
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 13_ Home sweet home

The bus finally got to Songhai. By this time, Min-Jun was already awake. She impatiently ran down from the bus and screams cheerfully. "Wahoo! I'm finally back home. It feels so good to be back home."

Min-Jun stood watching her with his hands holding his waist. He couldn't help but smile too but at once the excitement slowing faded from her. She then stand calmly looking trouble and at the same time feeling disappointed. She crept on a sit. Min-Jun notices her mood vary. He went to her and sat beside her.

"What wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." she murmured.

"Are you troubled?" He asked but didn't get a respond. "You can talk to me if you want. We have been through a lot together this few days; I may be of help in anyways." He said but she still remain silent and then he went further, "I was told by someone that It better spitting what is bothering you out than letting it eat you up inside and I assure you, it works a lot."

"I'm just feeling disappointed." She finally speaks up. "Disappointed? Why?"

"Actually, I ran away from home. Not for the first time but the fourth time and I'm returning back again without achieving the purpose of my actions, my dream." She explained.

"I totally understand you. But talking about chasing dreams, haven't you thought about why your dreams are running away from you?"

"Pardon?" She said shocked. She was expecting a condolence but she got the otherwise. "What does that even mean?" She asked but got a total different answer.

"I think you look ugly with your face like that."


"Yeah, so please put up a smile always."

She sniggered and asked, "You want to die?" "I can never picture those tiny hands of yours hurting an insect." She couldn't help but laugh, "How you always this stupid?" She asked.

"I think you look less ugly now. Keep up with the smile thing up." She laughed even more as he said that. It doesn't seem like a consolation but it helps. "I think this is the only reasonable thing you have said since I met you." She said feeling less disappointed. "Ae-cha"

"What?" "My name is Ae-Cha." She repeated. He smile and wanted to say his name too but he remembers lying about losing his memories. "I can't remember my name either."

"Then I'll call you Geon." she said and muttered, "Let's go, I miss home already."

Ae-cha got home. Her kid sister Ari saw her coming. At once, she ran inside screaming ghost! Ghost! Ari was only eleven year old. She was young and naive, seeing her runaway sister returning again with a stranger was....

Seo-yeon, Ae-cha only and best friend happen to be around. She hurried out to see why Ari was screaming. She was shocked when she saw Ae-cha standing outside with a stranger. She had thought she won't returns this time because she spends longer than she has always done. She wasted no more time before jumping on her, hugging her cheerfully.

Ari watch as Seo-yeon hugged the person she taught was a ghost. Then she realized she wasn't a ghost but her sister who has left home for days and finally decided to return. Ari run to her and hug her too. Both sisters ended up in a sob.

"I have missed you sister Ae-cha." Ari whispered.

"I missed you too my lollipop." she disengage from the hugged. "Where is Mom?"

"She must be in her room as always." Ari answered.

"Ae-cha, where've you been? We thought you were never coming back this time. We were all sick worried about you."

"Yes sister Ae-cha, why did you leave us again?" Ari asked with tearful eyes

"I'm sorry Ari; I'll never leave you again."

"You promise?"

"I promise okay. Let me go see Mom first."

"Yeah, you have to do that." Seo-yeon advised and holds unto her hand and Ari hold the other hand as they amble on while min Jun walked behind them. While they walked, Seo-yeon keeps glancing at Min-Jun behind them.

They got to the door and stopped. Ae-cha had to go inside alone. So she did while the other remained standing outside. "Aren't we going in?" Min-Jun Asked and they both shut in up with a single 'Shhhh'

"Mom," Ae-cha called standing behind her mom who was sitting before the medium side mirror sitting on the table and busy starring at her reflection at the mirror. She heard her voice and saw her through the mirror, "Ae-cha," she called astonishingly.

"Mom!" She cried and run to her to hug her but she push her away from her.

"What are you doing here?" Her Mom thundered.

"I came back. Aren't you happy I'm back?"

"Happy? I'm super mad seeing you back. Why'd you come back? Why didn't you stay back with your father? Why'd you have to show yourself back here?" She rambled as she reach for her comb on the table and throw it at her. It hit her on the head. "Go back; Go back to your father! Go back!" She roared and pick up the floor brush and furiously hurry to her. Ae-cha ran out when she was her mother with the brush. She knew her mother can do the unpredicted while she is angry.

She run after her and chases her with the floor brush. Seo-yeon together with Min-Jun and Ari tried to run away then when they saw them rush out. They tried to stop her but couldn't. She finally got tired from running around chasing Ae-cha with a brush and then, she stopped with pant. Seo-yeon and Ari took her inside and later on Seo-yeon returns.

"What'd you say to her?" Min-Jun asked. "Yeah, that was going to be my question. What did you say to her that made her that angry?" Seo-yeon added.

"Trust me, I didn't say anything."

Seo-yeon looks at her head and saw it blending. "Your head is bleeding." She said. "Really?" she asked touches her head and found blood on her palm.

Seo-yeon exhale, "I think it better you come stay at my place first. I'll plead to your mom on your behalf."

"What about him?" she asked and glances at Min-jun. Seo-yeon glance at him also, "Oh, I didn't think about that. I don't think my dad will let me bring a stranger in."

"Don't worry; I'll go talk to my Mom." "Okay, but first, let get your head treated."