
Holy Necromancer: Rebirth of the Strongest Mage

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  • 1070 章
  • 4.0
    156 評分
  • NO.200+

In a world where Magic reigned supreme, Ruling over the Mythic Elements were the Holy Magicians of the Sacred Elements. A young prodigy, Gabriel was selected as the Holy Priest in the Church of the Magic of Light. He was the youngest mage to awaken the most coveted element of light; his future was supposed to be bright... But one day, he disappeared as if the darkness had swallowed him up. As Gabriel walked on the thin line between life and death while fighting for his life, something came in his life... Something that was going to change his life and the world forever... Step on this unforgettable journey of light and darkness that transcends boundaries of space and time like never before...

10 標籤

Strongest Mage with the Lust system

[ Warning: Mature content R-18 ] Is death a new begining? For Max, it was. Max, a twenty-year-old virgin, got attacked by a bear in forest and died an untimely death. Fortunately for him... that wasn't the end to his story. In the next instant, he found himself transmigrated into the body of a noble's youngest son in a world full of Magic, wonders and... beautiful women. As if God was making up for his untimely death, he also got a system -The Lust System. "I can become stronger just by having sex?" Join the journey of Max and watch he have the time of his life and become the strongest mage the world had ever seen before. ______________________________ [Things to be noted] 1. From the title, you should've guessed it already but let me tell you the story will be filled with many sexual adventures. So... you are welcome to enjoy them..... 2. However... don't expect MC to have sexual relations with every woman he meets. I'll be focusing on the story, and would 'Try' not to blindly throw sex scenes left and right. 3. Most importantly, this is my first time writing so the the quality of first 50 or so may be a bit lacking (But it would cause you no problem if a few minor errors don't bother you). 4. It is a slow paced story. If you want everything to be explosive and fast, maybe this isn't for you. Important Note: If you enjoy the story then don't forget to vote your GTs, Power stones and also if you can, send some GIFTS too. This poor soul would appreciate it. Also check out My other work: [ Rise of the Strongest War God ] & [ My perverted devil system ] Happy reading~ ________________

Blizzard54k · 奇幻
613 Chs



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Complimentary first review from the Author: The story is set in a world where magic exists, and each Magical Element has a Holy Church, with the Holy Church of Light being the most influential and strongest. The only element which doesn't have a Sacred Church is the Element of Darkness as it was destroyed, being thought to be the work of the Devil. Since then, all Dark Mages were hunted by the world and killed whenever discovered. In this world, Gabriel wakes up with the Holy Element of Light, but due to circumstances, he wakes up with a second Element, Darkness which brings him at an unexpected crossroads. The story will be an epic filled with mystery, adventure and actions. Please give it a try.


I'm on chapter 83 atm I don't have much to say but good things writing quality is top tier. Updates all the time Story is really good character design is top tier the world-building is good too only thing that would make the novel better is some lemons. ;]


This is one of the best necromancer novels that I had come across. Man, the character development, world background, spells and the artifacts. I just simply love everything about this novel.


This is prime example how you do NOT write a good fantasy novel. The story is all over the place. Characters act like a binary code - one second they are admiring mc, then over some non-existant cause they are out to gouge his eyes with a spoon (real people don't act like that, which may be a surprise for author). Mc himself is badly written mary sue. The world is generic and rules are non existant, cause author writes them down ONLY for the mc and any other character to break them in the next paragraph. Oh, also "zoomer language" is not helping. Over all this is worst novel, no, worst piece of media I saw in a LONG time. So am I writing this? Well, you see, this TEXT is somehow 4th place in rating, hence why I picked it up. Turns out, you should never trust in ratings.


Development of the 1st arc was horrible, with unnecessary conflicts, and worldbuilding failures. I left the story. he is the enemy of the world and insists on betraying his allies.


The conversation seems so fake and cringe


A strong affiliation towards the light, but pushed into darkness by jealous conspirators. A story that doesn't shy to delve into the ugliness of human societies, told through a visceral depiction of both the good, bad and the ugly. If you've enjoyed DA's other novels, then don't think further and jump into this. You're in for a grand ride.




A review of a privileged reader: As of right now everything is being lined down by the author perfectly but cons and pros are impossible to avoid Cons : Story development is annoyingly slow! Like before in the tower ark i was reading throughout it with in mind 200+ chapters to read more but now its BAD chapters a not long enough too! Half the chapters even in priest of darkness privilege is just all shitty talking! Update stability is never the same time a day! Tge story is so predictable! Author have a no existence talent of the element of suprise! To hell with this am reading to this point because I believe this guy can catch up of things! LIKE u don't need 2 chapters a day of random nonsense with a chapter so short that there's no progress in plot! A whole chapter was about him dodging holding hands with a girl! I just started a month ago and i been lovin the story but plz at least let us have a meaningful chapter or just do 1 day!!!!


just read the first 20 chapters. I don't like how he starts off with the most powerful weapons in the world. The story is progressing too fast with almost no character development. story is very bland and somewhat unoriginal. would not recommend.


I loved the concept of two totally opposite elements to work with each other. I was just thinking about HOLY NECROMANCY and voilà a novel about it was in my recommendation. I am very much satisfied with this recommendation. it's little sad that the love intrest of mc is going to die in future (after 3 years). Revenge + weak to strong = Great story(in my opinion) hence ❤️ Arifureta , Shield hero (S1) & now Holy Necromancer


SPOILERS I've read up to 620 and I feel like I'm just being trolled by the author at this point. The author just decides to destroy the world that Gabriel/Karyk is from for absolutely no reason. Also whenever Gabriel/Karyk decides to kill or betray someone, it just miraculously happens that they had ulterior motives all along.


Reading this novel is like watching one-piece anime the author drags and drags the chapters on, something which only should of took 20-30 chapters and managed to take 60. I just really dislike the author writing as he drags stuff out.


I’ m on chapter 229 n what I can say so far abt this novel is if u coming hear to read abt evil mc u not going to find it at most mc it’ not even considered anti-hero tbh but u can still read there no female lead that good thing but still there a lot of unanswered question for example how big it’ s the world it’ there going to be harem etc the most I can say abt this novel that read but but keep in mind that this it’ not masterpiece at most u can say pop corn novel btw if u read this novel u will noticed it’ s a lot similar as the other one that he wrote even if it’ not the same setting it’s almost like copy paste keep that in mind too but at most I can say this novel it’ s 3.6/5 if he doesn’ add harem and mc becomes more evil or cold it could be at 4/5 novel


i really like the plot and the personalty development of MC and only thing i want is that he kills *ay* Author please heed my words kill her in the most dreadful way possible


The MC is ubsurdly obtuse. You can ignore it if you want and maybe it improves later but as of now it's a very grating read. The writing quality it also quite terrible with whole paragraphs being added that don't need to be there at all. An obvious ploy to inflate the word count. E.g. "Either he could stay here for eternity, or he could jump in the strange river and try to swim for an unknown amount of time. And now, the third option was available, which was to get in the boat and let the Spector take him."This is very early on and when you read this paragraph in context you'll see that absolutely nothing is added. In a way that's almost impressive. As I said maybe it gets better later but early on (~c17) it's just a bad read. As always there's much more that can be said but most of it is negative and you get the general jist.


uhhhhh who is saying this book is elite? This book is bad. Like really bad. Don't read this book if you want logic, consistency, character growth, a good plot. In it's current state it's really weak. I donno if this is spoilers since it's literally the first 5 chapters but he very first plot point is that the MC gets accepted into the holy church for being the youngest mage to awaken and have a compatibility with light. The head priest of the church who is accepting him as his disciple decides not to give him a guard or a trinket to save his life or anything for that matter. We then learn there is a Head priest of the village that the MC lives in who has a son who also happened to awaken with light compatibility at the same time but he's a lil old so not so cool. The head Priest of the entire church says nope I'm not gonna accept him in the church he has to go the long way to get into the church. The problem with this is that we immediately after this fact learn how rare light users are.... so why didn't the head priest accept him? This leads to obvious hatred in the sons heart and conflict arises but you see how forced that was? How illogical that whole scenario was? It's like listening to a 5 yo lie to you using 5 yo logic but you are an adult and you can see right through it. Then there's the word padding, it starts right in the beginning. The author will blatantly rewrite but slightly reword sentences that are just reiterating the same thing over and over. Stuff you normally see in novels after they go platinum sometimes.I don't understand how this is ranked so high.... This book reminded me why I like books that have been published and have editors and an author who rereads their own work and makes multiple drafts. I hope the author goes back and rewrites this cause it seems like there's good ideas in there it just feels like whoever wrote this is in elementary school (very rookie writing mistakes). It's like that. I hate leaving bad reviews cause I'd much rather love a book than feel like I've been wasting my time.


currently on chapter 400 and I think this is a great novel. However, a problem i had with it was that most of the time alot of the characters know something about the secrets of the MC that the MC himself doesn't know about, at first it was okay bit it kept happening again and again that it got annoying. One more problem is that the MC seems super OP yet not OP at the same time and I'm all for it but the way its presented is annoying. He's super talented that he can absorb many crystals easily to improve and he stole alot of crystals from the academy. Moreover he has two grimoires(2 of the strongest elements),3 ancestral staffs and has high proficiency in 3 elements and he no longer has problems with his physical body due to the necklace. why the he'll does he struggle to kill the Holy Lord of wind when he was in the academy he should be able to wipe the floor with him. Moreover after Gabriel defeats izen its supposed to be something great introducing that he was a little brother of a guy on a mountain and that the world they currently live in is a desolate world takes away from the victory and makes you feel that instead of winning he failed by attracting attention of more enemies.and why does everyone know that Gabriel is karyk while he doesn't its super annoying that you just want to scream at Gabriel to figure out the obvious. To summarise 1) The others know more about the MC than the MC himself 2)The MC is not wiping the floor with others simply because of Plot instead of a good reason 3)Whenever the MC wins you figure out that the opponent beaten has a stronger opponents behind him


Having two opposing elements, being a Holy-Necromancer, the setting is too cliche to be appreciated. I went into the book without much expections. But couldn't have been more wrong. Even though there have only been 10 chaps you can tell that this book is going to be different, each chapter was interesting and made me want to read more. Hurry up and release more chaps author [img=recommend][img=recommend]


I wanted to give this book a try after seeing it do so well in ratings, and if you have chosen to do the same, and end up sticking with it, all the more power to you. I for one just count get past the first few paragraphs of this novel with the fact that he is 18 shoehorned in, as well as other small fact, hammered in again and again, the same words used to describe just used to death. Maybe the writing skills of the author improve, after all, it is just the first chapter. But the fact that they have felt 0 need to make any changes with how poorly it reads doesn't give me any hope for the future, or any want to continue. I wish the the author the best of luck, they seemed to have cultivated a good following with their book, and I'm sure that their ideas have fleshed out nicely after being able to give the time to it, but as it stands now, in what I assume to be it's unedited state, I cannot continue with it.



General Audiencesmature rating