
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · คนดัง
22 Chs

Chapter 12_ Home

"I'm taking the morning train back home tomorrow. I'll consider taking you with me if you do wish to come along."

"Really!" Min-Jun exclaimed and she nodded.

"You want me to come with you?" He asked again and she nodded already feeling proud and Min-Jun continues, "Judging from your accent and your appearance, one could tell you're obviously from a village in the wildest parts in Korea, and you want me to go with you to your village. That's impossible."

Her mood suddenly changes. It became obvious he doesn't deserve her sympathy and help. She began feeling defeated and she snapped at him, "Get lost." She stands up and jumped into the bed. "This feels so good, laying on a bed again."

He also jumped into the bed too, relax and exhale calmly. "This feels a little better."

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Sleeping" He yawned very annoying.

"You don't expect me to allow you sleep on the same bed with me right. You're sleeping on that chair."

"Why? You can't expect me to sleep on the chair either, I'm sleeping here. You can sleep on the chair if you wish." He continues covering on the blanket, "Beside, I thought you aren't afraid. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, you don't look half my type." He rambled turning to the other side and closing his eyes.

"Is he really gay? He must be gay. Gay doesn't like girls. He won't do anything stupid." Thoughts keep running through her mind. She dragged the blanket from him and covered herself properly in it while trying her possible best not to fell asleep.


"Run, Min Jun run. Don't let they get to you. You have to hide." A voice keeps saying to Min Jun who was running away from anti-fan's chasing after him with dangerous weapons. He finally abscond and held somewhere. Then he wake up and realize it was all a dream. He was breathing heavily sweating. He turn to look at her, she was fast asleep. He sits up and stares at her. He removed the little hair covering her eyes and notices her lashes was longer than any he has ever seen. Her pointed nose was conspicuous and her lip wasn't an exemption. It was pink and soft in attractive curves which make her really pretty. He stands up and went to sit down on the wooden chair. He pours some wine in the cup and raise it up. "This is to say, goodbye to my past," He drank it and pour a second time, raise it up again. "And this is for a new life." He drank it.


She wakes up and found Min Jun sitting on the chair hand fold around his chest and eyes closed. It was already dawn. He thought he was at sleep until his voice came up.

"I think we are going to miss our train." min-Jun said while he remains in his state.

She startled and then turn to him. "We?" She asked making sure she heard him right.

He opened his eyes and drop his hands. "Okay, I heard you praying all night for me to go with you so I decided to make you prayers answered by going with you." He lied.

"When did I do that?" she asked and sits up. She looked at the clock and it was reading few minutes to seven. The first train will be leaving in nine o'clock. She stands up at once, grabs her jacket and headed to the door. Min-Jun follows her.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"Going with you. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to make your wish come true."

"I actually don't know what your problem is but I belt it's really hard to pronounce." she said and went out. Min-Jun followed her while she overlooked him.

They got to the train station and bought two tickets. In few minutes, they depart.

The train journey took about three hours before they arrives Meigul-hemi. Then, they took the bus going to Songhai, her village. It was only an hour drive.

While still in the bus, Min-Jun became sleepy. He tried to to fell asleep but dozes off before he knew. She saw him struggling with his head while sleeping uncomfortably in a state that will affect his neck while he's awake. She felt pity for him and has to give him her shoulder to lean on.

While she did that she heard people gossips. "Why's he leaning on her shoulder when it supposed to be the other way around?" A woman in her thirty's whispered to another sitting beside her and they made quite laughter's.

Then another voice was heard from behind, "Awww, they are so cute. I think they are couple. Awww, the guy is so handsome, I wish he was leaning on my shoulder instead."

She smiled when she heard them. She remembers last night while Min-Jun was having a dream. She was actually awake and witness it all. She pretended to be asleep while he wakes up last night.