Okay, so my review is gonna be more critical than that of the other reviews. I’m going to update it as I read further until I either catch up or drop it. (Warning, the spoilers get more detailed the further down you get.)I will note the grammar is good. This is where the positive things end. As of where I’ve read to, chapter 30 something, the author seems to either have been writing without an outline or storyboard. So moments contradict each other. The speeds and strengths of characters in particular are highly inconsistent. I did the math and main character at his weakest and injured easily avoided and killed a 10m/s enemy. After getting massively stronger three times, main character is only 30m/s at fastest speed. As well, a different thing was only a bit faster than a horse before but was later 30+ times faster than main character. The characters are aweful in my opinion. Not a single character can think outside of the box, the author is dumbing all the characters down to the point a group of what is supposed to be hardened adventurers + mc follow a guy for four days into the forest. It’s the IRL equivalent of following a creepy man into his van because he offered to take you home, only thing is that you’re a grown man and know you shouldn’t go with him. Main character has not touched a book once despite being in an unfamiliar world for weeks. He’s also more naive than the average 10 year old. That would be a fine plot point if it was written better, it’s mostly been written as, oh I noticed this but ignored it. Or, “I’ve been too hopeful in this world, I’m gonna do better.” Then he forgets to do better. He also casually kills with no remorse despite living all his life in the mines. Which is also crazy that a universally united human federation allows that form of slavery to exist. The novel feels almost as though it is being written through the eyes of someone who has only read a few novels and purely wants their ideas on paper. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know, but that’s how it feels. It also lacks descriptive language. It’s a very, this happened then that happened type novel. TLDR: The grammar is fine, the problem is the story itself and the lack of structure. I hope I have clearly articulated what I mean. Thanks for reading my review.
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