
Chapter 2 - Cullens Return

Thal POV

It's been 8 months since Bella Met us but now I sensed the Cullens return.

"There back aren't they?" (Bel)

"Yes, but I taught you magic so you should be fine" (Thal)

We are in school lunch room when me and Bells were sitting with our friends.

"So the Cullens are back, how do you feel?" (Jessica)

"I'm fine, we broke up and I have a girlfriend who won't abandon me" (Bell)

"Your damn right" (Thal)

I kisse Bella on the lips to hear a growl from the Cullens table, get a life or whatever vampires get.

"Well we're glad you moved on" (Angela)

"You were so moody that it was unbearable" (Lauren)

"I know right, all it took was some kissing and more made her brighten up her mood" (Thal)

Bella slapped my shoulder as I laughed.

"Will you please stop telling people our private business" (Bell)

"I can't help I'm a romantic which by the way you left something at my house" (Thal)

"What?" (Bell)

I smiled to look down as Bella blushed to start hitting me again while others snickered.

I heard Emmett laugh but got smacked which I guess is Rose.

"So you two have been having sex already?" (Jessica)

"Yes, you should see the aftermath, Bella looks like Bambi trying to walk" (Thal)

Bell grabbed a book to try to hit me.

"Ah Ah, now that is going too far" (Thal)

"Then stop talking" (Bell)

"Make me" (Thal)

"You don't wanna play this game" (Bell)

"Oh Bella, I love playing games" (Thal)

"Don't I know it" (Bell)

I grabbed her arm to put the book down to bring her in my lap as she sat as I ate my food as our friends laughed.

"What are you eating?" (Bella)

"Food from last night" (Thal)

"And you didn't bring me any?" (Bell)

I took out a container to give and a fork.

"Thank you" (Bell)

She opened the container to start eating while I hear more growling, it's getting annoying at this point.