
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Phim ảnh
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

<i>The Butterfly Effect. This term is used to define the causal effects that cascade after a singular event takes place. Even if that simple event is a buttery fly flapping its wings or getting crushed by a time traveling human.

<i>Either event creates drastic and unpredictable diverging outcomes as time progresses. Well according to the theory.

<i>Let me share my experience and this one half of time theory with regards to timeline manipulation. The butterfly effect is definitely not something that happens over millions of years.

<i>It shows up exponentially faster.

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~

It has been two days since I had my little chat with Phil.

In that time as was expected all the spots for our opening gala have been reserved.

Lilith and her little sisters are conducting interviews for the openings on their various ships.

Turns out my separate little fishing line snagged several potential big fish to act as my personal assistant.

That should be a fun set of interviews.

"Father, the drones have just returned with Capcicle. Estimated time for safe thawing should be twelve hours."

'One time I made the Capcicle reference in regard to Captain America, just one time now it seems like the greatest name in the world.'

"Thank you for the update. Now Lilith what is on the agenda for today?"

"Today we are scheduled to reject all interviews or phone calls."

"Correct we have to continue to play the charade of an intergalactic business."

"Garrick, one of the parameters you set to watch and look out for seems to have been triggered."

"Oh, is it regarding Tony did he finally head to the middle east?"

"No, not exactly. Obadiah has called off the kidnapping. He now is going to plan on having Tony assassinated while at our gala."

"Really? Well, I be damned. Turns out Obadiah has some King Kong size balls."

"Crystal maintain and continue recording Obadiah's machinations. Will be interesting to see Tony's face when this evidence is presented to him."

Incoming wormhole activation

'Huh, what the hell.'

"Lilith, are you playing around."

"Negative, incoming wormhole detecting location New Mexico."

"Following protocol back tracing the path."

'What the hell is going on. Thor wasn't set to show up for at least one and half years from now.'


"Garrick, protocol 'green menace' has been triggered." Crystal interjects.

"Back tracing complete, wormhole origin location acquired."

"Location extragalactic system, correction extragalactic system nestled in a dimensional pocket."

"Coordinates locked and saved. Protocol complete."

"Very well-done Lilith keep those coordinates handy we will pay our respects to Odin before he goes into hiding."

"Okay now let us turn our attention to the big green guy. Wonder what set him off so early and what is his location."

"South America, Brazil. Turns out General Ross was ordered to capture him at all costs."

'Huh, Ross ordered to capture the Hulk. That's new I know that the Hulk was Ross's white whale. Not sure I ever remember reading or hearing that someone ordered him to run a capture operation. In fact, I thought it was always the opposite.

"Can you perhaps elaborate on what you mean by ordered to capture." I asked Crystal.

"The president of the United States ordered the joint chiefs to capture the Hulk. As a pre-emptive counter measure against the alien invaders."

'Well, that was at the bottom of expected outcomes. I think I placed it like twelfth from the least likely outcomes.'

"Why aren't they trying strategic weaponry first. Stark industries should have provided the US with a substantial nuclear arsenal."

"Strategic warfare was discussed and dismissed. It was pointed out based on our atmospheric entry that our shields would be able to withstand any conventional or strategic weaponry at their disposal."

'I just wanted to show off and create an amazing presentation. I wanted to get the attention of all the world as a marketing gimmick.'

'Yet this Marvel universe which has no issue ordering a nuclear strike to erase New York in the hopes of killing a few pesky aliens. Seriously won't even send me a care package.'

"I must say I am disappointed in their uncharacteristic sense of reason."

"Crystal just keep me appraised of the situation. Who knows maybe Fury will get his avengers initiative sooner and easier than he is ready for."

"Very well"

'Well, I knew this wasn't MCU, which meant there really is no correct timeline just two potential plot points I was able to get from the old man.'

'Maybe I should pay him a visit and see if there is anything he would like to pass on to me.'

"Are there currently anymore protocol triggers I missed?" asking no one in general.

"No all triggers have currently been addressed." Crystal provides.

"Very good, then let schedule the interviews for my potential personal assistant for tomorrow."

"Arrange transportation for each individual, allow for one hour for each interview."

"Let's start with Raven Darkholme, and end with Natasha. Oh, also keep Yelena Belova and Natasha's interviews apart by at least two hours do not want them bumping into each other."

"As for the other eight applicants spin the wheel to assign their times."

'Time to stretch my legs.'

"I will be going out for a bit probably meander down and see how that tailgating party is going in New Mexico."

"Admit it you just want to see if you are worthy."

"Actually, I know I am not worthy. What I want to see is if I am strong enough to overcome Odins magic."

Taking a moment to sense the ki in New Mexico I pick up two strong locations in proximity to each other.

One moving and one stationary, but the surprising thing is there is a tether connecting the points.

This tether is not one of power, no that is easy to tell Thor keeps putting off a searching tendril like a child grasping for their mother's finger.

No, this tether is one of the soul or the quantum subconscious depending on your particular belief and understanding.

This kind of tether is very familiar to me. It is what connects Crystal and me.

This soul connection was very intended and required to achieve my further plans. And the cost was never being able to sever that connection.

To always be connected even in death.

Yet Odin performed this connection to a soulless inanimate object. That explains why Thor is always seeking and or mourning Mjölnir.

'Odin how cruel and demented can you be?'

With that thought I instant transmission my tail over to a tailgate party.

Landing about five miles away from the hammer.

I take a step and then stop.

"Old man been awhile quit your peeping and come let us walk and see what trouble Odin has caused."

Then picked up my right foot and started walking to Mjölnir.

"Young man, the timelines have all changed I can not determine what will happen. Everything changes with each step you take."

That stopped me right in my tracks.

"Yao, why did you use that particular phrase. Please take your time and be extremely precise." I ask, eliminating any frivolous attitude I had been portraying.

"Why is that…"

"Ancient One! Just answer the question. Why did you choose to use the phrase 'Everything changes with each step you take.' This is extremely important."

"Was something I said in one of the first visions I had of you. When I was checking the timeline."

In that instant I move crossing the distance before Yao could even close his mouth after pronouncing his last syllable.

In this fraction of time, I picked up and threw the Ancient One through the air making sure he was thrown high and far enough he could use his sling ring.

Now standing in his place I tank a piece of sharpened metal that was moving at hypervelocity.

Looking in the distance I see a white-haired gentleman floating wearing a purple helmet.

Really, Magneto just tried to kill me what is up with that he couldn't wait till his pet had her interview.

Unless in this reality she isn't with Magneto guess that's possible. But how did he know how to find me?


Oh, guess that explains it.

Reaching up I grab a hand with three claws extending out of the back.


Making sure I wait till after the claws touches my skin, so this man-animal knows he is declawed around me.

I turn my head and look at who my attacker is.

Seriously ok geek out moment but he is wearing his yellow and red suit.

"Hey Baldy, are you in charge or is it purple top."