Review after 1st part of 2nd game ended NOTE: Don’t drop the novel if you are at the end of 1st game, you will be missing out big time! The good: - Lore, Grammar and Fighting descriptions are fantastic. - Amael character development is one of the best I have ever read about. Currently, he is my favorite MC in a novel here, as he is getting more “Protagonist Moments”. Don’t judge him for the first 100 chapters!!! - 2nd game have been full of tension & action between the Main Cast, which is fun and exciting to read and re-read. - John presence in the 2nd game is a mayor plus to the story. Hope he gets an even more relevant role. - Author has improved in what I think is the weakest part of the novel: World- building, Multiple POVs & Foreshadowing. The Not So good: - Villains, Antagonist and Special characters (like Nihil, Raphiel, 3rd goddess, Falkrona Family or Edenis Raphiel’s leaders) should have more “screen time”, even if they are not going to be directly addressed soon. The little cameos here and there add more expectancy to us readers than just mention them from the MC perspective. - At times, it feels like author doesn’t want to drag things more of what he has planned and sometimes that might leave plot holes (like not showing Behemoth’s reaction to Nora’s injuries in Dolphis, Ante Eden reaction to Manuel failing in Zestel or Iris project remaining an enigma) and this make [Event]s feel a tad rushed. - With how many things Sancta Vedelia has to explore and address, I’m not sure if 200 chapter will be enough. - The updating stability was on the slow side with only 1 novel. Now he is working on 2. But one shouldn’t mind waiting if the quality has been as good as the last chapters. One of my favorites books, deserve 5 stars: keep the good work author.
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LIKEyou should read the latest chapters whwere kleah is explained. aurora was married of to celeste allie kingdom ages agoi n chp 200, kleah is a special character tho and you need to read chp 300 too understand kleah.
There can’t be NTR if they are nothing. 2nd game heroines are far more interesting than 1st game
kleah is like an older sister to edward. you should continued you will like the second game. it was much better to the first.
you say "Don't judge for the first 100 chapters", then tell me why would someone read something that they don't like ,and push/tort*re themselves of their sanity? If it's not good at the start, then it doesn't matter how good it gets later on, no one, NOBODY, who has some semblance of personality and likes and dislikes,would continue the story.
So if the story doesn't keep you hooked for 20 or 30 chapters, that's not very good.
What am I then? A nobody 😔
I have respect for myself, you have no right to judge someone for reading what they enjoy. It would have been fine if you just said you don’t like this and why you don’t like it but instead you judge that “nobody with a personality would read this” you are outright shaming anyone who enjoys this novel… Not only that you are defaming me as a reader by saying I read anything without any dislikes or likes I am a picky reader I don’t just read anything
everyone has their own tastes but you can't just tell others what your opinion was on behalf of others. if you don't like it then don't read it and then speak out your mind if you want but don't be childish by saying everyone would be like you. on the other note if you tell us you are just saying what you think then don't use 'nobody with sanity' or other words that would make others think as if you were speaking out for other readers as well.
exactly "reading what they enjoy" nobody with sanity or self respect would.just got with the flow and read something they don't enjoy "just because it gets better"
bro you say everyone has their tastes but when did i object to that? when did I say that don't read something you find enjoyable ??? the whole point was the you would not continue to read a read story you don't like just on the premise of "it might get good" which if you don't understand also comes from others perspective and preferences , anybody with sanity would not read what they don't like
first you spoke as if you are speaking for other people and No, most people get back because they don't know whether the story might get better or not at later chapters which of spoke of as if we don't read them. people with sanity or patience or wanting to have a nice read are there but just don't know whether it gets better or not from the first few chapters so her where they ask for questions and get answers from the one who read to latest or to a certain extent. characters and story won't get better in just few chapters. the author might be getting adjusted at beginning and keeping the pace to make it better and better where you can't just decide in just few chs. so in the end speak out 'your' mind and get answers if you want to know and if you don't want to then don't.
don't mind letters missing, i typed in my sleepy state.