i will be completely honest i don't like this novel why mc wished for unlimited wisdom and intelligence and got nothing really and truly mc is dumb even with a 40 stat increase of intelligence, he is annoying and unlikeable he is patheticly weak, shouts and gets annoyed very easily even though he can die easily if a decently strong animal found him i cant stand him even if he isn't incredibly smart he should at least know not to shout and give away your position when your life is possibly in danger and he gets mad at everything he is not likeable i will keep novel in my library to give it another later on i am on chp 11 everyone has their own opinions i stated mine everone has their own preferences mc didn't fit mine still read and give it a try you just might like it thats all i have to say
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LIKEwhat are you on i read 11 chapters got annoyed and wrote a review based on everything i read and i clearly said that people should still give it a try as everyone is different so what is the problem with that?
i know i didn't read long but if i read a book that the mc annoys me whilst i am annoyed wouldn't that just cloud my judgement on the novel only focusing on specific bad things since no novel is perfect there is bound to be bad things so i took a break as i dont want to have a biased opinion whilst reading a book which will lead to bad judgement and a review although i will admit i was annoyed whilst reading what i said is still true at that point in time in the book.
Bro, that was way of seeing it, also called seeing things from the others perspective... now go leave you pent up aggression somewhere else moron. Also, we very easily subconciously avoid things we either dont like or have a rather negative predjudice(s) about... first THINK then write.
I don't understand anything about your so-called "other point of view". The only thing I see is a person who would respond to this kind of feedback with "If you don't like it, get out! You are still responding to the other person's point of view with stupid words like that. You'd better understand yourself, good luck in life) And yes, your "subconscious negative reaction" doesn't apply to books, because there are masterpieces even in the genres you hate. So stop being smart, okay?
I very much understand myself lol. You just seem to not know the concept of empathy, well not that suprising, my standards of others are to high anyway. And our own negative perception of certain book genres/traits/tags very much exist and applies... why do you thin this "no harem, dropped" and "Harem, dropped" stuff exists? Not that i await an actual answer, you seem to be more interested in attacking me directly. No point in arguing further with someone who is unable to understand others around him.
Well, I think you're right. There's no point in attacking people like that who can't just understand that everyone has different tastes and there's no need to comment on everything with the banal "if you don't like it, get out". The reason why I "attacked" you is just my annoyance with people like you ;) Good luck, you'll need it.
i was reading author's review and bro said to read to at least chapter 57, when i am reading it over i will try to read to at least there and make a new review.
You are the annoying one as I see it. 😂