

Song Ruoxin's well-planned life is completely derailed when she is fired from her job. An explosive fight with her mother forces her to leave her mother's house and fend for herself. Her luck improves when she is hired as the Qin family's nanny. However, a couple of misunderstandings puts her in her billionaire boss's bad books. She is determined to get her boss to trust her but a steamy kiss one night ignites a passion that she cannot ignore. Qin Shoiming is a man who prides himself on being completely disciplined. He is a perfect father and boss. That is until he meets the delectable and stubborn Song Ruoxin, who for some reason brings up feelings he never thought he would ever feel again. Every single day with her is a struggle not to give in to the temptation that is falling in love with his children's Nanny.

MITCHIEWilliams · Urban
Not enough ratings
105 Chs


Song Ruoxin stepped back and clutched her cheeks, she blinked away the tears caused by the impact.

"What misunderstanding? Do think I don't know that you have been trying to seduce my husband for months? You look so innocent but you are nothing but a little_"

"No, I am not!"

"You," she pointed her finger at the Ruoxin, "You dared to talk back at me?"

Song Ruoxin brought down her hand, "I am not trying to seduce your husband! Why would I! This is all a misunderstanding, if you doubt what I am saying, ask Boss Ye. He will be my witness".

They both turned to him, sweat beaded on Ye Bohao's forehead. He glanced from his wife to the young waitress completely short on words.

Madam Cheng's eyes narrowed at his shaky eyes, "don't just stand there like a fool, tell me what happened!"

He swallowed, "um...Yes ... That is... What happened..."

Song Ruoxin rolled her eyes, clenched her jaw, and spat out seconds later, "did I try to seduce you".

He blinked, "n-no... "his eyes widen as he met hus wife's heated gaze, "...I mean yes..."

The last sentence was almost inaudible, Doing Ruoxin groaned and threw her hands up.

"Yu Tao! Yu Tao!" Madam Cheng did not wait for the guard to respond she looked to the manager who had come down at some point during their argument and now stood by the open store door.

"I want her out of here," she pointed a Ruoxin as she continued, "she is no longer welcome here! She is fired! Get her severance pay ready, so that she can go back to whatever backwater swamp she came from!"

Ruoxin pinched her lips together and glared at the couple. Ye Bohao avoided her gaze completely, she let out a heavy sigh and walked out of the room.

She saw no point in trying to reason with Madam Cheng. Song Ruoxin took off the apron and threw it aside as she walked into the locker room and picked up her bag.

She threw the content of the locker into her brown backpack and left the cafe. She stopped just outside the door as Su Hualing ran after her and called her back.

"Xin Xin, please wait up".

"What is it".

"Take this," Su Hualing took an envelope out of her pocket and put it in Ruoxin's hands. "You still don't have the complete down payment for the apartment right? You can add this to what you have".

Ruoxin glanced down at the envelope, "no," she pulled her hand away, "I don't need it".

Su Hualing sighed, "don't be stubborn, isn't the deadline for the payment in a few days? Just take this and add it to your rent.

"You can save your severance pay and use it as your living expense until you get another job".

Ruoxin shook her head, "take it back, Ling Ling. I can't take this from you".

"Why? Is my money not enough? If it isn't I have more_".

Ruoxin sighed, "You know why I cannot take this from you. Just send this back home Ling Ling. I still have the job at the Library, I will survive". She placed her hands on Hualing's hands and gently pushed them away.


"Healing! Keep this, you do not have any family in the city. Save this for your rent".

"Don't worry about me Xin Xin. I got a call back from an audition, I can spare this much money," she opened Ruoxin's backpack, threw the envelope into the bag, and ran back into the cafe before Ruoxin could say anything.

"Healing!" her shoulder slagged as her friend smiled at her and waved her away. Yu Tao appeared on the other side of the glass door just as she placed a hand on the doorknob.

Madam Cheng must gave ordered him to keep her away. Song Ruoxin let go of the door knub, turned around, and left.

She took a bus back home, she met her mother's neighbor, a 60 years old woman on her way up to their apartment.

They spoke briefly for a few minutes before she went up to their apartment. She lives in a four-bedroom apartment with her Mother and brother.

"Mum, I am home," she said as she took off her shoes and changed into her house slipper. There was no one in the living room but the television was turned on.

Her mother's favorite soap opera was playing loudly, her mother usually left the drama to play in the background while she cooked.

Her mother was cutting some vegetables as she pushed the kitchen door open. "mum do you want some help? I can_"

"No, go wash up. We will be having a guest over for dinner".

Ruoxin blinked, "a guest? Who..."

Her mother ignored her and continued cutting the vegetable.

"And that is my cue to leave," she muttered under her breath as she left the kitchen. Her brother and sister-in-law were noticeably absent. By this time her nephew would still be in school.

Ruoxin shrugged off her backpack as she got to her room door, she held it in one hand and turned the knob.

"What," the backpack fell off her hand, her room had been completely turned upside-down. Her clothes and books had been thrown around and the drawers were half open.

Someone had gone through her things and thrown them all around, she gasped as her gaze fell on her open iron saving box.

"No," she whispered and ran to the box, she slapped the table hard as her eyes fell on the empty box.

Song Ruoxin picked up the box and rushed out of the room, "Mother! Mother! Where is Brother Qingshan? Song Qingshan! Come out this instant! Song Qing_"

"Will you be quiet! Why all the noise!" her mother stepped out of the kitchen while gently wiping her hand with a towel.

Song Ruoxin sucked in a deep breath, "mother I just found my room turned upside down and my saving box empty"

"So what does that have to do with your brother?"

Ruoxin gasped, "there is no one else that would dare do this except brother Qingshan".

Her mother chuckled, "Don't be ridiculous Ruoxin, your brother would never do that".

"Ha... If he isn't behind this, who is. It is not like we were robbed. He ransacked my room while I was gone".

"Xin'er, Don't accuse your brother of theft. You should show some respect, this is your older brother that you are talking about like that. Why would he steal from you?"

"Why wouldn't he steal from me when he is a lazy slob addicted to gambli_ AH!" she hissed as her mother slapped her.

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I am sorry for any typos or the rest. Please let me know if you have inputs or suggestions for the book.

This is a start of a beautiful journey and I am happy to have you all join me in Ruoxin and Shioming's love story

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