
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 11_ Suddenly turned couples

Kim Min-Jun was standing before an average hotel. He has never dream of spending a minute in an average hotel but now it obvious he has no other choice. As he was about stepping in, he felt a tap at his shoulder. He turned and behold the girl from the train station.

"You again?" They both bemoaned. "Don't tell me you were following me ever since." Min-Jun asked.

She glanced at him. "Aww, you must be pretty proud of that shit that just comes out of your mouth." She teased. "What are you doing here?"

"That should be my question, aren't you supposed to be going back home?"

"I'm getting a room. Dusk is almost here. And you?"

"I'm also getting to get a room."

"What? You'll be spending the night here? Isn't this place too local for someone at your status?"

"Nope, believe me, I love living low keys." He lied.

She nodded her head in concord even when she doesn't believe. "Sure. Let go."

They went inside and to the receptionist and she asked for the cheapest room. When the receptionist told her the amount of the cheapest room for just a night they both bellowed. "What? 70,000 won for the cheapest room?" She nodded staring at them.

"But I was told this is the cheapest hotel here in shuyon."

"That right." The receptionist agreed.

"How then can a room cost this much in a village like this?" Min-Jun asked.

"Aren't you couples?" she asked staring at them and they both answered at once in a stress, "Nooo"

"My guessed. Anyways, you guys look so cute together that I assume you were. Actually, we are on a promo but it for only couples."

"Really?" she asked and the receptionist nodded. "We prepared a room for couples for just 40,000won in addition with a free wine."

"Really?" She asked already interested and suddenly, a foolish idea flashed to her mind. She turned to Min-Jun, took his hands and looking into his eyes lecherously. "Honey, I'm sorry. I know you are at fault but I'll just apologize. Let just end it here and go back into being the lovely couple as before."

"What?" Surprised Min-Jun muttered gawking. "You guys are couples?" the receptionist asked surprise as well and Min-Jun disagree but she nodded putting up a pitiful face. "Don't mind him. We just had a little misunderstanding before leaving home. You know, it common for couples but We'll sort it out right honey?"

"What are you saying?" Min-Jun whispered to her still confused of her sudden state.

"Shhhh" she whispered at him but Min-Jun continues, "We can't possibly be sharing a room. We're not ma…." she hit him in the stomach with her elbow before he could complete his statement and return her gaze to the receptionist faking a smile pretending like nothing just happened. She returned the smile and handed a key to them together with a bottle of wine and she pulled Min-Jun away with him.

They open the door to the room and went in. The room was small. Wall papers of beautiful flowers were seen on the wall. Red clothes was used as decorations. A small round wooden table with a bottle of wine and cups, two wooden chairs, a bed with red blanket on the floor and a wall clock of old model was the only things that could be seen in the room.

She went on and sat down at one of the wooden chair as she examines the bottle of the wine.

"Why'd you lied about us being married?" Min Jun asked. "I did that to save money dumbass sissy." She replied.

"You…, Why then did you hit me so hard?"

"I figure out you sounds better with your mouth closed."

"You.., So, where do you expect me to stay?"


"What? We are spending the night here together? Aren't you afraid I might do something to you?"

"You have your entire life of being a jerk. Why not take today off." She said. "Where do you plan to go from here anyway?" She found herself asking.


"Home? You look homeless to me and your lies earlier were cheap. You have to do better next time."

So she knew I was lying all this times? That must be the reason she did what she has done and she was sensible enough. I just have to look for other way to save my lying ass. "You're right, I'm homeless. I lost my memories."


He nodded slowly. "I woke up one-day and found myself alone in a train with that bag and a letter in my pocket from an anonymous because I couldn't recognize the hand writing on the letter." Then he remembers Ha-ri giving him a letter. It was inside the bag and now the bag is no more and he didn't even get to read it.

"What does the latter says?"

"Don't you dare come back to Seoul, you die if you dare disobey."

"I'm sure whoever put you in that train saved your life. So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know."

"I was actually going to Seoul, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it because I lost my ticket and my bags." She sighs and glanced at him. She felt pity for him when she saw his innocent face.

"I'm taking the morning train back home tomorrow. I'll consider taking you with me if you do wish to come along."

"Really!" Min-Jun exclaimed and she nodded.