I Became The Strongest Devil Sirzechs Gremory. I'm writing this just for fun as I have too much inspiration and am bored. Updates stability aren't confirmed. Number of words per chapter unsure. Will there be smut/lemons bcs it's a Dxd character? If I build the courage to write it... And an op mc as writing weak too strong is quite difficult. He is strong, but will grow stronger. Main powers is obviously Sirzechs Power Of Destruction and flight.
He will never forget it. His first experience in an actual war.
Screams. That was all he heard. Rushing through the battlefield with his comrades he had long since lost track of how long he had been fighting this war.
Like many, he was naive to believe he was cut out for war. Oh how he loathed himself for such stupidity.
He didn't know what was going on. One minute they were making their way sending supplies to a different base, the next, they were ambushed. Their numbers were being thinned dramatically as they got a true taste of war.
Gunshot's rang all across the battlefield confusion and terror gripped everyone as some died not to the weapons of their enemies but to accidental friendly fire from their own allies.
Tank's shot explosive shells that turned tens of men both friend and foe into gruesome casualties.
Some did as ordered, other's cowered and wept as back up arrived in the form of Anti-Tank Missiles that struck their targets killing everyone inside and those unlucky enough to be near the armoured vehicle upon being destroyed by the missiles.
"God please save me. *sob* I want to go home. I want to see my mother. I don't want to fight for this count-"
The soldiers cries were silence by the bullet of a sniper rifle piercing his head.
"I'm sorry. *Sob* Dad, I never knew this is what you went through to protect us when we were still kids. Please. Dad. *Sob* This place is too scary. I'm sorry. Save me please."
It was **Hell On Earth**.
Another soldier screamed in fury as he shot erratically all around him too blinded by anger to care who died so long as a body fell.
A soldier called out to his friend breaking the young man out of his trance. Horror filled his eyes as he gazed at his friend. An entire arm bleeding and bones protruding out the skin, his torso stained crimson with blood.
Abraxas rushed to his fallen comrade panicking as he searched for anything to stop the bleeding.
"Lay down on the ground Xavier. I'll stop the bleeding somehow, but you have to stay still or your wounds will get worse."
"Fuck man."
Xavier groaned as Lim carried him behind a tree resting Xavier against it as Xavier spoke.
"*Ugh.* Everything hurts man. I can't believe this is happening. We're actually fighting a war."
Abraxas ignored Xavier's words focusing on finding anything to stop his bleeding stump.
"Damn it!"
Xavier gave a helpless smile as he spoke.
"Abraxas. Sorry for putting this on you, but on the off chance I don't make it, could I trust you to tell my family?"
"Shut up! You're going to survive and go back to your family you selfish asshole! What happened to our communication with the base!? Are we not getting anymore back up!?"
Too caught up in the moment Abraxas didn't realise a heavily wounded enemy soldier approaching them. By the time he had noticed, the ebemy soldier had lunged towards them with a knife in hand as Xavier pushed Abraxas away causing the ebeny soldiers knife to pierce his neck.
And Abraxas seeing all this snapped.
He grabbed the nearest brick and rushed the enemy soldier. And though he saw the regret on the man's face for what he had done, Abraxas was too far gone in his state of madness as he slammed the brick over the enemy soldiers head unsure if he had knocked them out or killed him.
He smashed it over and over and over again on the enemy soldiers face disfiguring it so grotesquely the soldiers corpse was unrecognisable anymore. He panted heavily his body drenched in sweat, his arms and face covered in blood and bone fragments as he stood up walking past the disfigured corpse before reaching Xavier who had already died.
"I'm sorry."
Abraxas whispered weakly to the unmoving corpse of his friend. In the end, he had failed to save him. And that was his first taste of war.
After they somehow managed to fend off their ambushers, Abraxas and the other logistic soldiers of E-1 rankings were thanked for their heroic deeds and services by being promoted from Private with no insignia's to E-3 Private First Class. And those who died in the ambush were simply given condolences for their deaths and a fancy speech that thanked them for their sacrifice and heroism.
But even the pain of war couldn't match the pain of having to share the news of Xavier's death to his family watching as the deceased man's parents wept and sobbed knowing that they have outlived their son.
Watching the despair on their faces, all Abraxas could do was look away in sympathy for their loss.
And soon before he knew it, 8 years will have passed, and Abraxas now stood at the rank of E-6. A Staff Sergeant now in charge of his own squad.
Fighting on the battlefield as he has done for years now, Abraxas lamented his current life. He missed the good old days when all he did was watch anime such as Akashic Records, Frieren, High School DxD, New Testament Devil, Your Name, Your Lie In April, Jujutsu Kaisen and many more. And playing Gacha Games such as Fate Grand Order, Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail.
He even misses when he used to lock his room door and close all the curtains so he could jerk off to porn and hentai. And yet now being stuck in the middle of a long dragged out war, his entire life has been one dreadful experience after another
The sounds of an explosion going off brought Abraxas out of his trance as he remained hidden behind a wall he was holding his machine gun close to his chest with his left hand, as he bled out from the bullet wounds on his right arm, left shoulder, his hip, left thigh, his left ear and his chest.
*cough* *cough*
Abraxas coughed out blood as his figure was surrounded by a couple of terrified soldiers unable to do anything to help with how severely wounded Abraxas was.
They couldn't even bring him to the closest medic due to all the gunfire and explosions happening behind the wall that protected them, and the hidden sniper.
'Fuck. I can't breathe properly, my visions blurry and everything's ringing in my ears. I can't believe after 8 years on the battlefield I'm meeting my end….'
Abraxas thought to himself as he laid there limp while his eyelids felt heavier struggling to stay conscious.
'Heh. It seems like I'll finally see you in hell Xavier.'
Abraxas eyes finally shut themselves completely as Abraxas died thinking to himself.
'You know, finally being free from this nightmare of endless war and fighting, it's really liberating.'
{Draconic Deus: Underworld Sitri Hospital 1600 AD}
A woman's groan of pain could be heard coming from one of the Sitri hospital wards. The woman in question was Venelena Gremory formerly Bael. She is a stunning individual with short, flaxen hair and violet eyes. She looks like a woman in her late twenties despite being centuries old, and by the side of her bed holding her hand with a pale and pained expression on his face was her husband Zeoticus Gremory.
He has the appearance of a middle-aged, handsome looking man with long crimson hair that is tied in a loose ponytail with a black hairband. He has bright blue eyes and a short, red beard with protrusions similar to fangs or horns.
His face was dripping with sweat as his palm was being crushed by his wife who was in the middle of giving birth as all around the two were doctors from the Sitri Household prepared to aid with Lady Venelana's birth.
"I can see the babies head Lady Venelana. Push harder."
One of the Devil Doctors called out as Venelana crushed Zeoticus's palm further causing him unimaginable levels of agony, but for his wife, he chose to remain silent and let her successfully give birth to their child.
And a few minutes later, the child of Zeoticus Gremory and Venelana Gremory was successfully born. He was an extremely adorable looking child with crimson red hair and a pair of Sapphire Blue eyes.
The doctors immediately got to work cutting off the umbilical cord from the baby and rinsing him of any and all fluids from being birthed before he was wrapped up in a towel and given to the exhausted Venelena who cooed at her newborn son while her husband nursed his broken wrist with a wry smile.
However, what happened next caught everyone off guard. The newborn baby floated up in the air still wrapped in his towel and within arm's reach of Venelena, before a massive quantity of magical energy erupted all around him in a black and crimson colour. The signature colour of the Bael Clan's Power Of Destruction.
"T-This is!?"
"An Ultimate-Class level of raw magical energy output."
"And he was just born with that much power!?"
The doctors present gasped in awe as the Power Of Destruction began erasing things in the room such as furniture and decorations without a trace of their existence remaining. The Raw Magical Output from the newborn child was too much for even the doctors that they had to retreat lest they be injured or worse erased by the power of a newborn child. Venelena grabbed the floating baby with a proud smile on her face causing the Crimson Aura to dissipate around the child as she questioned her dumbfounded husband.
"Well Zeoticus, what should we name our child?"
Venelena's words brought Zeoticus out of his dumbfounded stupor as he blinked a few times processing his wife's question before replying with a big grin.
"Sirzechs. From now on our son's name will be Sirzechs Gremory."
Venelena gave a tired smile as she looked down at the sleeping form of her son as she whispered.
"Sirzechs Gremory huh? That's a wonderful name."
She spoke softly stroking the sleeping baby's head. Meanwhile as Venelena was cooing over the cuteness of her child, Zeoticus turned to the Sitri Clan's doctors as he spoke with an air of authority.
"Everything that has happened today in this ward is to remain a secret. I trust that the staff of the Sitri household understands what it means to keep certain information confidential?"
The doctors all nodded their heads in understanding as Zeoticus returned his focus back to his wife as he carefully took his son out of her hands and advised.
"Get some rest first. The doctors will take Sirzechs for a physical examination and tomorrow you'll be discharged and we can all return to our manor."
Venelena gave a helpless smile but agreed with her husband nonetheless as Sirzechs was handed over to the doctors for a physical examination while she closed her eyes and fell asleep to recover from childbirth.
(An: Bloddy hell. I finally got to writing the first chapter and actually finished it instead of slacking off. I tried my best to make the first chapter good. But I fell like halfway through It became dull. But I'll leave that judgement to yall. See you in the next several Eons.)