
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Phim ảnh
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

SHIELD Headquarters

'I find myself sitting across from the man who offered me an opportunity to believe in something.'

"Romanoff how did your mission go?" asked the man behind the desk.

"Hard to say sir. I can give my assessment but frankly most of it will be conjecture."

"Do you have any hard facts before we get into the guessing game."

"First fact play it straight with that man. The moment I dropped my cover he opened up, and the information I gathered only happened after that."

"Second fact he has no fear of anything earth can do to him."

"That is an actually good news, overconfidence is always one's downfall." Fury interjects.

"Yes, sir it is good news because it means he has absolutely zero interest or need of anything on earth."

"No sir it is not overconfidence. He shared information, named names, and what I think would be title or code name."

"Yet honestly what information he did share he wasn't saying it to me. Seemed like he was saying to someone else."

"Even to the point of taking a second to look up. Seemed like even if we were in his office, he knew he could be watched."

"What names could he possibly know that would be important."

"Fury who is your 'ace in the hole'."

"I have been a spy for a long time, my contacts and hidden cards are many. Do you not have your own." Fury responds.

"I don't have any that is playing out in space." I retort back.

"Excuse me, what about playing in space?"

'Finally got his full attention. This whole meeting with him seemed like it was not important. That he had everything under his control.'

"He said 'Fury's little ace in the hole that is flying. Out playing in space' then he made a gesture to indicate space."

"I take it that wasn't the only one he referenced. Maybe I should ask for context for this information."

"I asked him if I worked for him would he have me betray earth. His response was to laugh. Then he pointed out I had absolutely zero strategic value to him."

"Then followed it up with establishing that there was basically no one or thing sorry he used entity. That there were only five entities in the entire universe that could impede him."

"Other than the aforementioned ace in the hole. He said Odin was to old and weak. Thor was grounded and needed to quit playing in the sand box of New Mexico. Garrick also views Thor as a child who needs to grow up."

"He must be crazy to reference Norse Mythology."

"Very possibly, but he also said a phrase that he believes you would know."

"The 'Man on the wall' is just as impotent."

'Fury looked up at that phrase also.'

"That was mentioned in conjunction with your ace."

"That is the totality of the facts I was able to obtain."

"Very well, what is your conjecture Romanoff?"

"Ask him, what you want to know. Then take him at his word. I also feel that earth will be saved by him if we don't piss him off."

"Why do you think he would save the world?"


"Fury here."

"Sir the situation here in New Mexico has changed."

"Go ahead report only Romanoff is present."

"Approximately five minutes ago four humanoid individuals appeared and made contact with the 084 we had previously detained."

"Coulson is there a name for the 084." I ask taking the opportunity to play a hunch.

"Current official name is Donald Blake; this was given by his friends."

'Seems like my hunch was wrong.'

"Coulson you said official name why would you say that?"

"Well sir, no one could take him seriously when he claimed to be Thor Odinson."

{Faintly coming in the background}

"Coulson another 084 has arrived appears to be automaton, and the previous four 084 have engaged."

"Fury, another 084 has appeared and the four previous newcomers have moved to engage. Should we assist or sit and observe."

"Observe for now, secure your location, use your discretion on evacuation of civilians." Fury orders.

Disconnecting the phone Fury rubs his head in frustration.

"Seems Garrick knew information that we didn't because we couldn't believe." I comment to Fury.

"So, it would appear."

"Hopefully Phil will be able to gather enough intelligence so we can get an accurate threat assessment." Fury states.

{Knock, Knock}

"Come in"

"Sir turn on your monitor, we are getting a live feed from Coulson. We also have tasked available satellites to record the area." Maria Hill informs.

Turning on the monitor they can see four people in a melee fight with what appears to be a nine-foot-tall black metal man.

"I am not sure how to evaluate that fight, Fury." Natasha states after the metal guy kicked a big Viking looking man through a building and the idiot just stood up with a smile before rushing back into the fight.

Maria reaches up and touches the headset in her right ear.

"Sir, it is estimated that kick should have contained at least four tons of force."


Just then an energy beam is emitted from the "face" the metal man hitting the Viking man, who was able to barely get his shield up to take the hit.

"NO!! Volstagg"


From a clear sky a tree thick bolt of lightning strikes the metal man blowing it backwards.

After the flash from the lightning recedes stands a blond muscular man wearing what appears to be armor. Holding out a hammer in the direction of the metal man.

"Sir the new participant is the one I told you said he went by Thor." Coulson identifies.

"Good God, he controls lightning." I state the obvious.

Thor starts spinning his hammer before throwing it at the metal man as it tried to stand back up. Sending sliding back fifty feet.

Now that Thor has joined in a stalemate is created between the five 084 and the metal man.

"Natasha, could you participate in a battle such as that?" Fury asks without taking his eye off the battle.

"Participate maybe, but I would be ineffective. I would only be dodging." I answer truthfully.

"And you say our friend thinks that blond guy is a kid."

"Yes sir." I simply answer.

'Does he even blink, he hasn't taken his eye off the battle.'

"You said that in order not upset him that I just need to be upfront."

"That is my assessment correct."

"Sir our satellites have picked up a large energy signature twenty miles away from this battle."

"Put it on the second monitor." Fury turns on the secondary monitor.

On the screen stands twenty armored men holding medieval weapons.

[Entertainer come out I wish to experience wares.]

Yells, the largest of the group standing in front of the others.

"Natasha, it appears our new businessman has brought new clients."

"Hill, do we have any data on the new players."

"Not much sir."

[Entertainer come out I wish to experience wares don't continue to hide.]

"Do you think Garrick will appear?" Fury asks.

"I do" I say just as Garrick appears out of nowhere.

"Are you the Entertainer?" Says what has been designated the leader.

"Honestly it looks like, you cosplayers are the entertainment."

"Seriously it is too hot to be wearing all that metal." Garrick snarks back while gesturing at them.

"Did he just antagonize them with sarcasm." Fury asks unsure.

"Says he picked it up watching our media." We exchanged as one of the warriors in the back steps out.

"These are a warrior's battle attire. A true warrior cares little for comforts."

"Sounds like that guy is dedicated." Comments Fury.

{Banter continues}

"I agree with the analysis that Garrick has made." Comments Hill.

Fury turns to look at her.

"Don't give me that Sir, that alien is very slow on the up take didn't even notice that his weapon was stopped by just a thumb and forefinger."

{Sharp Inhale}

Fury turns back and there are now twenty individuals beheaded. But that is not the most shocking thing.

"Is he looking at us?" Fury asks.

Then all three saw Garrick smile, before he turned and looked in the direction of Coulson and the battle.

"Oh, come on guys that is pathetic, you're supposed to hit the enemy not each other." We hear Garrick say in an exasperated voice.

After a few other comments Garrick flies away.

"Rewind the feed I want to see how he killed them." Fury asks.

Replaying the scene of Garrick made his move.

"Did anybody actually see him move?" Fury asks the room.

"Analysis department estimates that approximately only half a second passed. But there is a margin of error plus or minus quarter of a sec do to recording rate." Hill provides the information she just received.

I point back at the first monitor. Before saying "Looks like they are starting to lose ground."

"The other four seem to be slowing down." Hill adds.

After twenty-two minutes a blur of light and hits, what we were able to label as the Destroyer from the conversation between the fighters.

"What was that?" Fury asks, turning to look at Hill.

"Moment Sir"

We wait while Hill communicates with her subordinates.

"Sir, the trajectory of the light came from the aliens floating city."

"Natasha did he just let, that battle rage for nearly thirty minutes. As a message to us." Fury asks.