

Song Ruoxin's well-planned life is completely derailed when she is fired from her job. An explosive fight with her mother forces her to leave her mother's house and fend for herself. Her luck improves when she is hired as the Qin family's nanny. However, a couple of misunderstandings puts her in her billionaire boss's bad books. She is determined to get her boss to trust her but a steamy kiss one night ignites a passion that she cannot ignore. Qin Shoiming is a man who prides himself on being completely disciplined. He is a perfect father and boss. That is until he meets the delectable and stubborn Song Ruoxin, who for some reason brings up feelings he never thought he would ever feel again. Every single day with her is a struggle not to give in to the temptation that is falling in love with his children's Nanny.

MITCHIEWilliams · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs


Jovi's Cafe, S City

Quiet conversations could be heard in the cafe as Song Ruoxin took down the customers' orders. The sky was gradually getting darker as it was nearing night.

Her mood always lifted as the end of her shift drew nearer. She had been on her feet for hours, and her feet hurt.

Song Ruoxin wanted nothing more than to take off her uncomfortable shoes and change into something casual and more comfortable.

It was well into the summer and Shanghai was getting much hotter. She could feel sweat roll don't her back, luckily her uniform was dark.

"Please wait, your order will be ready soon," she said with a warm smile as she shut the notepad and walked to the counter.

She pulled up the bolt at one end of the counter, the Barista Su Hualing gave her a small smile as she joined her behind the counter.

The Cafe was usually less crowded around this time because most of the Employees in the offices surrounding the cafe were still at work.

Business would be slow until the workday was over and the overtime workers began coming in.

She tore out the paper containing the orders and passed it to her colleague behind the counter.

"This is from our regulars at table six," she said nodding to the table as she threw the notepad into her apron pockets

Su Hualing glanced at the four women seated at the table, "I haven't seen them in a while. I guess they were swamped with work,"

Ruoxin took out four cups and placed them on a tray, "won't they be here more often searching for a coffee fix if that was the case? I think the one that works at the law firm close by just had a baby"

"Oh" Su Hualing gave the women a closer look, "hmm I hadn't noticed that at all...damn...," she frowned at the order and muttered, "Ruoxin we are short on a few ingredients...".

She froze and glanced above her shoulder as the service door leading to the kitchen behind the counter opened.

Ruoxin jumped and stood upright as their supervisor stepped forward. She gave the older woman a respectful bow, "Manager Yao"

"I checked the inventory, yesterday. We still have some things in stock," their manager a slender woman in her late thirties gave Ruoxin a nod before shifting her gaze back to the barista,

"Give Ruoxin a list of what you need, she will go down the pantry and get them while you prepare the orders".

Ruoxin blinked, "But... Isn't this Sister Qiwei's_"

"Qiwei went out to meet one of our suppliers. You will take up her duties until she gets back Make sure everything is done properly. Mrs Chen is having lunch with a friend, we cannot afford to make any mistakes".

Ruoxin followed her manager's eyes to the table at the left, by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe opposite the counter.

The owner of the restaurant, Mrs Chen sat on one side of the table with a guest. She looked away before Mrs Chen noticed her gaze and took the list from the barista.

She scanned the list before going down to the pantry. The door to the boss's office was ajar as she walked passed.

She did not bother greeting him, he was on the phone and she could hear a few snippets of his conversation as she walked passed.

Song Ruoxin pressed her lips into a thin line and walked to the pantry door.

The familiar scent of toasted coffee beans welcomed her as she pushed the door open and stepped into the pantry.

Song Rouxin's lips curved as she took in the scent, it was very relaxing. She pulled up the knob of the light switch on the wall and turned on the light.

Song Ruoxin pulled up the trolley leaning by the wall and pulled it to the shelves. She gently picked up a prepacked medium bag of coffee beans and placed it in the trolley.

Song Ruoxin was halfway through the list when she felt a sudden push from behind as two hands wrapped around her waist pulling her into a warm hold.

Ruoxin's mouth flapped open and close, and her eyes quickly went to the hands wrapped around her waist. She grabbed both hands and tried to unclasp them while trying to pull away.

She shivered as she heard the annoying coarse voice of her Boss Ye Bohao.

"Don't keep being angry with me, Baby. You know that I cannot deny the old hag".

She paled and pulled her face away as he tried to kiss her on the cheek. The experience left a bitter taste in her mouth, "Boss Ye! Please let go, you have the wrong person".

He did not seem to have heard her because he kept trying to kiss her. Ruoxin swore under her breath.

Although it was a little difficult she sucked in some air and yanked her hand forward until it straightened out before pushing it back with force.

She felt a rush of excitement as her elbow made contact with his bulging stomach. Her lip curved slightly as he cried out and quickly let her go.

"you... bab_, " his eyes widened, "Ruoxin! I_" his face flushed as he met her gaze, he blinked and looked away.

He ran his hand through his head, and hurriedly stammered "that... I apologize, I did not know it was you".

A button from her shirt had come loose at some point during the struggle. His eyes were quickly drawn to her breast which looked delectable thanks to the plunging neckline of her black camisole that was now visible.

He swallowed and slowly licked his lips, Ruoxin frowned and followed his gaze down. She gasped and pulled both ends of her shirt together.

Song Ruoxin stepped back but she was a little slow, she shrug back as Ye Bohao tried to place a hand on her shoulder.

"You little hussy!" a voice screeched.

Song Ruoxin's gaze went to the pantry door, Ye Bohao had left the door open when he arrived.

Her eyes widened, "Mrs Chen!" She jumped away from Boss Ye "I... This is not what you_"

"Shut up!" Mrs Chen scoffed, "this is why I don't employ low-life sl*ts like you! You dare try to seduce my husband".

Song Ruoxin shook her head, "No, Mrs Chen! That is not it"

"Don't try to lie! I know what I saw!" The older woman rushed forward.

"Mrs Chen! It is a misunderstanding_"

Before she could continue, Madam Chen raised her right arm and brought her hands down on her cheeks.

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I am sorry for any typos or the rest. Please let me know if you have inputs or suggestions for the book.

This is a start of a beautiful journey and I am happy to have you all join me in Ruoxin and Shioming's love story

MITCHIEWilliamscreators' thoughts