
Dungeon of Niflheim

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    43 評分
  • NO.200+

In the grand world of Nova, many different races exist such as elves, humans, dwarves and beastmen and through years of war, strife and competition the world has grown, becoming home to great empires and countries throughout the oceans and five continents. However, to the great creators the world has become stagnant and boring, ever since the calamity that was the Church of Light and their Holy White empire. Now the Dark God has created a new race after years upon years of dedicated effort. A species that is like none other and his hope for Nova’s future….Dungeon cores, beings that have the ability to reshape the very world itself, entering the domain of the gods. Join Frost a newly born first generation Dungeon core as he embarks upon his journey within Nova and carves out his place in the world. How will the world’s current denizens react to his birth? Will they be friends or foes? And most of all how the Light God react to this new addition to the world, will he accept them or seek to destroy them? This novel incorporates dungeon building and management but most of that won't fully take off until the later volumes when Frost has much more floors and money to play around with. This is not a solely dungeon story as the MC Frost will have to explore and interact with the world of Nova much like how an adventurer would and forewarning the story is slow. There's a lot of details and avenues which the story goes into, not simply battles, wars and action, it follows all aspects of Frost's life, his growth and interactions with Nova not only as a Dungeon core but also as a person.

7 標籤
Chapter 1Chapter 1: Birth

Within an elegant stone courtyard decorated with a simple jade table and two matching chairs, a young man suddenly materialised, confusion clear in his expression.

'What? Where am I?' He looked around trying to get his bearings.

Surrounding the courtyard was a very well maintained and dedicated garden. Hundreds of plants of differing sizes and colours filled his vision. Pleasant streams of water could be seen in one direction whereas another had multitudes of insects and plant wildlife, frolicking without worry, a veritable paradise. Even though he had no idea where he was, the sight of this garden kept him calm and at ease.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice suddenly grabbed the young man's attention, drawing him away from the splendid view. He turned around towards the jade table where the voice originated. Now sitting there was a handsome middle-aged man happily looking his way.

'He wasn't there earlier.' The young man looked over at the table before and could swear that no one was sitting there. He felt rather unnerved about someone being able to suddenly appear without his knowledge.

The young man scrutinised the middle-aged man before deciding to answer. The older man was dressed in a black and gold kimono and had long black hair that stretched well past his lower back. But the most prominent feature was his eyes. They were a deep all-consuming black, the young man felt drawn in whenever his gazed wandered near them.

"Yes, I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful garden." The middle-aged man was giving off a powerful yet gentle pressure that convinced the young man to just respond honestly. After answering the middle-aged man's question, he was no longer as nervous. The middle-aged man gently smiled at him after hearing his reply.

"You don't exactly have anything to compare it to, but I'll accept the compliment none the less hahaha." The middle-aged man lightly laughed while looking out towards his garden with pride.

"Huh?" The young man however was rather confused, his brow frowned as he processed what he just heard.

"What do you mean by that exactly?" The young man decided to ask for clarification. The middle-aged man once again looked towards him; his eyes still full of pride but aimed towards him instead.

"That's simple, you've just been born, so you haven't had the chance to see anything yet." The middle-aged man eagerly anticipated how the young man would react to this information like it was some sort of game to him.

The information obviously gave quite a shock towards the young man. His emotions were clearly being displayed on his face, his eyes were wide open, brow tensed, and head tilted as he questioned what he just heard. He was completely flabbergasted; he was a fully grown man who could easily hold a conversation and identify the objects around him. No new-born should be able to do this, at least none that he knew.

"From your expression I can see that you don't believe me." The young man nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright then, how about you try answering two questions. First, what is the last thing you remember? Second who are you?" The middle-aged man seemed to enjoy giving little pieces of information at a time given the eager smile that was plastered on his face.

'What a weird old man.' The young man internally scoffed when he heard the two questions. In his mind they were incredibly pointless he couldn't understand the middle-aged man's intent.

'Eh?' However, once he tried to answer the two seemingly pointless questions, he drew a blank. The last thing he remembered was arriving here in the stone courtyard, anything before that, nothing. He couldn't recall his name, age, or anything, he didn't know who or even what he was. He looked towards the middle-aged man with a hint of fear.

"I…I don't remember." The young man was quite afraid now, even the serenity of the garden couldn't subdue his current emotions.

"Relax, you can't remember because there's nothing to remember. Come sit down there's much we need to discuss." The middle-aged man gestured towards the remaining seat by patting it with his hand. The young man still rather disturbed didn't reject his offer and moved to take the seat. After he sat down the middle-aged man smiled warmly, obviously trying to calm him down.

"Here, drink this." The middle-aged man waved his hand in the air summoning a simple jade cup that was releasing steam and giving off a pleasant aroma. He took hold of the cup and inspected its contents.

"I'm quite proud of my tea, hopefully it's to your liking." The middle-aged man maintained his warm and friendly attitude as he talked. The young man nodded his head in thanks before blowing on the cup and taking a sip of the green coloured tea.

'Delicious.' The tea seeped into every one of his taste buds overflowing his mouth with flavour. It then proceeded to fill each and every one of his muscles and bones with energy, removing any fatigue or stress that had built up. All of his worries and fears seemed to be absorbed by the tea and eliminated, bringing a happy and satisfied smile to his face.


"It's delicious, I feel much better now. Thank you." The young man closed his eyes and gave a slight bow.

"Hahaha that's good, very good." The middle-aged man laughed and sent a very caring look towards him. The middle-aged man's gaze made the young man feel warm for some reason.

"Now that you've got a cup of tea and managed to calm down, we should get down to business." The young man nodded in acceptance; he was ready for answers.

"First off let's do some introductions, I'm known as Dark, but you can call me father, dad or papa which ever you prefer." A bright light started to radiate from behind Dark, as he said that, obviously aiming to increase the dramatic effect of the bombshell he just dropped.

The young man however didn't react much, just calmly accepting it, replying with a slight smile. He didn't know if it was due to the effects of the tea he was drinking but all he thought when he heard the word 'father' was 'ah that sounds about right.'

"Eh! I just said that I'm your father and you're just sitting there without any reaction. I wasn't expecting you to run into my arms crying papa but still, you didn't even blink in surprise, so not cute hmph!" Dark was clearly very disappointed with his response such that he started pouting and mumbling stuff like the girls were much cuter or he's just like his brother.

Dark continued to pout and mumble for a good few minutes before finally looking back at the young man. He waved his hand summoning another cup of hot tea, this time for himself. He needed to drink some tea to help him get over his disappointment and continue with their discussion. However, he clearly wasn't thinking clearly.

"Ah! Hot." He forgot to blow on the tea to cool it down resulting in him burning his tongue. The cup dropped to floor as he started to hand fan his tongue in an effort alleviate the pain.

"Hahahahaha." While Dark was in pain the young man started to laugh. The juxtaposition from seeing his father transition from having a regal aura to his tantrum was difficult but bearable, but this was too much. Dark's clumsy mistake pushed him over the edge resulting in him loudly laughing. And it took him longer than he would have liked to calm down.

"Sorry father, that was mean." He felt pretty guilty laughing at his father's pain. Dark however was smiling, his tongue was no longer hurting nor were his feelings. Seeing his son laugh without restraint -even though it was due to him hurting himself- made him happy.

"No need, I'm glad you laughed, it was pretty funny hahaha." Dark proceeded to laugh at his mistake as well, creating a very harmonious atmosphere between the two of them.

"Your eldest brother didn't even laugh once when I spoke with him which worried me." Dark's eyes showed a sad expression as he mentioned his eldest son.

"Perhaps you just weren't funny." The young man himself didn't want to laugh but couldn't restrain himself, perhaps his eldest brother just had more restraint or Dark's jokes were bad. He pictured his elder brother being a cool silent type.

"Eh… you could be right." Dark tried to remember his discussion with his eldest son and realised what the young man said could have merit. 'I guess I'm not that funny, seems I was worried for nothing.' He no longer worried about his eldest son's attitude but still believed that his daughters were better.

"Anyway, since I've introduced myself, I guess it's time for me to tell you who you are." Dark then proudly smiled towards his son. The young man's ear's twitched in anticipation, he suddenly felt incredibly excited, his heart started to strongly thump.

'Who I am.'

"You and your siblings are something I've worked incredibly hard on and are my proudest creations. All together there are 100 of you, all of which were born at roughly the same time, just a few minutes between one another." The young man smiled as he imagined the many brothers and sisters he had, 99 was a big number.

"You my son are number seven and your name…...is Frost." Dark pointed towards Frost's chest as he said that.

'Frost…Frost…Frost,' Frost kept repeating his name in his head, carving it deep into is heart so he wouldn't forget. He smiled kindly towards his father.

"Frost greets you father." Saying his name out loud made his smile grow bigger. He felt complete and at ease.

"Hahaha, happy birthday my son." Dark patted his son's shoulders with affection, accepting his greeting and congratulating him.

"That should do for introductions don't you think."

"Yes father."

"Good, next I'll tell you what you and your siblings are." Dark couldn't stop a smirk from forming as he mentioned that. Frost however was just eager to learn more about himself and didn't notice this.

"You and your siblings are the first of your kind, a unique existence, something I'm calling…Dungeon cores!" Dark paused to add dramatic effect but that was lost on Frost who just looked at him with a puzzled expression since he had no idea what his father meant by 'Dungeon cores'.

"Dungeon cores?"

"Yes, Dungeon cores!" Dark repeated 'Dungeon cores' back with gravitas hoping Frost would understand and feel the magnitude of what was being said.

"…..You're going to need to say more than just Dungeon cores."

"Ah!... yeah sorry." Dark's eyes stopped twinkling and he visibly deflated from his self-built hype.

"It's probably going to be easier to show you than explaining it, come." Dark proceeded to stand up and walk to the centre of the courtyard. He gestured for Frost to join him there. Frost nodded his head and acquiesced to his father's request, joining him in the centre of the courtyard.

Once his son stood by his side Dark waved his hands summoning out a dull white orb the size of a basketball. The orb floated by itself in between Dark and Frost at chest level.

"This is a Dungeon core, you have something similar to it within in you, think of it as your other half." Frost placed a hand over his chest trying to picture the core that was within him.

"The purpose of this orb is to allow you and your siblings to harness the power of creation and it's what sets you apart from everyone else."


"Yeah, you're gonna love this." Dark lightly touched the floating core causing it to react. The dullness disappeared, replaced with a gently increasing white shine. Once the core fully activated, it displayed a holographic screen that floated above it.

"This is the Dungeon menu; it'll help you navigate and utilise the powers that the core provides." Dark's right hand then started to be covered in a black aura. This aura was then absorbed by the floating core causing it to release a slight shine as if it was happy.

"To use the power of creation you'll need Dungeon points or DP for short, I'm converting my mana into DP to show you an example, but you'll need to acquire it another way." After pumping some mana into the core and revealing a proud smirk, Dark cycled through the menu until he came across a section with the heading [Monsters]. The menu now showed a long list of different so called monsters, which were divided into ranks. Dark scrolled through the list until it showed a monster called [goblin].

"One of the most important abilities you'll have is summoning monsters, this will be integral to your survival." Dark made sure to emphasize the word 'survival' to Frost. He then clicked on the menu causing a glowing magic crest to appear on the floor. A creature quickly grew from the crest.

What appeared was completely green in colour and reached roughly one metre tall. Its frame was somewhat humanoid, but its appearance was very ugly, especially its teeth which were all yellow and crooked. It also came armed with a short rusty dagger and wore nothing but a dirty looking loincloth.

"This is a goblin, and it costs 30DP. It's one of the weakest and cheapest creatures you can summon however, if used wisely can be very useful, especially in large numbers." Dark gave Frost some time to inspect the summoned creature.

The goblin stood still, occasionally releasing a few grunts as it stared towards Dark as if waiting for instructions. Frost moved closer to the goblin checking out its frame and weapon. He felt that weak was a very apt description. Its size was no more than that of a human child and a starved one at that considering the width of its limbs. The rusty dagger looked like it could cut flesh with difficulty but would easily be repelled by any sort of armour. Plus, since it was practically nude even a sharp stick could kill it.

Frost stepped back after completing his inspection, he nodded towards his father. Dark waved his hand once again causing a magic crest to reappear beneath the goblin, this time consuming it. All that was left was the goblin's right ear and a few of its fangs.

"Monsters are usually hunted for their materials. Different monsters have different uses. With a goblin its fangs are used in alchemy and the right ears are used for fertiliser as well as being a kill confirmation. Whereas with a wolf monster, its hide, fur and even meat would be desired." Frost intently listened to his father, afraid to miss out a single detail. He felt nothing as the goblin vanished only curious about the magic crest it arrived and disappeared with. He picked up the left-over fangs and right ear. There was still blood left on the ear and saliva on the fangs.

'Pretty disgusting, what use could there be for these.' He thought while squeezing and rubbing the fangs. After he was done critiquing the materials, he placed them back on the still glowing crest. The crest then devoured the ear and fangs before completely vanishing.

"When a monster you've summoned dies like so, you'll recoup 10% of its purchase cost. With the goblin I summoned, the core received 3DP, it's not much but it'll add up over time."


Weakest Beast Tamer Gets All SSS Dragons

"Dragons and their spawn rule the skies, the land, and the seas... humanity survives in the cracks, dreaming of a comeback." _____ Power comes from the beast you tame. Wolves, hawks, snakes, spiders, chimeras, the stronger your summon, the brighter your future. Too bad for our protagonist. When everyone else summoned salamanders, eagles, troll dogs(not doge) or tigers, he got… Well, let’s just say the only thing lower on the food chain is dirt. Laughed at, bullied, and living as the butt of every joke, he’s not exactly winning. But giving up isn’t an option... His aging parents sold everything for his "failed" chance, and he won’t let it be for nothing. But hey, this is his story. The weakest beast tamer? Here’s the thing about being at the bottom: it teaches you how to climb. And dragons? Turns out they start small too. As kingdoms crumble under greed and external threats, the weakest tamer begins his rise. Follow his path as he unlocks a potential so rare, so terrifying, it leads to dragons… Every evolutionary line leads to the strongest ‘SSS Dragons’. _______ Warning: Contains world-ending dragons, ridicule-fueled underdog revenge, dragon-scaled protagonist, morally questionable nobles, insane creature evolutions and enough twists to make you wonder if weakest really means luckiest. A MC who’s out to prove everyone wrong… even if it kills him. Spoiler alert: It won’t. For those who love a whole lot of fun, this one’s for you. If you’re looking for a darker story, look somewhere else (Maybe Utopian System (;) This one’s about having fun and taming expectations. _______ If you want to know more about the cover: Yep, that's Luna, the FL... Her skin and clothes are morphing into shimmering scales from her dragon power. Remember Sailor Moon? Magical girls? Now imagine if the magical outfit wasn’t a cute dress, but an actual dragon! The dragon is the dress... It’s not just fashion; it’s fusion. High-level beasts tend to leave their mark, and Luna wears it like a boss, pulling off the ultimate power move. _______ We will use the same Discord from my first book, come join! https://discord.gg/W3CjfC2cw4 _______ Silly tags that seem to matter a lot to some readers: No Yaoi, No Yuri, Possibly Harem (Vote! I can write either, and in any case, there will be multiple girls. The only difference is whether he chooses one in the end or goes the "liberal" route.... democracy is yours!), No NTR.

Dagzo · 奇幻
239 Chs

The Runic Alchemist

Ben, a postgraduate chemistry student, envisions a future where science unlocks the secrets of the universe. But fate has other plans. In a sudden twist, Ben dies and awakens in a strange new world, reborn as a five-year-old boy named Damian Sunblade. Damian's joy at being part of a noble family is short-lived. His family, valuing gold over blood, sells him off to another noble house to be groomed as a homemaker husband, a mere pawn in their political games. Struggling with his new reality and the remnants of his past life’s knowledge, Damian refuses to succumb to his fate. In his new household, Damian discovers that this world is governed by magic circles, Runic symbols wielding immense power. Driven by his scientific curiosity, Damian begins to experiment. Applying the laws of physics to the Rune symbols, he deciphers their secrets and invents his own unique form of magic. However, The family that bought him has their own plans for him, seeing Damian as a valuable tool to enhance their power. But Damian, ever the independent spirit, has dreams beyond servitude. He longs for freedom, a place to call his own—a life where he can use his talents without restraint. And so Damian devises a daring plan to escape. His journey is fraught with danger and intrigue, as he navigates a world filled with mystical creatures, powerful adversaries, and ancient secrets. Along the way, he forges alliances and battles enemies, all while refining his magical and scientific skills. In "The Runic Alchemist," follow Damian Sunblade’s epic quest for independence and self-discovery. Witness his transformation from a forsaken child to a formidable Alchemist, determined to carve out an extraordinary future for himself in a world teeming with infinite possibilities. ***** Author Note : Hello! GlaringError here! As I have already mentioned in my author review I am restating it here since I am getting tons of comments about it, that I am more of a reader myself than a writer, I made this novel in an attempt to capture my fantasy world residing in my mind into words.. Writing is new for me.. The premise of my novel is inspired by many great works that I have loved over the years. And some elements I have in my novel that are slightly similar to them but it's just the skeleton of it, the real meat of the plot is entirely my own cooking. Some of the influence that is more noticeable is from The Runesmith (By Kuropon), The King's Avatar (By Butterfly Blue) and Shadow Slave (By Guiltythree). I have immense respect for these legends and I can only hope to follow in their footsteps. To all those who comment just by judging the name, at least give it a chance before letting your opinions be known. Thank you.

GlaringError · 奇幻
504 Chs


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Author here giving a slightly biased review to help get the ball rolling as well as clarifying a few details. 1) Since English is my first language the grammar and quality of writing is more than readable however, I will make mistakes so please point them out, always appreciate grammar catchers 😁 2) Regarding the issues with the MC I'd like to clarify that regardless of his intelligent or how old his body portrays him to be, he is still a new born. His personality hasn't had a chance to develop and all his emotions are new. He's similar to a child, innocent, curious and prone to exaggerated emotions i.e. may be similar to those cliché Japanese protagonists however that is only in the beginning. 3) Many people have stopped reading the novel, both on web novel and royal road after the first few chapters mainly due to the MC and FMC quirks and they leave comments detailing as such. I would like if you could give the novel a chance, read at least the first dozen or so chapters before casting judgement as the quirks of the MC are rounded off as he develops (less cheesy). If after that you still don't find it to your taste, fair enough. For the story itself I feel that it's well built, with rich character progression and a diverse world. The story although called Dungeon of Niflheim is not solely about dungeons. It follows the dungeon core itself and his adventures within the world of Nova. There will be dungeon building and dungeon battle elements but they won't really shine until later in the story.


(chap.49) I am giving an honest review before I drop this story. I don't really know if you have a lot of mistakes in writing b/c my brain just makes it right for me if it isn't to bad, so you get a 5-star for decent writing. Stability of updates, well I found this when it had like 300 chapters already, so you get a 5-star for having a lot of chapters. Story Development....one word, slow, I could see if you wanted to start it off slow and let the reader get used to the dungeon system chakra ect but after chapter 40 I began seeing that this story would probably never speed up, my main reason for dropping, but you get a 3-star b/c I saw the effort at least, just too many unnecessary details, chapters, ect. Character Design, I have only seen what like 16 people, two adventure groups, bandit group + knight, Frost(mc) Maya(mc protector) Dark(god) Light(god) and like 3 other people, and I swear the adventurer group(first one) had more personality than the mc, they were just more fun(to me at least), Maya, I can't really say anything about her, she does nothing, she gets mad sometimes and gets embarrassed sometimes, that's it. Dark/Light god, don't really know anything about them, but that is okay for now, considering that they are gods, and Dark god so far is actually pretty decent. Maybe it was b/c I'm at chapter 49, but I would say take some time to get the main people of the story more depth and personality, I would give you a 2-star but since your a new author I will cut you some slack and give you a 3-star. World Background, something that can make or break your story, this is how I see it, you introduce us to this world that is suppose to be huge many species called Nova, then a few chapters later you dump us with information about where the mc is located all in one chapter and you basically don't really go over it again, at least up till chapter 49, all I really remember was he was in a mountain that had strong monsters the deeper you went, I honestly debated if I should have given you one star for World Background, but I went ahead and gave you a two since you did at least explain it in one chapter and went over albeit very little in later chapters. Don't get the wrong idea, I like the idea of your story and maybe I'll come back and read sometimes b/c at the end of things my entire life is reading, that's what I do for hours upon hours, and your story has a lot of potential, every story does, so keep working hard or don't really your choice, this is like my first real review of a story, so it's a bit long, but hope the authors sees this and tells me if it gets better later on.


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