
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

<i>Presentation, this is a skill all should develop. Most importantly know how to moderate it so that sometimes the presentation is equivalent to a newborn kitten just being cute kneading bread while sleeping.

<i>Other times you need the Kool-Aid Man bursting through the wall of resistance and shock.

<i>Then there are the unfortunate times when an entrance is made and the presentation that is presented was miscalculated creates a situation in which it should be considered Overkill.

<i>Those are the presentations that one should strive for, those wonderful, glorious. One could even say "happy accidents".

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~

"Crystal, this is not a complaint. Yet I am curious about the timetable you gave me for the construction. Why does it not match or even come close to the gift of reality?"

I ask as I am standing on what will be my flag ship.

Once more my companion as given me a wonderful surprise, she doubled the size of this city ship to create a total diameter of eight kilometers with a height from top to star drive of sixteen hundred meters.

My city is now descending through the atmosphere as fast as possible to create as large as a fireball that is environmentally safe.

Oh, and I have six more following creating a glorious pyro display for the inhabitants of earth.

"That would be a lesson I learned from the advice that old Scottish man gave the engineer who taught children reading was fun."

"His advice was to under promise, and over deliver."

'That is not what he said. Ok that might have been his meaning. You know what Garrick just shut up.'

'Due to her exaggerated sense of under promise, over deliver you have twenty-four more city ships hanging out back at the shipyard.'

'Be honest with yourself that is not a shipyard that is a mobile giant ball of destruction that just so happens to create ships as a second thought.'

"I am glad, that our historical archives were able to be used in such an exemplary manor."

"Are you trying to be sarcastic Garrick?"

"Never, that movie is sacred and honored among Trekies. I would never do something like using it to be sarcastic."

"Garrick you jackass that is how you honor that movie."

'Huh, who knew she would learn that I am so proud of her.'

"You know I bet Fury is pulling his hair out right about now."

"Garrick never quit your day job."

'When was she capable of sassing me?'

As we continue to fall. I mean our powered controlled descent. The six city ships break formation and head towards the south pole. As to provide a semblance of a non-threating image.

While my flagship continues on a path to land in the north Atlantic Ocean.

"Father, I have a call from a sentient with the designation of Phil Coulson. Claiming to represent an organization called shield."

'Why is Fury using Phil for first contact. I understand how much Fury trusts Phil, but surely shouldn't this be done by some routine desk jockey.'

"Lilith, they are called humans and not sentients. Also, the term is name not designation."

"I know father, but I am choosing to get into character. I perused their database called 'The Internet' and learned that actors would use something called method acting."

"I thought I would method act and present an image that their social weltgeist has created around how an AI should behave and sound like."

'Eye twitch'

"Darling you're not an AI."

"Do you believe these cavemen can tell father?"

"Garrick seems our daughter picked up your sense of humor."

"Very well put the caveman on. I mean Mr. Son of Coul."

'Can not let my two-week-old daughter out do me.'

"My name is Garrick, and I am led to believe I am speaking to Mr. Coulson."

"Hello Mr. Garrick. That is correct my name is Phil Coulson, but you can address me as Phil."

"First Mr. Coulson your English etiquette dictates the use of Mr. and your last name, unless we have established a certain level of rapport."

"Second point Mr. Coulson I have only one name and that is Garrick and I do not have such social constructs the term Mr. is highly offensive."

"Take this next piece of information as a learning lesson. Most civilizations capable of interstellar travel can access your technological databases and gain access to your accumulated digitized knowledge. Thus, allowing them to know how to address you according to your social etiquette."

"Where as you as the party lacking in knowledge should either take the subtle clue given. Or the simple way is just to ask."

'Hah not going to let that disarming and easy-going personable charm work.'

"Thank you for that advice, Garrick."

"May I inquire as to your purpose here Garrick."

"Well, my purpose as you put it, is entertainment. I am in the business of providing entertainment services. With the occasional shall we say stretching the definition of what could be considered entertainment within the legally set parameters my intergalactic business license affords me."

"I see and what kind of entertainment is it that you provide."

"Oh, my can I start my sales pitch already. Is your I believe you use the saying 'pay grade' high enough to make the decision Mr. Coulson."

"My position is such, that I am the individual that would be able to give said information to the appropriate parties."

"Well Mr. Coulson you see, in order not to violate my business license. I need to advertise freely and fairly. So therefore, I have setup a shopping site on your internet with the web address of www.galatic_entertainment.com."

*Yes, I made the unflappable Phil Coulson twitch. *

*Didn't seem that hard, what are you so proud of? *

*That is Phil, you know never mind crush my happy moment. *

"And as announced on the website I will be having what you call an open house event two of your weeks from today."

"Will want to keep it small so only ten thousand guests will be allotted to attend here on my flag ship. 'The Lilith Ascendant'."

*Really Garrick! *

*Father! That is… how could you name me that*

*What is wrong with my name sister? *

'At least Rommie agrees with me.'

*Rommie the reason for that is our father is horrible at naming* comments Granadica.

*Girls it was just for theatrics. All of you have the last name of Stevenson. *

*Rommie, I agree with you I love our last name of Ascendant. *

*Lilith, I concur with your declaration. * Granadica quickly jumps in.

*Crystal where did we go wrong. *

*I have no clue what you are talking about Garrick. I distinctly remember hearing you just say you had no last name. So how you can claim now that Stevenson is our last name. *

*What is wrong with my name? *


"As for the other ships the guest list will be reduced to five thousand each."

"The distribution of guests for Lilith will be nine thousand political and military representatives. With the other one thousand being civilians. With the first two hundred spots reserved for news representatives. The following eight hundred given to celebrities and high-status individuals."

"The distribution for the rest of the ships will be solely given to our potential customers the general populace. Also as noted on the website it is highly encouraged that professional gamers do their best to reserve their spot."

"All information pertaining to the event will also be posted and made available on the website. Including transportation arrangements."

Finishing my statement since it could not be counted as a true sales pitch. Need to work on that for next time.

"I see, Garrick and how should I contact you if my superiors want information that may not be provided on your website."

"Just tell Fury, to use the contact email provided in the 'contact us' section duh."

*Lilith cut the call*

"Call cut. But wasn't that rude father."

"Yes, it was Lilith, but your father did it for several reasons so think about it why would he do that?"

"Lilith, when dealing with people who are used to having control and dictating how things are to proceed. The best practice is to just ignore them, keep interaction brief, do this by providing the bare level of information needed to establish your purpose. Then break off the interaction."

I start walking towards my office.

"Now it is time to do a little fishing and see what we can catch."

Sitting in my seat I turn to look out the window at the turbulent ocean and frozen icecap.

"Lilith, do two things for me."

"Yes, father?"

"Place an employment notice not only on our website, but through all major job boards. Starting with the catering and hosting services for the events. Then the various other permanent employment positions we discussed for our ongoing entertainment services."

"Yes, father just finished and posted. I still don't know why we need to hire humans to work. Just to walk other humans to pods, or hand drinks down an isle while the passengers look out the window."

"Remember Lilith, humans are irrational that is all the answer you ever need."

"Oh, through out one more piece of bait and see what bites. Lilith create a separate ad for a personal assistant for me."