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Bitch, what the fuck is with all these negative reviews? Motherfuqers hold these FREE forms of entertainment on this platform to higher standards than you would actual professional novels. I’ve seen dozens of fanfics on this platform that genuinely kill off my brain cells (fr like they’re hot garbage), yet they get 100+ 5star reviews and a consistent power stone rate. And don’t give me that “theyre bots” bs. They are not all bots. 50-60% of them are likely real. And imo, majority of these complaints don’t make that much sense given the low ratings. Biggest complaint I see is the pacing: “too slow” honestly it’s been years since ive read the beginning of this fic so this might be valid at 100 chapters and below. But I picked it back up at around 120 and I think the pacing is brilliant, not too rushed to the point I get to savor the changes he makes to the world he’s in. Yet not too long where 90% is just filler. Same thing with romance, not too fast as in he’s playing Pokémon, yet not too slow where I’m ripping my hair out shouting at my phone. And I like the presence of yet how few R18 scenes there are. It is an incredibly common trend where the author runs away with R18 themes and soon enough, the whole thing is a smut fic. Multiple other points I could make, but too lazy. All-in-all, a lot of these ratings are bullshit. I think this is really good.
To this day, I still don’t know what “gap moe” means.
Honestly, I’m really enjoying this. I like black clover, a lot, and seeing almost any fanfiction of the series is pretty good. But the most important reason I like this so much is because it’s different and original and fresh. I just don’t see power dynamics like this in any other story. It has a lot of potential as well for emotional growth and possibly AU components of the vast, unexplored world of black clover. Other people would be discouraged because of the lack of “ChArAcTeR dEvElOpMeNt” strength-wise. Quite frankly, Im getting physically ill of seeing every protag start out at the bottom of the strength totem pole. Need more stuff like this.
I think anybody with a grain of self-respect would not enjoy this predicament.
Highly open to ur own interpretation considering this doesn’t fully fit the context here. At least, imo.
Don’t give up
Prime universe. Please
In the Bayverse movies and their continuation (extinction, last knight), I was under the assumption one could only be born a prime, and it’s wasn’t inherited like it’s portrayed in other transformers media.
Ya pregnant women aren’t supposed to do a lot of things. There are the obvious ones like drinking and smoking, but much more miscallaneous ones as well. I recall pregnant women can’t get into hot tubs or clean litter boxes