend, Aldrich Killian had committed.

From illegal human experimentation, to terrorist bombings all across the United States.

The more Maya read and learned the sicker she became.

Eventually she could no longer continue looking at the file and tossed it on the floor. Once she did she turned her gaze towards Victor. "Why? Why did you show me that?"

"To show you exactly what kind of man Aldrich Killian truly is." Victor easily replied. "A psychopath with delusions of grandeur. Who won't hesitate to get rid of anything in the way of his goals. Which might one day include you and your daughter Dr. Hansen. But I don't wish for that to happen. Hence I am here to make you an offer. Come and work for me. If you do I promise not only protection from Killian, and anyone else that would seek to do you and your daughter harm, but also that you can continue your work on Extremis and make it into what you truly envision it to be. A product that can help all of mankind."

"And if I say no?" Maya questioned.

"Then I will leave your house tonight and you will never hear from me nor any of my associates ever again." Victor replied. "But if I do that means the deal I am offering you goes with me."

"And how do I know you'll even honor this deal your offering if I accept it?" Maya asked.

"Believe me I will." Victor said. "Because if I wanted to do harm to you and your daughter Dr. Hansen there is nothing you, nor hardly anyone else, could do to stop me." He spoke.

Victor then put a devilish smile on his face

As he did Maya found herself finally understanding she was being offered a deal by a devil.

But after what he had just shown her what other choice did she have?

Going to the authorities might make the situation worse, and there was no way she was going to the father of her child for help.

Given the way he acts.

There's a reason Maya hasn't told Ruri her father is Tony Stark.

So after thinking for several minutes Maya finally gave Victor an answer.

"Okay. I accept your deal." She spoke. "But if any harm comes to me or especially my daughter I'll do all I can to make you regret it."

"Well then I have nothing to worry about. Since that will never happen." Victor replied.

Happy that he has not only secure Dr. Hansen to his side.

But also the potential future Iron Heart of this universe.

Since he knew Tony was Ruri's father.

And he couldn't wait to see the look on Iron Man's face when he learned the truth one day

That is a moment Victor wouldn't miss for anything.


The deal with Maya Hansen done Victor took his leave from her apartment.

Happy that his first recruitment talk went well.

Now it was on to the others.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever