I would like to say that this book is a good read. The writing quality of author is good there very very few errors and the ones that is there can be glossed over and doesn't leave an impact on readers. So far the story is developing pretty well, most authors usually rush during the early chapters but here it's well paced. The characters are well thought out, bot the usual 3rd rate villians and side characters. MC is also well written and some can relate to him. He is dense at the start but he is the process of development, author gave a good reason for this as well. The updates are good since it we getting quality work from author. As for world building, it is slow since the world changed and mc needs to explore but I will say it doesn't leave a bad taste. Overall if you read up till here then read up till chapter 57. Then decide whether you want to continue or not.
Liked by 37 people
LIKEBro I made this review when I was at chapter 59 so I know there was errors. I think you just brain dead go touch grass.
sweetie your review contains a bold faced lie and I was warning other people about your dishonesty the fact that you feel so offended is a little sad but luckily I don't care about your opinion since you aren't the target audience
really?🤨... Bruh, really?🤨... If my book was as bad as you say, I would never have this many readers man. I mean i know you don't like it, but for you to hate on my book so much by saying I paid for a review is something else man. I mean, just go read another book if you can't read until chapter 57, there are people that are paying for my privilege chapters and there are people that are paying to unlock my chapters daily, so if you want to hate, hate somewhere else man... It's not hard
Juwade, just chill out man😂😂... Just leave the reader, he probably just wants clout and is probably dissatisfied with his life or something else, to the point that he tries to find errors in every thing. By the way, for putting up a fight for me. I'll put your name or a name you want in my novel. It touched me honestly, thanks for the continuous support
why u so mad bro ?? if everyone is unlocking your chapter , its good , no need to delete my review, what will one bad review do??
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... Bruh wth, when did i ever delete your review, just stop lying man, your novel is still there. The only times I deleted a review was due to a mistake. If I wanted to delete reviews, do you think I wouldn't have deleted so many reviews by now... You know what, instead of hating all around, why don't you actually get up and work, since you have so much time to be hating on my book and other books. Go to the gym, or just run to clear your head, talk to good and intelligent people, who knows, maybe it might help you a lot. Also, find something else to do other than hating, it's not healthy.🙂