everyone gets a wish. its pushed to start with as very overpowered and very open ended. no wish twisting, just a simple what do you want. what the synopsis doesnt tell you is at integration there is a balance that caps everyone at level 1 of the power ceiling. so if you wished. i want to be a god, you then get nerfed to level 1 brand with powers of a slightly stronger human. i feel baited. writing quality is not great. characters are 1 dimentional and seem to be focused on bad anime character tropes. there's no world building. author seems to be projecting his/her own emotions into their characters. i hope they gets some help if so. i dont recommend but try if you like
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LIKEYou're actually understating it because in your example, the person with a level one power is slightly above average in their gifts specific area while the MC in this book has his intelligence set to be significantly bellow average after getting omniscience and it takes a lot of time and effort just for him to reach the average intelligence of a normal human without any powers...