
The Sanguine Lord ( Urban Fantasy)

Title: The Sanguine Lord In the year 2078, Alex, a half-blooded vampire living among humans, discovers his real nature and is forced to quickly master his newly gained powers. But a note left by his father changes the direction of his life. As tensions rise in humans because of mysterious disappearances happening all over the world, Alex is forced to confront the force behind those events and save the world from impending doom. _________________________________________________

Parzivaall · แฟนตาซี
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78 Chs


Alex wrapped his tongue with Michelle's as they kissed deeply and eagerly. His tongue wrestled with hers as he explored her mouth.

He slowly climbed on the bed, not breaking the kiss. He did not want to do that. It felt too good and Michelle's taste was too sweet.

He grabbed her by her shoulders as the kiss continued. But his hands were not satisfied with staying in one place. So he roamed his hand around the sweet and luscious body in front of him while he stole her breath away by sealing her lips as tightly as he could.

He grabbed her perfect breast with one of his hands while his other hand travelled down her curvy body and palmed that bountiful ass of hers. His hand sunk in that meaty ass with no effort.