
The Vampire Prince's Blindfolded Bride

作者: Light_ray
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"You are my salvation and an answer to my cursed eyes." ------ In a world of vampires, werewolves, and witches, a girl is born to be the bride of the vicious and bloodthirsty 300-year-old immortal Vampire Prince. The man who could never be enticed by any ethereal beauty till now suddenly has shown interest in a woman with a curse whom everyone abandoned. Alora Wilson, the eldest daughter of a high-noble human family, is born with the curse of an old powerful witch. It is the curse that burns the person into ashes if the person looks directly into her eyes. A curse that forces her to wear the blindfold since the moment she was born in this world. When the kids of her age enjoyed every small moment of their lives, she couldn't. No one loves to befriend her. Even her own father and siblings despise her. One day Magnus Lukeson, the Vampire Prince, enters her life– The man whom the entire kingdom is scared of. A man with only foes and no friends. A man who ventures his territory at night to take the fresh blood out of humans irrespective of the age or gender to quench his thirst. ~~~~~ The blindfold cascaded off Alora's eyes and her enchanted blue eyes met with Magnus' blood-red eyes. "You have enchanting eyes, Alora," Magnus pronounced. No one ever said that to her. But no one could look into her eyes either. Only Magnus was the exception. The reason was still unknown to her. "Shall we begin the night?" Magnus asked for her permission. "Will His Highness give me love?" Alora asked. She was desperate to be loved. The feeling she could never get from her family and only heard in the words. "And how am I supposed to provide love to you?" Magnus queried since he was curious to know her thoughts. "Holding hands, hugging each other, sleeping together, and sharing thoughts. Isn't that how you shower love?" Alora innocently asked. Magnus ended up smiling to hear her explanation of love. He leaned down and kissed her lips, causing her to shiver from that sudden feeling. "This is the way I shower love," Magnus pronounced, gazing into Alora's charming blue eyes. ~~~~~ This story has participated in WSA 2024. Your votes, comments and gifts will mean a lot to me. Follow me on Instagram: rayoflight_pcy

10 標籤
Chapter 1'Curse of Velaris'

In a lavishly adorned chamber, a quartet of individuals sat in conversation while maids tended to their tea service.

"Lord Norman, your eldest daughter is the reason why no one is giving the hand of their son to your second daughter," the matchmaker delicately broached the subject after providing a thorough explanation of the situation.

"Why doesn't Lord Norman consider arranging for Miss Alora to reside elsewhere? In the countryside?" the matchmaker inquired, seeking a resolution to the issue.

In the Kingdom of Velaris, everyone knew about the high chancellor's eldest daughter, Alora Wilson. The moment she was born and opened her eyes to look, two people were burned into ashes because of her gaze. Since then she was labeled as the 'Curse of Velaris'. 

The High Chancellor furrowed his brows together and looked at his wife. "Alora should not become the reason for doom to our other kids. Again, because of Alora, we cannot get a marriage proposal for Venus," Norman discussed with his wife, Rhea Wilson. He was tired of finding proposals for Venus since nobody seemed ready to take her as a daughter-in-law of their house. 

Alora, who was standing outside the room, with her eyes covered with a white silk blindfold, heard the entire conversation between her parents. She accepted how her curse affected her younger sister's life. 

"I want my Alora to get married too. Once she is married, I know Venus will also get a good household," Rhea stated optimistically. As a mother, she was concerned more for Alora than anyone. 

"Lady Rhea, I understand your concern. However, there's no one born to marry Miss Alora. Unfortunately, she has to live an aloof life. Miss Venus is good at everything. She is a choice among noble gentlemen in the kingdom," the matchmaker explained the depth of the concern to them. 

"Rhea, we kept Alora alive because of you. She should have been dead the day she was born," said Madam Aubrey in a displeased tone. She is Norman's mother and Alora's grandmother. 

"Mother, I request you not to say this about my daughter," Rhea urged. 

Madam Aubrey snickered. "You think it is easy for me to say such a big thing. What good has Alora brought to us? I told you Norman not to listen to your wife that day. Venus and Elliot's lives are affected because of Alora. If you two want happiness in this house, then send away that cursed child from here. I'm tired of seeing her face every day." Madam Aubrey didn't hesitate to talk bitterly about her eldest granddaughter. 

Alora's eyes filled with tears to hear her grandmother's words. She would hear every single day bad remarks toward her, but calling her a cursed child was too much for her. 

It had been twenty-four years for her to wear that blindfold, so her sense of direction had turned better. Even without using the stick, Alora knew where she had to set her foot.

Using her other senses to go ahead, Alora finally stepped foot into the room, where the elders were still in discussion. 

"Mother, please don't call my child cursed. She is perfectly fine and–" 

"Shut your mouth, Rhea. We are suffering because of Alora. How many people do you wish to see dead? I have still not forgotten the last year when Alora almost looked at me. She is worse than a witch!" Madam Aubrey remarked harshly. 

"Pardon me for intruding in the elders' conversation," Alora spoke, causing everyone to be shocked. The matchmaker was slightly scared to see her. 

"I will leave for an isolated place far from the capital," Alora pronounced. 

Rhea shook her head and rose to her feet. "Dear, don't say that. We will soon find a good proposal for Venus and you as well." She told her daughter not to feel low about her grandmother's words. 

"Again, you are giving false hopes to everyone here. When Alora wants to leave, then let her go. I want peaceful days in my remaining days of life," Madam Aubrey announced.

"Because of me, Venus' life should not be ruined. Had I not been here, she would be married by now. I will live in the old estate of the family in Elmswood," Alora suggested. 

Norman told his wife that he would make arrangements for Alora to leave in the evening. 

"Evening? But my lord we should send her in the morning." Rhea didn't wish her daughter to leave in the evening when the vampires were more active. "Even the vampires venture in the dark night. Morning time will be better for her departure," she suggested in her humble tone. 

"Shut up, Rhea. Did you not hear the matchmaker earlier? Tomorrow, he will bring the Duke's son's proposal for Venus. Send Alora in the evening. Why will a vampire even attack Alora? Everyone in the kingdom knows she possesses a curse. Alora will remain unharmed. Send her now if you think evening time is dangerous for her, Norman," Madam Aubrey ordered both her son and daughter-in-law. 

Alora was well aware of the fact that it was difficult for her mother to send her away so early. That's why she needed to press Rhea to let her go. At least, they all would live happily. 

Norman told the matchmaker to come tomorrow, who promptly left after bowing to them. He then ordered his attendant to prepare a carriage for Alora. 

"Take her to the room, Rhea, and prepare her well. From now onward, Alora needs to live alone," Norman announced his decision. 

Rhea's eyes filled with tears and she felt hopeless since there was no way she could stop this departure. Rhea held Alora's hand tenderly and took her away. 


All the belongings to Alora were shifted to the carriages outside. 

"Mother, I can sense the sadness in you," Alora finally said. "More than me, Venus and Elliot have suffered. Mother should think about them rather than me," she asserted. 

Rhea's eyes welled up in tears. "All my children are equal to me. I truly wished to see you getting married." As a mother, she saw no difference in any of her children. "It is all my fault. If only I had been careful of that witch, it would not have happened." Rhea blamed herself for Alora's situation. 

She caressed her daughter's face and said, "You are the most beautiful girl in this kingdom. I wonder what your eyes look like," she murmured and hung her head low. 

Alora had told her mother about her eyes, but she wanted to look at them once. Sometimes, Rhea would desire to get burned by her daughter's gaze. At least, she would die by seeing her full face– But it was a desire that could never be fulfilled. 

"I can talk to your father again and stop him from sending you," Rhea said. She didn't wish to let go of her daughter from her sight. "Who will take care of you? How will you manage everything?" She muttered. 

"Mother, I'll return once Venus and Elliot get married," Alora said. She was aware that her return to the capital of the kingdom was not possible. It would probably be her last time to converse with her mother like this. 

"Lady Rhea, the carriage is ready for Miss Alora," a servant informed them. 

"This early?" Rhea didn't expect the two hours to pass so quickly. 

"It's the time when I shall bid farewell to my mother," Alora pronounced. 

Rhea's eyes turned watery. She embraced Alora warmly as she closed her eyes. "I will come to you as soon as Venus' marriage is fixed. Eat your meals on time. Don't let yourself fall sick." She wanted to say more things to Alora, but Norman's presence interrupted them. 

"Alora, it's the time you should leave," Norman's deep voice fell into their ears. He saw his wife wiping her tears. "Bring her outside," he said and turned to exit. 

"Father, forgive me for not being able to become a good child to you. I will miss you," Alora said as she rose to her feet. 

Norman didn't say anything and went outside. Alora felt upset since her father didn't try to say any good words even when she had planned to leave the house. 

Rhea held the arm of her daughter gently and took her outside. 

"Mother, are Venus and Elliot around?" Alora asked, thinking if they had come to bid her farewell or not. 

"They are busy unlike you. Just get into the carriage fast and leave our house," Madam Aubrey bitterly remarked. 

"Please don't speak in such a way with my daughter, Mother," Rhea said sternly. She walked to Alora again and kissed the top of her forehead. "I'll miss you. Don't forget to take your meals on time," she again reminded her daughter. 

"Yes, Mother," Alora said. 

Suddenly, a familiar warm hand rested above her head. She recognized by sensing its touch that it was of her father's. Alora smiled a little since this gesture from her father was like a blessing to her. 

She soon got into the carriage and heard the door getting closed. Alora realized a new chapter had started in her life, where she had to learn to live by herself. However, she was unaware of the fate that would soon unfold before her.

As the carriage began the journey to Elmswood, Alora slowly drifted off to sleep. She jolt awake from her sleep when the carriage abruptly halted and her head banged against the window. 



Hello Dear Readers, 

This is my first time writing a Vampire story. I hope you will give a chance to this story and read it. This story is a part of WSA 2024 in fantasy romance category. Please support me through powerstones votes, comments and reviews since it will help the book to grow among the readers. If you have any questions, you can ask here.




Chosen Legacy

I stared across the clearing into the piercing golden eyes of the wolf that I had seen a thousand times before. However, despite seeing her over and over again, I had never once seen her face to face. While I was running, I kept repeating a word in my head. The same word over and over again. “Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I thought at first that it was me saying it, but it wasn’t my voice, not exactly. It was close to my voice, but not a perfect match. “Is that you?” I asked myself as I ran deep into the forest. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “Is that really you?” I sobbed in relief.. Rika is nineteen and has a secret that she has been keeping from her family. She is a wolf shifter in the most famous and well-known pack in the world. She is daughter to Trinity and Reece Gray, the King and Queen of all the shifter and magic users in the world, and yet, Rika is losing touch with her wolf more and more each day. Not only that, but she can feel her slipping away from her inch by inch, and fears that she might lose her altogether. On top of feeling as if one day very soon she might never be able to shift again, Rika and her twin brother Reagan have been given a very complicated task. They must help foster the peace between the humans and non-humans of the world now that the veil of secrecy has been removed. The world knows now that the creatures that go bump in the night, vampires, werewolves, witches, Fae, werebears, and more, oh my, are all real. Not all of those people who now know the truth are all that happy about it. Foster a positive relationship with the humans, sure thing. Find the group of people responsible for supposed monster bashings, no problem. Navigate life while also trying to find their own mates. Now that might be a problem. On top of all the other things on their plate, Rika, Reagan, and all the other children of the fabled legacies must learn how to be themselves in a world that will never be the same again. Love and lust, anger and rage, happiness and confusion, emotions will be all over the place as the Chosen Legacy fight for all mankind, human and not. “Rika, you need to tell someone about this. You need to tell them what is going on.” Reagan was glaring at me as I fought that empty feeling inside of me. “I can’t, Reagan. You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s like to lose that part of you.” “You’re right, I don’t, but it will never get better if you don’t try to do something about it.” His anger made his eyes flash bright blue in the darkness of the night. The way that they were shining, I could tell that it wasn’t just the reflection of the moon, this was his power, this was the essence that was my brother. “Leave me alone.” I snapped as I ran away from him. I was fighting against my tears, holding them back so that he wouldn’t see how much this was hurting me. Not only that, but I couldn’t let him see that it was too late, that my wolf was already gone. Chosen Legacy is a story that has a little bit of everything. It is a coming of age story, where multiple legacies, Rika included, matures emotionally and mentally while learning to navigate the ever-changing world. It is a mystery and suspense as the twins, along with their group of friends, search for the group that has been attacking innocent people around their campus. And it is a hot and steamy romance where each of the legacies will find their one true love to last a lifetime. Who and what does fate have in store for these legacies, and what adventures will they have along the way? This story will change the POV so that it will focus on multiple characters. The character name will be in the chapter title and at the top of the chapter. This is a massive story that will encompass many mating between different characters and a lot of the cast from the book 'Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha'. It is a stand-alone book. However, you do not need to have read the original to follow along.

Deni_Chance · 奇幻言情
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Young master Damien's pet

"Who touched you?" he asked, his eyes brooding down at her and when she didn't answer, his voice thundered in the room, "WHO?" The butler who stood near the wall spoke shakily, "Sir, it was Mr. Reverale," Damien's face turned sour, his jaw ticking in anger he turned his face to the side where the butler stood behind. "Bring the man here." "N-now?" stuttered the butler. It was the time of night. Damien who hadn't broken his eye contact with the girl in front of him, pushed his hand against the wall which now rested beside his beautiful girl's head. Turning his body, he first looked at his butler who had his head bowed. With great courage, the butler came to meet his Master's eyes, "Do you have any other better time? Or should it be after I wring your neck?" Damien asked calmly tilting his head. Not a second later, the butler ran out of the room to return back with Mr. Reverale after twenty minutes. "Damien, are we having a late tea party?" Mr. Reverale came to greet but the master of the house had other plans. Spotting the knife that was stuck to the apple on the table, he reached for it to pull it out. Just as Mr. Reverale went to exchange a handshake with him, Damien took hold of his hand to place it on the table. In one swift movement as if he were chopping onions, he chopped the four fingers of the man off his hand making him yelp and cry in pain. "No one touches what is mine. I am sure this will remind you the next time you even think about touching her," sighed Damien as if he were tired of telling people to keep their dirty hands off his belongings. Meet Damien Quinn, a pureblooded vampire who is a complete narcissist, brash with his words and stingy even though he is rich who haggled when he bought a slave from the black market. On the other hand, meet Penelope who believes she is a 'guest' for a few days at the Quinn as she is intent on escaping from the odd vampire who needs therapy. ~ Discord: https://discord.gg/K63uVqN

ash_knight17 · 奇幻言情
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Abyssal Chronicles

In the northern part of the world, a long-standing battle between various races and the demon race has finally reached its end. The Demon Lord, a figure with black hair, red eyes, rules from her obsidian palace, having repeatedly defeated the Goddess, the strongest being in the world. However, she refrains from killing her, knowing she will only be reborn to lead another attack. As the goddess kneels before her, badly injured and helpless, the sounds of explosions echo outside, signaling the imminent victory of the alliance. Despite her immense power, the demon lord acknowledges the demon's overall weakness compared to humans and the Alliance. The development of fighting energy and mana has allowed ordinary humans to fight demons, leading to the demon army's defeat. Aware of the Alliance's intent to enslave the abyssal demon, the Demon Lord decides to cast a forbidden spell that will cost her life. As the Alliance forces storm the palace, they hesitate upon sensing the spell's energy. The Demon Lord vows to resist and be reborn to save her people. Meanwhile, the goddess reflects on the demon lord's past treatment of her and acknowledges her respect and dedication to her people. As the demon lord prepares to cast the spell, the goddess asks if she can abandon her plan and live freely. However, demon lords are duty-bound to restore the demon race's glory and protect her people. Understanding the demon lord's resolve, the goddess readies her sword, intending to clash with the demo lord's forbidden spell. The resulting explosion creates a mushroom cloud, marking the end of the conflict and the start of a new era. The Demon Lord and the Goddess become historical figures, their stories occasionally told.

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