Title: The Sanguine Lord In the year 2078, Alex, a half-blooded vampire living among humans, discovers his real nature and is forced to quickly master his newly gained powers. But a note left by his father changes the direction of his life. As tensions rise in humans because of mysterious disappearances happening all over the world, Alex is forced to confront the force behind those events and save the world from impending doom. _________________________________________________
New Haven City, Earth 2078
The city of New Haven glistened under the night sky, its towering buildings stretching towards the heavens like silent sentinels.
Seventeen-year-old Alex ambled through the dimly lit streets, his chestnut hair slightly tousled by the gentle evening breeze. Warm hazel eyes surveyed the surroundings, still reflecting the excitement of a night well spent with friends.
His lanky frame moved with youthful energy, and an earnest smile adorned his face, capable of brightening even the gloomiest of nights.
New Haven came alive with its effervescent charm. Lights from billboards and street lamps painted a kaleidoscope of colours, while distant laughter and the faint hum of music wove a symphony of life in the air. Cars zipped by filling the streets with a variety of noises.
The night was cool, carrying an air of anticipation and secrecy that seemed to dance around every corner. It was a pleasant atmosphere that Alex had come to appreciate.
Yet, amidst the liveliness, an unexpected pang of pain pierced through Alex's head, causing him to halt in his tracks. The headache was sharp and unwelcome, leaving him to wonder if he had perhaps overindulged at the party. Shaking off the discomfort, he attributed it to the excitement of the evening and resolved to reach home quickly.
However, as the pain gradually ebbed away, he noticed an unusual tingling sensation creeping through his hands. He held them up to the dim light, his hazel eyes widening in astonishment as he witnessed a faint crimson glow emanating from his palms.
'Am I hallucinating? '
The sight was both enchanting and unnerving, like a secret magic hidden within him. Perplexed, he shook his hands, hoping the phenomenon was a mere figment of his imagination, yet the ethereal light persisted.
"What's happening to me? Did I drink too much? " he whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. The crimson light subsided slowly, leaving him with a myriad of unanswered questions. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, and continued on his way, but the enigma lingered in his mind like an unsolvable puzzle.
He arrived home with wandering thoughts in his head. As soon as he entered inside, Alex was greeted by his mother, Maria.
Her short, wavy brown hair framed her face, and her bright blue eyes exuded a warmth that made anyone feel instantly comforted in her presence. The walls of their small apartment were adorned with family photos, capturing treasured moments and cherished memories, a testament to their deep bond.
"Hi, Mom," Alex greeted her, trying to conceal the lingering confusion in his eyes.
"Welcome back, sweetheart," Maria replied, her eyes filled with maternal concern as she noticed the faint furrow in his brow. "How was the party?"
"It was fun," he answered with a smile, although his thoughts were preoccupied with the strange events of the night.
As they settled for dinner, the soft glow of the city lights filtered through the window, casting a warm and comforting aura in their modest dining area. Alex's eyes briefly wandered to the photos, each one a reminder of the love that anchored them through the hardships they faced together.
During dinner, Alex experienced an odd hunger that defied explanation. Although he had enjoyed himself at the party and eaten to his heart's content, this hunger seemed to surge from within, craving something deeper and unfamiliar. He tried to push the peculiar sensation aside, not wanting to worry his mother, yet it lingered like an elusive whisper in his mind.
"Is everything alright, Alex?" Maria asked gently, her motherly instincts sensing his inner turmoil.
He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share his unusual experiences, but he decided against it, not wanting to burden her with his concerns. "Yeah, Mom, just a little tired," he replied, offering a reassuring smile.
Maria studied him for a moment, a mixture of relief and concern playing in her blue eyes. She decided not to pry further, trusting her son to confide in her when he was ready. "Well, make sure you get some rest. You have school tomorrow," she reminded him with a gentle tone.
After dinner, Alex went to his room, where the city lights painted soft shadows on the walls. The glow on his hands had not returned since the street, but the memory of it lingered like an ember, waiting to be fanned back to life. He sat on his bed, the weight of confusion and uncertainty weighing heavily on his mind. His thoughts were a tempest of questions, swirling like a storm within him.
As the night deepened, the strange hunger he had felt earlier intensified, gnawing at him like an insatiable desire. It was an ache that he couldn't understand, a longing that seemed to reach beyond the bounds of his ordinary existence. Yet, he refused to give in, determined to shield his mother from any signs of his odd behaviour.
She had sacrificed enough for him to grow up to be who he was now and he didn't wish to burden her even more.
"What's wrong with me?" Alex muttered softly, feeling the mix of fear and fascination. He lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with possibilities. Outside, the city's symphony of sounds served as a lullaby, gently coaxing him into a restless slumber.
Whatever was happening to him, it was strange and Alex had no idea what it was. As he closed his eyes, he just hoped it would go away. His family had no money to spare for medical bills.