Let me summarize. This book leans more towards comedy and harems that are not too serious and not toxic. The MC can make his inner voice heard by the heroines and that unknowingly makes the heroines disgusted with the protagonists of their respective franchises and gradually favor the MC over the protagonists. And tadaa! MC gets a harem, cough. Sure there's action and ecchi here and there and please familiarize yourself with my unique writing style that might make you complain because my English is not so good.
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LIKEA similar story would be good, but in dragon ball. Only instead of the 'heroines' listening to it, it's the common characters. A story with more sense... At least. I'm not saying this is bad because it is entertaining. Just... A story like that is not bad. But instead of giving away powers, let it be done with training methods. Remember. Dragon ball human types don't look for forms of training as... Creative as goku. They only repeat a type of training or two. But in the end, that's why they don't get much better. (And because for some reason they don't even try to get into the gravity machine. I mean, yancha got in when the machine was at 300 times magnification or something. It literally didn't start like it should, bit by bit.) Sure, the saiyan has talent, but humans have their advantages... Oh well. Watch dragon ball xenoverse. (You don't have to be the strongest in the franchise, just the most interesting and XD)